Pork Belly with Slow-Roasted Winter Vegetables and Apple and Sage sauce

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Make Pork Belly with Slow-Roasted Winter Vegetables and Apple and Sage sauce

Pork Belly with Slow-Roasted Winter Vegetables and Apple and Sage sauce

A fuss-free delicious Sunday roast with crispy crackling, the pork is so succulent and meltingly tender!  It is a perfect match for the winter vegetables and apple & sage sauce!

Serves 4
Preparation time:  10-15 minutes
Cooking time:  3 hours 30 minutes


1.2kg boned pork belly, rind scored
3 tsp sea salt flakes
1 tbsp white vinegar
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, quartered & cored
Handful fresh sage leaves 
1 onion, peeled & chopped
500ml alcoholic apple cider
4 small parsnips, peeled, trimmed & halved
1 bunch baby carrots, trimmed 
3 desiree potatoes, each cut into 6 wedges
½ bunch fresh thyme sprigs
12 garlic cloves (unpeeled)
1½ tbsp olive oil 
30g butter, melted
Sea salt & cracked black pepper
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard

Preparation method

1. Preheat oven to 160°C (140°C fan) Gas Mark 3. Rub scored rind of pork with vinegar and salt, massaging well. Place the apples, sage and onion into roasting dish and pour over cider. Place rack over apple mix and lay pork belly on top, skin side up. Roast for 3 hours. 

2.  After 1½ hours, spread parsnips, carrots, potatoes, thyme and garlic on baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and melted butter, season with salt and pepper to taste and toss well to combine. Place vegetables on lower rack of oven and cook with pork, tossing occasionally.  (if the cider sauce is evaporating too much add some water).

3.  After the 3 hours, increase temperature to 230°C (210°C fan) Gas Mark 8. Cook for a further 20 to 30 minutes until crackling is crispy and vegetables are golden.

4.  Remove from oven and place the vegetables in a dish and keep warm. Rest the pork on a board for 15 minutes. Remove the rack and mash apples with mustard using fork so that it comes together but is still chunky. Pour sauce into jug. (If your crackling is not crispy enough pop it under a grill on full heat, this will only take 2-3 minutes so keep an eye on it).

5.  To serve slice the pork into portions and serve with slow-roasted winter vegetables and apple sauce.  Enjoy!

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Sausages braised with Cider & Smoky Bacon

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Make Sausages braised with Cider & Smoky Bacon

Sausages braised with Cider & Smoky Bacon
A very simple but very delicious dish to make – pork and cider were made for each other!  This dish is best served with a hearty pile of mash!

Serves 4 or 2 if you like big portions
Preparation time:  5-10 minutes
Cooking time:  45 minutes


1 tbsp olive oil
8 pork sausages
6 rashers smoked streaky bacon, chopped
1 onion, peeled and sliced
1 tbsp plain flour
450ml cider
1 tsp Dijon mustard
a handful parsley, chopped
mashed potato, to serve

Preparation method

1. In a large frying pan or wok heat the olive oil.  Add the sausages and cook until they are browned all over and set aside.

2. Add the bacon and onion the pan and cook for 5-7 minutes, stir occasionally until golden.  Now add the flour and cook for a further minutes, then stir in the cider.  Bring to the boil and then simmer for 2 minutes, stir in the mustard.

3. Return the sausages back to the pan.  Simmer for 20-30 minutes until the sauce has thickened.  Sprinkle with parsley and serve with mash.

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Beef & Ale Casserole with Horseradish & Stilton Dumplings

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Make Beef & Ale Casserole with Horseradish & Stilton Dumplings

Beef & Ale Casserole with Horseradish & Stilton Dumplings
An extremely simple to make beef and ale casserole which is full of flavour!  The dumplings make this dish unique... this is a must try! 

Serves 4
Preparation time:  15 minutes
Cooking time:  2 hours 15 minutes


For the casserole:
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 large onions, thickly sliced
750g braising steak, cut into 2-3cm cubes
3 tbsp plain flour
Freshly ground pepper & salt
2 large carrots, peeled & sliced
2 tbsp demerara sugar
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree
550ml bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale

For the Dumplings:
200g self-raising flour
100g vegetable or beef suet
½ tsp salt
75g Stilton, crumbled
1 tbsp finely chopped parsley
1 tbsp hot horseradish (from a jar)
150ml water

To serve:
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
Steamed green vegetables

Preparation method

1.  Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas Mark 3.

2.  Heat the oil in a large casserole and add the onions, cook until they start to colour.  

3.  In a large bowl toss the beef in the flour and season well.  Add to the casserole (there is no need to brown the meat).  Now add all the remaining casserole ingredients and bring to the boil.  Cover with a lid and place in the oven for 1 ½ hours.

4.  In the meantime, make the dumplings.  In a large bowl, mix together the flour, suet and salt using your fingertips to break up the suet.  Now add the Stilton and the parsley.

5.  Combine the horseradish and the water together then place in the bowl.  Bring the mixture together with your hands until you have a dough consistency.  Then, using your hands roll the dough into 8-10 balls and set aside and cover.

6.  When the beef is soft and tender, season to taste.  Now drop the dumplings on top, cover with the lid and return to the oven for 30 minutes.

7.  Now that the dumplings have puffed up, remove the lid and raise the temperature to 180°C/Gas Mark 4.  Cook until the dumplings have developed a crust.  Scatter with parsley and serve on warm plates with steamed green vegetable, enjoy!

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Moules au Cidre (Mussels in Cider)

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Make Moules au Cidre (Mussels in Cider)

Moules au Cidre (Mussels in Cider)
An absolutely gorgeous starter - steamed mussels and cider are a perfect flavour combination!

Serves 4
Preparation time:  15 minutes
Cooking time:  25 minutes

1kg live mussels, scrubbed & de-bearded
500ml dry cider
6 shallots, finely chopped
6 tbsp double cream
Freshly ground pepper
Baguette, to serve

Preparation method

1.  Discard any mussels with broken shells or any that refuse to close when tapped.

2.  In a large pan pour the cider, add the shallots and season with pepper.  Bring to the boil for 2 minutes.

3.  Add the mussles to the pan and cover with a lid.  Cook on a high heat for about 5 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally until the shells have opened.

4.  Remove the mussels from the pan with a slotted spoon and keep warm.

5.  Strain the remaining liquid through a muslin-lined sieve into a saucepan.  Bring to a boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes or until it has reduced by half.  Stir in the cream and add the mussels and cook for 1 minute to reheat the shellfish.

6.  Serve immediately with a fresh baguette, enjoy!

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Double Chocolate Pancakes

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Make Double Chocolate Pancakes

Double Chocolate Pancakes
Everyone loves pancakes but these double chocolate pancakes are amazing!

Serves 4
Preparation time:  15 minutes (plus resting time)
Cooking time:  30 minutes


150g/5 ½ oz plain flour
Pinch of salt
250ml/9 fl oz milk
100ml/3 ½ fl oz water
1 large egg
2 tbsp melted butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tbsp single cream
butter, for greasing

For the filling:
140g/5 oz white chocolate, broken into small pieces
150ml/5 fl oz single cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
25g/1oz milk chocolate, roughly grated

Preparation method

1.  Sift the flour and salt into a large jug.  Add the milk, water, egg and butter and whisk until it is smooth.

2.  Pour 150ml of the batter into a jug and whisk in the cocoa powder and the cream.  Leave the 2 batters to stand for 15 minutes.

3.  Grease a frying pan and heat over a medium heat.  Pour the batter from the two separate jugs, swirl the two colours of batter together so it covers the pan with a thin layer of batter.

4.  Cook until the underside is golden, flip over with a palette knife and cook the other side until golden.

5.  Repeat this process, separate the pancakes with kitchen paper and keep warm.

6.  For the filling, place the white chocolate, cream and vanilla extract in a small saucepan and place over a low heat.  Stir until the chocolate has melted.

7.  Transfer the chocolate to small jug and pour a little onto each pancake.  Fold over, top with a sprinkling of grated chocolate and serve immediately with the remaining chocolate sauce on the side, enjoy!

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Chorizo & Prawn Risotto

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Make Chorizo & Prawn Risotto

Chorizo & Prawn Risotto
Chorizo and Prawns, a match made in heaven – this is comfort food at its best!

Serves 4
Preparation time:  15 minutes
Cooking time:  40-45 minutes


150g of Cherry tomatoes
Drizzle of olive oil
2 sticks of celery, finely chopped
1 red pepper, finely chopped
1 large onion, finely chopped
200g chorizo sausages, sliced and halved
1 tsp chilli flakes
275g risotto rice
Glass of white wine
1-1 ½ litres of chicken stock
pinch of saffron, infused in a 1 tbsp of warm water
200g uncooked king prawn
small handful of coriander leaves
knob of butter

Preparation method

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas Mark 6.  Place the cherry tomatoes on a roasting tray and drizzle with olive oil, roast for 35 minutes or until their skin has started to split and blacken.

2. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large frying or wok and add the onions, celery and red pepper.  Cook on a low heat for 4-5 minutes or until softened.  Add the chorizo and stir until you can really smell the smoky paprika of the meat and the oil has turned a rich burnt orange. Now add the chilli flakes and continue to stir and fry for 1 minute. Turn the heat up a little and add the rice, stirring until it turns opaque.

3. Add the wine and stir through. Then start adding the stock one spoonful at a time, stirring gently as you go. As each spoonful is absorbed, add another until the mixture is almost the consistency of rice pudding, but still with some bite to the rice. Pour in the saffron and its water and stir it in. When it’s all absorbed gently stir in the tomatoes, uncooked prawns and coriander leaves and continue stirring until the prawns turn pink.

4. Turn off the heat and grind over some black pepper, you can also mix in some butter at this point, cover and leave it to add more richness to the dish.

If you have any leftovers, you can eat this the next day by sprinkling with parmesan cheese and placing in the oven at 170C/Gas Mark 4 for 45 minutes, delicious!

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Spicy Prawn Noodles

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Make Spicy Prawn Noodles

Spicy Prawn Noodles
A delicious quick and easy mid-week meal with a kick!  
Serves 4
Prep time:  5 minutes
Cooking time:  10 minutes

500g/1lb 2oz medium egg noodles
2 tbsp sesame oil, plus extra for tossing the noodles
2 red chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
3cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
3 large garlic cloves, chopped
1 red pepper, de-seeded and thinly sliced
1 bunch of spring onions, thinly sliced on an angle
400g/14oz raw prawns, shelled
2 large or 3 small pak choi, shredded
2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
100ml/3½fl oz Chinese rice wine
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 lime, juice only

Preparation method

1.  In a large pan cook the noodles as per packet instructions, set aside and toss through a drizzle of oil to prevent them sticking.

2.  In a large frying pan or wok heat the sesame oil and then add the chillies, ginger and garlic and stir-fry for 30 seconds.  Now add the red pepper, spring onions and prawns.  Cook for 3-4 minutes or until the prawns turn pink.

3.  Now add the cooked noodles, pak choi, chilli sauce, rice wine, soy sauce and lime juice.  Stir-fry until the noodles are heated through and serve immediately, enjoy!

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