Next Up: Salami Bread

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Make Next Up: Salami Bread

Due to the holiday, the first of this week's two new videos won't be published until tomorrow. That's the bad news. The good news is you'll get to see what happens when I try to make pizza, and don't have all the necessary ingredients, but end up making something strange and wonderful anyway. Stay tuned!

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Yucatan-Style Grilled Pork – Surrounded on Three Sides by Flavor

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Make Yucatan-Style Grilled Pork – Surrounded on Three Sides by Flavor

If the early feedback from the YouTube channel is any indication, this may not actually be “Yucatan-style,” and I couldn’t be less surprised.  I did no real research into the traditional foods of the Yucatan peninsula, and based the name of this dish solely on a pork chop I once enjoyed at a sports bar.

They called it “Yucatan-style,” and it featured vibrant citrus/chile flavors, as well as a beautiful orange hue, which I figured out was from ground annatto. This is the signature ingredient in the famous braised pork dish, cochonita pibil, and can be found at any Latin market, or your larger, fancier grocery stores.

As I mention in the video, I think this easy marinade would work on all kinds of pork cuts, but the tenderloin is very user-friendly, and it’s mild flavor really takes to these ingredients. I think 4 to 6 hours is plenty of time to marinade the meat, but I’m guessing that overnight would probably be fine as well.

Once grilled, you have so many options for enjoying these. Sandwiches, salads, and tacos are all wonderful choices, and I’ve also heard from a reliable source that diced, they make for an epic pan of nachos. This weekend is the official start of summer grilling season, and what better way to kick it off than this tasty, possibly Yucatanian treat? I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 to 6 portions:
2 whole pork tenderloin, trimmed
2 oranges
2 or 3 lemons
2 or 3 limes
6 cloves minced garlic
1 rounded teaspoon annatto powder, plus more to sprinkle on before grilling
1 teaspoon chipotle powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil before grilling

- I garnished with cilantro, and pickled onions. To make your own, thinly slice some red onions, and cover them with red or white wine vinegar. Leave to soak for 4 hours or overnight, and that's it
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Asparagus and Eggs on Toast

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Make Asparagus and Eggs on Toast

Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |
dos almoços de domingo. dos sabores da estação. da simplicidade. é sobre isso. das combinações de sabores primaveris. da primavera que não se faz sentir. de mais uma aventura que se aproxima do seu fim. do descanso que aí vem. de uma outra aventura que se aproxima. de mais desafios. e de refeições simples. desta simplicidade.

about sunday lunches. about seasonal flavours. about simplicity. it's about that. matching spring flavours. of a spring that hasn't really showed up yet. of another adventure that comes to an end. of the well deserved rest. of another adventure that I'm about to embark upon. of some new challenges. and of simple meals. this simplicity.

Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |
Receita de Tosta de Espargos e Ovo 
para 2

Receitas simples tosta de espargos e ovo, num dia de primavera. Como adoro espargos, em tostas ou bagels como estes.


2 fatias de pão rústico, tostado
12 espargos
1 c. chá de azeite
1 dente de alho, finamente cortado
pitada de sal
2 ovos, "grelhados"
50 g queijo feta
folhas de manjericão
folhas de salsa

Começar por cortar fora a parte de baixo dos espargos, e cozinhar numa frigideira, em lume brando com azeite, o alho e uma pitada de sal até estarem tenros. Quando estiverem prontos, retirar e reservar.
Então 'grelhar' os ovos na mesma frigideira dos espargos, em lume brando até estarem no ponto (cerca de 2/3 minutos) e com uma pitada de sal.
Servir então uma fatia de pão rústico, com queijo feta, os espargos grelhados, o ovo e as ervas aromáticas - manjericão e salsa - grosseiramente picadas por cima.


Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |
Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |
Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |
Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |
Asparagus and Eggs on Toast 
serves 2

A simple asparagus and eggs on toast, on a spring day. I do love asparagus, on toast or on bagels like this one.


2 slices of rustic bread
12 asparagus
1 tsp. olive oil
1 garlic clove
pinch of salt
2 eggs, 'grilled'
50 g feta cheese
basil leaves
parsley leaves

Start by slicing off the end of asparagus, then cook the asparagus over low heat in a frying pan with some olive oil, garlic and a pinch of salt until tender (about 10 minutes). When ready, remove and set aside.
Then 'grill' the egg on the same frying pan, over low heat until on point (for about 2/3 minute) and add a pinch salt.
Serve the slice of rustic bread, with some feta cheese, grilled asparagus, eggs and roughly chopped herbs - basil and parsley.


Asparagus and Eggs on Toast |

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“Cheater” Demi Glace – Because Chicken + Beef = Veal

Learn how to do “Cheater” Demi Glace – Because Chicken + Beef = Veal for your friends and family. this revenue from “Cheater” Demi Glace – Because Chicken + Beef = Veal it is delicious

Make “Cheater” Demi Glace – Because Chicken + Beef = Veal

I received a lot of email after publishing our classic demi-glace video, but not the kind I was expecting. Instead of being showered with praise for finally granting this popular food wish, I was being chastised for posting a recipe that required veal bones.

This seemed a little unfair, since veal bones are sort of a key ingredient when making what’s basically a reduced veal stock. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I sometimes forget that people don’t live in restaurants, where things like veal knuckles are as ubiquitous as kale.

For your average home cook, veal bones can be expensive, and tricky to find. Plus, they come from baby cows, which many people are against harming. Nope, using adorable young calves is just not an option, although using the bones from ugly, fully-grown chickens is apparently fine.  

Anyway, possible hypocrisy aside, this alternative method worked amazingly well, and above and beyond the almost identical look and feel, the flavor was surprisingly close. This didn’t taste like chicken, or like beef, but was somewhere in the middle, which is basically how I’d describe the taste of veal. I really hope you give this cheaper, easier, and possibly more ethical version a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes about 2 quarts of “Cheater” Demi Glace:
5 pounds whole chicken wings
2 pounds beef shanks (about three 1-inch thick slices)
2 onions, chopped (including skins)
2 carrots, chopped
3 ribs celery, chopped
3 tablespoons tomato paste
6 quarts cold water
bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
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Steak Pauline (The Steak Formerly Known as Diane)

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Make Steak Pauline (The Steak Formerly Known as Diane)

As you may know, I haven’t posted for a while due to the sudden passing of my mother, Pauline. It’d been a tough few weeks, but she was the ultimate, “the show must go on” kind of lady, and so that’s what we’ll do. She had multiple surgeries in recent years that made it difficult, and often painful, to move around her kitchen. Despite this, she’d still somehow manage to bake a cake (or two), or make a big batch of cookies to bring to whatever family event she was attending.

While cooking and eating with family was her greatest joy, she also loved going to restaurants. Going out for dinner on Friday night was one of our great family traditions, and while I don’t remember having Steak Diane cooked table-side, this dish represents that bygone era for me. Looking back, I realize this weekly respite meant much more to her than just a short break from cooking and dishes.

Before I get into the recipe, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all the amazing thoughts and prayers I received during the last couple weeks. I’ve never met the vast majority of you, but nevertheless, it felt like I was hearing from hundreds of old friends, who somehow knew exactly what to say. There’s no easy way to lose someone you love, but your kind, comforting words, gave me strength.

With that in mind, I present this incredibly delicious, Steak Diane, which I’m hereby renaming Steak Pauline, in my mother’s honor. Of course, there’s no official way to do this, except to simply do it, and hope it catches on. Even if it doesn’t, at the very least, many years from now, while surfing the web, I’ll stumble across a recipe for it, and I’ll smile, thinking of her.

The procedure here is very straightforward, and relatively safe, except maybe for the exploding fireball step. As long as you turn off the flame, and keep your eyebrows at a safe distance while igniting the liquor, there shouldn’t be any real danger, and all those Oo’s and Ah’s are well worth the risk. Hey, that’s what insurance is for.

However, the pyrotechnics are very much for show, and if you’re concerned, you don't have to ignite the cognac. The alcohol will still evaporate as the sauce boils, and the end result will taste the same. By the way, even if you don’t ignite the pan with a lighter, it can still flame up when you turn up the heat to reduce, so you still need to be a little careful.

If you do decide to make this, I hope that above and beyond calling it “Steak Pauline,” you will also enjoy it surrounded by the people you love. While the flames in the pan eventually die out, the smiles they ignite, and the memories they produce, will be with you forever. I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 portions:

For the sauce mixture:
1 generous tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon tomato paste
pinch cayenne pepper
1/2 cup demi-glace (Or substitute 2 cups rich, low-sodium or salt-free chicken broth. It will take longer to reduce, but will still produce a great sauce. Just be careful with the salt.)

2 teaspoons vegetable oil
two (8-ounce) beef tenderloin steaks, fully trimmed, pounded to 1/2-inch thick (top sirloin will also work nicely here)
kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
3 tablespoons finely minced shallots
1/4 cup Cognac or brandy
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoon sliced fresh chives
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Black Beans and Couscous Burger

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Make Black Beans and Couscous Burger

Black Beans and Couscous Burger |
gosto de hambúrgueres. gosto muito de hambúrgueres. de hambúrgueres suculentos. gosto de almoços assim deliciosos. com comida 'fast food'. numa versão saudável. que enchem o olho só de olhar. gosto de experimentar estas combinações diferentes. da mistura dos sabores. de ir introduzindo ingredientes à receita. de aguardar o resultado final. gosto destas peripécias na cozinha. gosto quando um livro de culinária te inspira a descobrir novos sabores. gosto de hambúrgueres. e gosto muito de hambúrgueres de feijão preto e couscous.

I like burgers. I really like burgers. I like juicy burgers. I like delicious lunches like that. made of fast food. in a healthier version. that fills the eye bye just looking at it. I like to try different combinations. I like mixing flavours. introducing ingredients to the recipe. waiting for the final result. I like these adventures in the kitchen. I like when a cookbook inspires me to discover new flavours. I like burgers. and I really like black beans and couscous burgers.

Black Beans and Couscous Burger |
Receita de Hambúrgueres de Feijão Preto e Couscous
para 6

Uma Receita de Hambúrgueres de Feijão Preto e Couscous que é saudável e que pode ser vegan, bastando omitir o Molho de Queijo Quark.
Experimentem outros hambúrgueres, outras combinações tais como de grão-de-bico ou de batata doce. Sempre diferentes, de acordo com a estação do ano.


150 g feijão preto cru (300 g cozido)
1/2 cebola, cortada
2 dentes de alho, cortados
70 g couscous cru
100 g farinha de aveia
1/2 c. chá sementes de funcho
1/2 c. chá de sementes de cominhos
1/2 c. chá sal
2 c. sopa de azeite

O primeiro passo é preparar o feijão preto. Deixar em água cerca de 12 horas. Depois levar a cozer em água abundante e com uma pitada de sal. Deixar levantar fervura e depois deixar a cozer em lume brando por cerca de 1 hora. A minha estimativa deu 100 g feijão frade cru, iguala 300 g de feijão preto cozido. Reservar e deixar arrefecer completamente.
O segundo passo é preparar o couscous, conforme indicado na embalagem. No meu caso, juntar numa taça, 1 porção de couscous (70 g), adicionar 1 porção igual de água a ferver e uma pitada de sal. Deixar repousar durante 3 minutos, findo os quais se deve mexer com um garfo até ficar uma mistura solta. Reservar.
Começar por colocar num processador de cozinha, o feijão preto, com a cebola, o alho, o couscous, a farinha de aveia, o azeite e os temperos. Deixar triturar até ter uma pasta relativamente homogénea. Rectificar os temperos se necessário.
Moldar então com as mãos em 6 hambúrgueres iguais e deixar repousar no frigorífico durante 1 hora.
Ao final dessa hora, estão prontos a grelhar (ou a congelar).
Grelhar numa frigideira levemente untada com azeite em lume médio durante cerca 4 minutos de cada lado.

ingredientes (molho de queijo quark):
para 3

150 g queijo quark
2 dentes de alho, finamente picados
1 c. chá de ervas secas (mistura)
pitada de sal

Misturar todos os ingredientes numa taça e misturar bem. Reservar até que esteja pronto para servir.

Servir os hambúrgueres de feijão preto e couscous, num pão de sementes tostado, com molho de queijo quark, folhas de rúcula, tomate e folhas de manjericão.


Black Beans and Couscous Burger |
Black Beans and Couscous Burger |
Black Beans and Couscous Burger |
Black Beans and Couscous Burger |
Black Beans and Couscous Burger Recipe
makes 6

A Recipe for Black Beans and Couscous Burgers that is healthy and can also be made vegan, just have to omit the Quark Cheese Sauce.
Try different combinations, like this chickpeas burger or sweet potato burger. Always different, according to the season of the year.


150 g black beans raw (300 g cooked)
1/2 onion
2 garlic cloves
70 g couscous raw
100 g oat flour
1/2 tsp. fennel seeds
1/2 tsp. cumin seeds
1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 tbsp. olive oil

The first step is to prepare the black beans. Leave in water for about 12 hours. Then cook in a saucepan with plentiful of water and pinch of salt. Let it boil and then simmering in low heat for about 1 hour. My tip is, 100 g of uncooked black eyed peas, equals 300 g of cooked black beans. Allow it to cool down and set aside.
The second step it to prepare the couscous according to directions in the package. In my case, in a bowl, add a portion of couscous (70 g), add an equal portion of boiling water and a pinch of salt. Let it stand for 3 minutes and then stir with a fork until a loose mixture. Set aside.
In a food processor place the black beans, onion, garlic cloves, couscous, oat flour, olive oil and seasonings. Grind until you have a homogeneous paste. Season again if needed.
Shape into 6 equals burgers and allow it to chill for 1 hour in the fridge.
After that they are ready to cook (or to freeze).
Grill on a lightly greased skillet over medium heat for about 4 minutes on each side.

ingredients (quark cheese sauce):
serves 3

150 g quark cheese
2 garlic cloves, finely grated
1 tsp. mixed dried herbs
pinch salt

Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl to blend well. Set aside until ready to serve.

Serve the black beans and couscous burgers on a toasted seeds bread with some quark cheese, wild rocket leaves, tomato and basil leaves.


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Bangers and Mash with Roast Onion & Red Wine Gravy

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Make Bangers and Mash with Roast Onion & Red Wine Gravy

Bangers and Mash with Roast Onion & Red Wine Gravy
This is comfort food at its best! This dish is full of flavour, you will make this time after time.

Serves 4
Prep time:  15 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour

3 tbsp Olive oil
12-16 good quality sausages
3 large onions, peeled & sliced
4 garlic cloves, peeled
3 sprigs of thyme
Freshly ground salt & pepper
2 x sachets of Just Add Wine* or 350ml red wine
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp Dijon mustard
500ml good beef stock

For the mash
1.5kg potatoes, peeled and chopped into quarters
150ml milk
Freshly ground nutmeg
50g butter
Sea salt


1.   Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6.

2.  For the bangers, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a roasting tray on the hob and add the sausages, brown them all over.  Add the onions, garlic, thyme, and a splash of olive oil then sit the sausages on top.  Season with salt & pepper.

3.  Place in the oven for 45 minutes, occasionally turn the sausages and onions.

4.  Remove the sausages from the oven and place the sausages in a warm place whilst you make the gravy.

5.  Remove the thyme and garlic a place the oven tray over a high heat and add the sugar and mustard, mix until the sugar dissolves.  Pour in the Just Add Wine* sachets or red wine and bring to the boil then simmer. 

6.  Pour in the stock and bring to the boil and simmer until it has reduced by a third and you have rich and full flavoured gravy.  Season to taste.

7.  For the mash, place the potatoes into a large pan filled with cold water and a good pinch of salt.  Bring the pan to the boil and cook for 20-25 minutes or until tender.

8.  In the meantime, warm the milk and grate in the nutmeg.

9.  Drain the potatoes and set aside for a few minutes to let them dry, mash with a potato masher or ricer until smooth.

10.  Beat in the milk and butter until you have a creamy mash.

11.  Divide the mash between four warmed plates, share out the sausages and spoon over the gravy and onions.  Enjoy!

 *  “Just Add Wine” is a sachet which is the equivalent of 175ml red wine.  You can purchase Just Add Wine at Sainsbury’s or online at A definite must have for every store cupboard.

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Spicy Chorizo Penne

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Make Spicy Chorizo Penne

Spicy Chorizo Penne
This is a very quick and easy to make pasta dish with chorizo, tomatoes, “just add wine*”, chillies & garlic... delicious!

Serves 4
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes

1 tbsp olive oil
300g chorizo, sliced
3-4 kashmiri chillies
3 cloves of garlic, peeled
1 x sachet of “Just add Wine”* or 175ml red wine
1 x 400g tinned chopped tomatoes
2 tsp caster sugar
200ml crème fraiche
Bunch of fresh basil, torn
Freshly ground salt & pepper
400g oz penne pasta
Parmesan cheese to serve


1.  Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok and fry the chorizo for 2-3 minutes.

2.  Meanwhile blitz the chillies and garlic in a blender and add to the chorizo, fry for 1-2 minutes.  Add a sachet of “just add wine*” and then add the tomatoes and sugar and bring to the boil, simmer for 10 minutes.

3.  In the meantime cook the penne as per packet instructions, drain and set aside.

4.  Add the crème fraiche and basil to the chorizo and stir until all mixed through.  Season to taste and add the penne and stir until fully coated.

5.  Divide the pasta between four plates and serve with a sprinkling of parmesan.  Enjoy!

·       *  “Just Add Wine” is a sachet which is the equivalent of 175ml red wine.  You can purchase Just Add Wine at Sainsbury’s or online at A definite must have for every store cupboard.
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Lavender Honey Granola

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Make Lavender Honey Granola

Lavender Honey Granola |
granola caseira. granola para o pequeno-almoço. o meu pequeno-almoço favorito. as combinações infindáveis. os sabores a descobrir também. gosto de saborear com fruta fresca. sobretudo na primavera. e em dias vagarosos. um pequeno-almoço ainda na cama. com o aroma da granola. e se for de alfazema, tanto melhor. despertar os sentidos logo pela manhã. sem pressas. afazeres há muitos, mas estes pequenos prazeres devem ser aproveitados. saboreados com calma. saborear a textura crocante da granola. e começar o dia da melhor maneira.

homemade granola. granola for breakfast. my favourite kind of breakfast. multiple combinations. many flavours to try. I like mine with fresh fruit. especially in spring. on some lazy mornings. breakfast in bed. with the flavour of fresh granola. and if it's lavender, even better. delight the senses first thing in the morning.without rushing. too many tasks, but these little pleasures should be enjoyed. enjoyed calmly. tasting the crunchy texture of granola. and starting the day the best way possible.
Lavender Honey Granola |

Granola de Mel e Alfazema
para uma grande uma porção

Uma receita de granola de mel e o sabor da alfazema. No meio de tantas receitas de granola que há aqui no blogue, desde a original até à granola de cardamomo, passando pela granola de nozes e coco.
Uma receita de granola simples, saudável, com muito mel e no final com um toque de sabor a alfazema, que não vai ao forno para não perder o seu sabor quando é cozinhada.

ingredientes (chávena de 250 ml):

3 chávenas de flocos de aveia
1 chávena de nozes (cerca de 100 g)
1 chávena de mistura sementes (abóbora, linhaça e girassol - cerca de 100 g)
1 chávena de mel (cerca de 200 g)
2 c. sopa de azeite
1/2 c. chá sal fino
2 c. chá alfazema, triturada

Primeiro misturar o mel, o óleo e o sal num tacho e levar a lume médio para dissolver. Enquanto isso numa taça misturar os flocos de aveia, a noz e a mistura de sementes. Então verter o preparado de mel sobre a mistura de aveia e envolver tudo muito bem.
Despejar agora a mistura num tabuleiro previamente forrado com papel vegetal (usei 2 tabuleiros, para a mistura ficar solta!) e levar ao forno previamente aquecido a 175 C durante 15-20 minutos. Ir mexendo a mistura com uma colher-de-pau enquanto está no forno para não colar.
Quando estiver pronta, retirar do forno, adicionar e envolver a alfazema na granola.
Deixar arrefecer e guardar num recipiente hermético para preservar a textura crocante.


Lavender Honey Granola |
Lavender Honey Granola |
Lavender Honey Granola |
Lavender Honey Granola
for a big portion

A honey granola recipe with a hint of lavender. Just one more in the middle of so many other granola recipes on the blog, from the original to cardamom granola to the walnuts and coconut granola.
A simple, healthy granola recipe, with loads of honey and a touch of lavender flavour, that won't be cooked in the oven so it won't loose it's flavour properties.

ingredients (1 cup of 250 ml):

3 cups of porridge oats
1 cup of walnut (around 100 g)
1 cup of seeds mixture (flax, sunflower & pumpkin - around 100 g)
1 cup of honey (around 200 g)
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. table salt
2 tsp. dried grounded lavender 

First mix the honey, olive oil and salt in a saucepan and bring to medium heat to dissolve. Meanwhile on a bowl mix the porridge oats, walnut flakes and seeds' mixture. Then pour the honey mixture into the oats and involve well.
Now pour the mixture into a tray previously lined with baking paper (used 2 trays) and bake in a preheated oven at 175 º C degrees for 15-20 minutes. Keep stirring it with a wooden spoon to keep the granola loose.
When ready, remove from oven, add and involve the lavender in the granola.
Allow it to cool down and place it in a hermetic recipient to preserve the crunchy texture.


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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!