Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See?

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Entre melhores amigos há descoberta das surpresas de Antuérpia, a portuária cidade no norte da Bélgica, capital da Flandres e dos diamantes, lugar de uma das mais bonitas estações de caminhos-de-ferro e de um bairro de arquitectura belle époque.

O pulso da cidade faz-se sentir desde o boémio red light disctrict com todas as suas excentricidades e pela vida agitada de uma cidade que tem a bicicleta como o meio de transporte favorito. Faz-se sentir numa pausa para cappuccino no Normo Coffeebar, num almoço no simpático Jam., com a melhor sandes de hummus ou um bagel e limonada na esplanada do colorido Barnini, nesses belos dias de primavera.
Faz-se sentir ao percorrer, no quarteirão da moda a sul da cidade, a estreita e arborizada Nationalestraat, de belos edifícios e eléctricos, onde se encontram a Royal Academy of Fine Arts e a Boutique de Dries Van Noten e que desagua na Marnixplaats, repleta de bares e cafés onde o Buchbar é uma escolha óbvia pela sua simplicidade ou o Vitrin Café para um brunch de domingo.
Faz-se sentir ao contemplar a Grote Markt e seus edifícios do século XVI, ao calcorrear as ruas estreitas que envolvem a imponente catedral e também naquele momento que entre melhores amigos nos sentimos como em casa e deliciamos num qualquer bar com duas típicas formas de ser belga, a beber cerveja e comer batatas fritas.

Among best friends discovering the surprises of Antwerp, a port city in northern Belgium, the capital of Flandres and diamonds, place of one of the most beautiful train station and a belle époque architecture neighbourhood.
You can feel the pulse of the city on it's bohemian red light district with all its eccentricities and on it's busy lifestyle of a city that has the bicycle as their favourite for of transport. You can feel it when on a break for a cappuccino at Normo Coffeebar, on a lunch at the friendly Jam., that has the best hummus sandwich or when stopping for a bagel and a lemonade on the terrace of the colourful Barnini, on those lovely spring days.
You can feel it when strolling around the fashion quarter in the south of the city, in the narrow and tree lined Nationalestraat, of beautiful buildings and electric cars, where is the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Dries Van Noten Boutique, that it will guide you to Marnixplaats, full of bars and cafes where buchbar is an obvious choice for is simplicity or the Vitrin Café for a sunday brunch.
You can feel it when contemplating Grote Mark and is sixteenth century buildings, when wandering around the narrow streets around the Cathedral and also in that moment when between best friends, we feel just like at home and we delight in a random bar in two typical ways of being Belgian, drinking beer and eating chips.

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |
a ver // to see

~ ModeNatie
~ Stadsschouwburg
~ Boerentoren
~ Sint-Annatunnel
~ Steenplein
~ Grote Markt
~ Groenplaats
~ Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk
~ Vrijdagmarkt
~ Graanmarkt 
~ Rubenshuis
~ Royal Academy of Fine Arts

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |
a explorar // to explore

~ Old Town
~ Sint-Andries & Zuid
~ Zurenborg
~ Universiteitsbuurt
~ Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal
~ Museum aan de Stroom (MAS)
~ Dries Van Noten (Shop)
~ Meir
~ Red Light District (Schipperskwartier)
~ Graanmarkt (Sunday Market)

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |
Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |
a tirar fotografias // to take pictures

~ Centraal Station
~ Boerentoren
~ Grote Markt
~ Nationalestraat
~ ModeNatie
~ Trams & Bikes
~ Wolstraat
~ Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |

Antwerp Film Travel Guide - What To See? |
a percorrer // to walk

~ Meir
~ Nationalestraat & Volkstraat
~ Marnixplaats
~ Zurenborg
~ Wolstraat
~ Minderbroedersrui
~ Hoogstraat

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