Next Up: Chicken Nuggets!

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Make Next Up: Chicken Nuggets!

Due to loud, non-rhythmic pounding from a construction project next door, today's video, featuring a Super Bowl party-inspired chicken nugget, will be delayed until later this evening, or tomorrow morning. I hope/predict it will be worth the wait. Stay tuned! 

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Sloppy Dip – G.I. Joe (Generally Inspired-By)

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Make Sloppy Dip – G.I. Joe (Generally Inspired-By)

Don’t let the catchy name fool you; this sloppy Joe-inspired dip really shouldn’t cause that big a mess at your Super Bowl party, just as long as your guests aren’t too sloppy themselves. You can test them by having them pronounce, “sloppy dip.” If they say it more like, “shloppy dip,” cut them off.

For me this checks all the boxes for a hot party dip. It’s relatively cheap, and easy to make, but maybe more importantly, it’s great hot, warm, or room temp. It’s also incredibly versatile, and I can think of about two-dozen things off the top of my head that would be great in this.

Like I said in the video, you don’t have to present this as a baked dip. You can just leave it on the stove, on low, for guests to dip into. People are always hanging out in that area anyway. Otherwise, you can broil it in any oven-safe casserole dish, or do it in a sauce pan like I did, which can also be kept on low heat after browning the cheese. No matter how you serve it, I hope you give this great, and sloppy dip a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 12 portions of Sloppy Dip:  
2 pound extra lean ground beef
1 onion, diced
2 diced green bell pepper (1 cup)
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons brown sugar
cayenne to taste
1 cup ketchup
2 cups chicken broth or water
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
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Rosemary Tangerine Scones

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Make Rosemary Tangerine Scones

Rosemary Tangerine Scones |

Dias de inverno frios e claros. Quando o Sol está a brilhar. Quando o Sol de meio da tarde é apenas o suficiente para te convidar a sentar lá fora, a beber um café e a aproveitar o calor com aqueles que importam. Estes têm sido os dias em Portugal até agora. Oposto ao dia de hoje que está a chover. O típico dia de inverno português a que estou acostumado. Dias chuvosos. Chove tanto no Inverno em Portugal que só dá vontade de querer ficar dentro de casa e fazer scones.
Embora estes tenham sido feitos numa dessas tardes solarengas e quentes. Chegar a casa para amassar a massa é algo tão reconfortante. Mal consigo explicar, mas é algo que eu realmente gosto. Tenho estado a pensar em scones há já algum tempo. Esta foi a perfeita ocasião para degustar scones com curd de laranja. Porque neste Inverno tem sido uma enchente de citrinos que tenho estado a aproveitar de todas as maneiras que conseguir. Por isso fiz scones. A desculpa perfeita para combinar scones com curd de laranja. Melhor ainda no dia seguinte ao pequeno-almoço. Sem confusões apenas aproveitando.

Clear, crisp and cold winter days. When the sun is shining. When the mid-afternoon sun is just enough to make you sit outdoors, drink some coffee and enjoy the warmth with the ones you care about. Those have been the days in Portugal so far. Opposite to today where is pouring rain. The kind of Portuguese winter days that I am used to. Rainy days. It rains so much in winter that just makes you wanna stay inside and bake scones. Although these ones where baked after those warm and sunny afternoons. Coming home to knead some flour is such a good thing. I can barely explain but something I do really enjoy. I have been thinking about scones for quite a while. Now was the perfect occasion to share some at home with some orange curd. Because this winter I have had so much citrus fruit that I have been eating them as much as I can. So scones it was. A perfect excuse to match scones with citrus fruit. Even better next morning for breakfast. No fuss just enjoyable.
Rosemary Tangerine Scones |
Rosemary Tangerine Scones |
Rosemary Tangerine Scones |
Rosemary Tangerine Scones |

Scones de Alecrim e Tangerina

faz 8


450 gramas de farinha trigo integral
3 c. de chá de fermento
1 c. de sopa de açúcar
60 gramas de manteiga sem sal
2 c. sopa de alecrim fresco, finamente picado
2 tangerinas, apenas a raspa
250 ml leite

ingredientes (cobertura):

leite, q.b.
1 c. sopa de alecrim, grosseiramente picado
1 c. sopa de raspa de tangerina
1 c. chá sementes de papoila

Primeiro pré-aquecer o forno a 220º C.
Numa taça amassar muito bem a farinha, o fermento, o açúcar e a manteiga (a temperatura ambiente). Adicionar então o alecrim e a raspa de tangerina e amassar. Depois abrir um sulco na mistura, deitar o leite e misturar até a massa apresentar uma textura homogénea.
Agora por a massa numa superfície enfarinhada, estendê-la numa forma arredondada e cortar os scones em triângulos como na imagem e com 1 cm de altura.
Pincelar então com leite e polvilhar os scones com o alecrim, a raspa de tangerina e com a sementes de papoila.
Levar ao forno bem quente, a 220º graus durante 15 minutos. 

Servir com iogurte e curd de laranja.


Rosemary Tangerine Scones |
Rosemary Tangerine Scones |
Rosemary Tangerine Scones |
Rosemary Tangerine Scones
makes 8


450 g white plain flour
3 tsp of baking powder
1 tbsp of sugar
60 g unsalted butter
2 tbsp. fresh rosemary, finelly chopped
2 tangerines, zest only
250 ml milk

topping ingredients:

1 tbsp. fresh rosemary, roughly chopped
1 tbsp. tangerine zest
1 tsp. poppy seeds

Start by preheating the oven to 220 º C.
In a bowl mix very well the flour, the baking powder, the sugar and the butter (at room temperature). The add the rosemary and tangerine zest. After opening a furrow in the mixture, pour the milk and mix until the dough have an homogeneous texture.
Now put the dough in a floured surface, extend it in a round shape and cut the scones in a triangele shape, just like the ones in the photo. Should be 1 cm tall.
Place them in a baking tray, brush with milk and sprinkle with rosemary, tangerine zest and poppy seeds.
Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 220º Celsius degrees.

Serve with yoghurt and orange curd.

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Spanish Farro – An Ancient Recipe for an Ancient Grain

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Make Spanish Farro – An Ancient Recipe for an Ancient Grain

Spanish rice was one of the first recipes I made for my parents after returning home from my first semester at culinary school. Ironically, I didn’t learn the recipe in class, but rather at a Mexican restaurant I worked at part-time.

I don’t remember much from that job, or decade, but I’ll never forget how that rice was put together, and that’s exactly how we’re doing it here – except for one minor detail. We’re not using rice.  

I really love farro, and have used it in various rice preparations, always with great results. This was no exception, and maybe my favorite so far. This larger, meatier, “ancient” grain pairs perfect with the spices, and I find it even easier to cook perfectly than rice.

If you don’t have a pan like the one used in the video, simply prepare everything in a skillet. Once your broth starts to boil, transfer it into a 2-quart casserole dish, wrap with foil, and proceed as directed. Either way, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!  

Ingredients for 6 portions:
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup finely diced onions
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons ancho chili powder, or other dried, ground chili
1 teaspoon chipotle
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1 cup “pearled” farro, rinsed, drained well
2 cups chicken broth

- Bake at 350 F for 50-60 minutes, or until farro is just tender
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The Cuban Sandwich – Hold the Mojo

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Make The Cuban Sandwich – Hold the Mojo

I don’t do a lot of sandwich videos, which is a shame, since the blog posts are pretty easy to write. Anyway, as promised during the last bread video, here’s how I like to build a Cuban, or Cubano sandwich.

From the early, non-troll feedback, I hear we did a pretty good job, except apparently I was supposed to serve some mojo sauce as a condiment. We did a beef mojo, which would not be great in this, but I don’t think we’ve ever filmed the sauce. Consider it on the list.

Slices of citrus-roasted pork seem to be very common in the sandwich, but I prefer more of a pulled pork. I used our paper pork recipe, which was great, but carnitas, generously moistened with some of its ownfat, would also work quite well. 

I've always assumed that day-old bread was perfect for grilled sandwiches, but I've heard that real Cubans are made on fresh bread, and that people who use stale are crazy. What say you? Regardless of how fresh your bread is, I really hope you give this Cuban sandwich a try soon. Enjoy!

There are no amounts given, since you are the Mark of your Cuban, and fully capable of deciding how much “stuff” to use. Good luck!
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Cuban Bread – Commence Operation Cubano Sandwich

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Make Cuban Bread – Commence Operation Cubano Sandwich

I didn’t think I liked Cuban sandwiches, and even went so far as to publicly call them overrated, but it turns out I was eating them on the wrong bread. 

You can’t just use any old sandwich roll, and this fact was lost on me until I had one on the real deal. Shortly after finishing, I recanted every negative comment I’d previously made.

By the way, if you’ve never heard of a Cuban sandwich, stay tuned, because that will be the star of our next video. If you want to get a head start, besides practicing the bread, you’ll need some type of roasted, or pulled pork; and I’m happy to report we have many recipes that would work, including our famous paper pork, pulled pork, or carnitas.

One thing that makes this bread unique, besides the addition of lard, is the double-hit of yeast. We use dry yeast to start the dough, as usual, but also add a starter that we let ferment overnight. I assume that’s to provide a little extra flavor, as well as a some additional lift, but I didn’t want to do too much research, since I do enjoy a little mystery with these types of things.

Traditionally, some of the starter is saved, with a little fresh water and flour added, and kept in the fridge to make more bread. Not a bad idea, otherwise you can probably just add all of it to the dough. You’ll probably need a bit more flour, but as I stressed in the video, we’re going to be feeling for that anyway. So, stay tuned for the Cubano sandwich video, and in the meantime, I really hope you givethis bread a try soon. Enjoy!

For the starter:
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon dry active yeast
- mix well and refrigerate overnight

For the dough:
1 package active dry yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
3/4 cup warm water
- mix and let stand 15 minutes
- add starter from day before (reserve 1/4 cup if you want to keep your starter going), plus:
3 tablespoons lard
2 teaspoons fine salt
about 3 cups flour, or as needed (I used 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
and 1 1/2 cups bread flour)
water to spray tops of loaves
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Next Up: A Very Special Bread

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Make Next Up: A Very Special Bread

Another long, holiday weekend has come and gone; and so another Tuesday video won't be posted until Wednesday. Hopefully it will be worth the brief wait. Stay tuned! 

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Pâté de Campagne – Finally, Something Complicated

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Make Pâté de Campagne – Finally, Something Complicated

Every once in a while, I get a food wish that has nothing to do with a specific recipe, but rather it’s a request to post something complicated, and challenging to do. Well, this country-style pâté is about as close as we’re going to get.

Calling this recipe complicated is sort of a stretch; "involved” would probably be more accurate. There are many steps, and the ingredient list isn’t short, but none of the techniques are very difficult, or particularly time-consuming.

Coarsely grinding the meat is probably the most crucial step, but as you saw, if the meat is very cold, the attachment on your stand mixer will do an adequate job. If you don’t have one, you can pulse on and off in a food processor, and as long as your meat was partially frozen, this will work.

Another option is just to place your meat order with a real butcher, and ask them to coarsely grind it all together for you, after which you can simply process the rest of your ingredients, and add them to your already ground meat and fat. Speaking of fat, I used some chopped up bacon, but virtually any kind of pork fat will work. 

If you do use bacon, either in the pâté, or to wrap with, I suggest using one that’s lightly smoked, so as not to overpower the rest of the flavors. Anyway, I realize this may seem like quite a production, but if you enjoy charcuterie, this would make for a very fun, beautiful, and quite delicious project. I hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for one Pâté de Campagne (16 portions):
1 1/4 pounds boneless pork shoulder (aka “pork butt”), cut into one-inch cubes
6 ounces duck leg meat (meat removed from 2 or 3 legs)
4 ounces fatty bacon, chopped
4 ounces chicken livers, roughly chopped
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 shallot, thinly sliced
4 cloves minced garlic
1/3 cup chopped Italian parsley
25 grams kosher salt (about 5 teaspoons)
1/8 teaspoon “instacure” pink curing salt
3/4 teaspoon *pate spice mix
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup cognac or brandy
1/3 cup plain dry bread crumbs
2 large eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup dried cherries, optional
1/2 cup pistachios, optional
8-10 sliced of bacon, or a few sheets of caul fat to line the **mold

* For the Pâté Spice:
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

** My bread pan was a little smaller than standard, but a regular 9 x 5 inch loaf pan should work perfectly here.

-- Cook in water bath at 350 F. until internal temp of 155 F. 
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Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka

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Make Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka

Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka |

A primeira receita do ano. Neste caso, canela e avelãs fazem as honras. Sempre fazem. Uma combinação de dois dos meus sabores favoritos. Numa receita que é perfeita para o Natal. Um pão doce judeu com camadas de canela e pedaços crocantes de avelã. Uma boa idea para um pequeno-almoço de domingo. Um perfeito sábado à noite, na cozinha, a assar pão. Misturar os ingredientes e esperar que a massa cresça. Pode não ser o ideal para toda gente mas com certeza é o meu. E é também o meu ideal de pequeno-almoço de domingo, quando brunch não é uma opção.

The first recipe of the year. In this case, cinnamon and hazelnuts will do it for me. It always does. A combination of two of my favourite flavours. In a recipe that is perfect for winter. A Jewish sweet bread with layers of cinnamon and crunchy hazelnut. A good idea for sunday breakfast. A perfect saturday night, in the kitchen, baking a bread. Mixing the ingredients and waiting for the dough to rise. Mine not be everyone's cup of tea but sure is mine. And also my kinda of sunday breakfast when brunch is not an option.

Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka |
Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka |
Babka de Canela e Avelã
faz 2 babkas

Uma receita retirada integralmente da Revista Jarry, número 2. Uma revista interessante e uma receita ainda melhor, pois não só explica passo a passo como recriar em casa mas também a origem deste pão doce judeu (Babka) na Europa de Leste. Além disso dão várias sugestões para o recheio, tais como Maracujá-Chocolate ou Churro, mas eu prefiro canela e avelã.

ingredientes (massa):

235 ml leite, morno
1 saqueta de fermento seco (7 g)
100 açúcar + 1 c. chá de açúcar
3 ovos
600 g farinha
1 c. chá sal
113 g manteiga, aos cubos e temperatura ambiente

ingredientes para o recheio:

150 g manteiga, temperatura ambiente
300 g açúcar
6 c. chá canela
200 g avelãs, grosseiramente picadas

Começar por misturar numa taça grande, misturar o leite, o fermento e a 1 colher de chá de açúcar. Deixar repousar durante cerca de 10 minutos até o fermento começar a borbulhar. Adicionar então o restante açúcar e os 3 ovos e misturar bem até ficar uma mistura consistente. Então envolver aos poucos a farinha e o sal até ficar uma massa relativamente pegajosa e mole. Adicionar por fim a manteiga aos poucos, até a massa ficar 'cremosa' (amassar por cerca de 5 minutos). Envolver em farinha, colocar numa taça, cobrir com um pano de cozinha e deixar a repousar até dobrar em tamanho, cerca de uma hora.
Preparar então o recheio, misturando a manteiga, o açúcar e canela numa taça e reservar de lado até necessário.
Ao fim de uma hora dividir a massa e duas bolas.
Numa superfície enfarinhada estender cada bola até ficar numa quadrado de 30 cm x 30 cm (cerca de 0,5 cm espessura). Espalhar metade do recheio de canela por toda a superfície da massa e adicionar 100 g de avelãs. 
Então começando numa ponta, começar a enrolar e deixar ficar bem apertado. Cortar então longitudinalmente, deixando apenas 1 cm ligado no topo. Entrelaçar então as duas metades e apertando firmemente no final para ficar selado. Com cuidado passar a massa para uma forma (23 cm x 13 cm) previamente forrada a papel vegetal. [Repetir o processo para a outra bola de massa - para preparar a segunda babka].
Cobrir com um pano de cozinha e deixar num local quente por cerca de mais 1 hora.
Findo a hora, pincelar a massa com 1 ovo ligeiramente batido e levar ao forno previamente aquecido a 175 º C, durante 40-45 minutos até estar bem dourado.

Servir simples ou acompanhado de iogurte grego, mel e sementes de abóbora.


Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka |
Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka |
Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka
makes 2

A recipe taken out of Jarry Magazine issue 2. A quite interesting magazine and a recipe that's even better, as not only tells you how to recreate the recipe at home but also let's you know the story of this Eastern European Jewish sweet bread (Babka). On top of that also gives you plenty of amazing filling suggestions like Chocolate-Passion Fruit or Churro, but I prefer cinnamon and hazelnut

ingredients (dough):

235 ml milk, slightly warm
1 sachet active dry yeast (7 g)
100 g sugar + 1 tsp sugar
3 eggs
600 g flour
1 tsp. salt
113 g unsalted butter, room temperature and cubed

ingredients (cinnamon-hazelnut filling)

150 g unsalted butter, room temperature
300 g sugar
6 tsp. grounded cinnamon
200 g hazelnuts, grossly chopped

Start by combining the milk, dry east and 1 tsp. sugar in a large mixing bow. Let stand until the yeast begins to foam, about 10 minutes. Add the remaining sugar and 3 eggs and mix well until the mixture is consistent. Slowly stir in the flour and salt until a tacky dough forms. Add the butter, a little at a time, and knead for about 5 minutes until smooth (but still tacky). Involve in flour and place in a greased bowl, cover with a kitchen town and allow it to rise in a warm place until doubled in size, for about 1 hour.
Then prepare the filling, mixing the butter in a bowl with sugar and cinnamon and setting aside.
After one hour, divide the dough into two balls.
On a lightly floured surface, roll 1 ball into a 30 cm x 30 cm square (about 0,5 cm thick). Spread the entire surface with half of the cinnamon mixture and scatter 100 g of hazelnuts over the top.
Then starting on one of the sides, roll the dough up into a tight log. Slice the dough in half lengthwise, but leaving 1 cm of dough connected on the top. Twist the two strands together and seal the cut ends by pinching them together. Carefully place in a loaf pan (23 cm x 13 cm) lined with baking paper. [Repeat the process for the other dough - to make a second babka].
Cover with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for about 1 hour.
After the 1 hour, brush the dough with a slightly beaten egg and place in a preheated oven at 175 º C for 40-45 minutes until golden brown.

Serve simple or topped with greek yoghurt, honey and pumpkin seeds.


Cinnamon Hazelnut Babka |

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Charred Broccoli Beef – Broccoli Week Continues

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Make Charred Broccoli Beef – Broccoli Week Continues

I saw a charred broccoli salad online somewhere recently, and for whatever reason I had the idea to try the same technique for a fairly classic version of broccoli beef. Getting to burn food on purpose is always fun, and in addition to adding a whole extra layer of flavor, I love how this looks.

There’s never been a pretty broccoli beef, but I’d say this is at least handsome, and to make it even more attractive, feel free to double the sauce. The amounts below make just enough to glaze, plus a few extra tablespoons, so it you want lots of sauce to saturate your rice, you should probably make extra.

As I mentioned in the video, never use cooking sherry for cooking with sherry.  Just use sherry. The kind you drink. The good news is, we’re going to let you buy the cheapest bottle at the wine store. Cooking sherry tastes horrible, and has salt added to it, which was originally there so cooks wouldn’t drink it.

If you do make this, and you’re wondering why it doesn’t taste as good as the one from the Chinese takeout place, well, I can answer that in three initials, M.S.G. I’m not a fan of what it does the body, and don’t use it in my cooking, but if you do sprinkle some in, I think you’ll find it remarkably close. Plus, they’re not charring the broccoli. I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:

For the beef:
1 pound skirt steak
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

For the sauce:
1/4 cup oyster sauce
3 tablespoons dry sherry
1 tablespoon soy sauce, plus more to taste
2 teaspoons ketchup
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch (use 2 for a thicker sauce)

Final Assembly:
2 teaspoon vegetable oil (plus a little fat from frying the steaks)
3 cloves minced garlic
prepared sliced beef
1 pound broccoli florets, charred in hot oven with a few drops of oil
pinch cayenne
4 cups steamed rice for service
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Broccoli Soup au Gratin – Thin to Win!

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Make Broccoli Soup au Gratin – Thin to Win!

It was one of those weeks. The holiday pushed me off schedule by a day; they’re doing construction next door, which means I can’t record at certain times; and if that wasn’t enough, this amazing looking soup was a total disaster – a temporary disaster – but a disaster nonetheless.

The good news is, I saved it in the end, and hopefully we’ll all be better for it. Turns out a cheesy crouton, like one you’d enjoy on a French onion soup, is a terrible idea, if your soup is extra thick, and bordering on a purée.

I came close to tossing everything, and ordering pizza, but what kind of example would that set? So I thinned it out, passed it through a fire mesh strainer, and gave it another try. This made it significantly better, and the ingredient amounts seen below have been adjusted, so you should get a texture similar to my final version.

I’m not sure when/if I’ll try this again, but if I do, I’ll use small croutons, so I can eat it without drenching all the cheesy bread with the first few bites. While I officially hope you give this a try soon, I secretly hope you experiment with better soup choices to use this potentially great technique. Enjoy!  

Ingredients for 6 portions:
2 tablespoon melted unsalted butter
1 large onion, diced
2 teaspoons kosher salt, plus probably more to taste
3 cloves minced garlic
2 pounds broccoli, trimmed
5 to 6 cups broth, or as needed to adjust texture
1/2 cup heavy cream
pinch freshly grated nutmeg
freshly ground black pepper to taste
cayenne to taste
6 round crispy croutons the same size as your crock (or 3 cups of little salad croutons)
3 cups shredded sharp cheddar, gruyere, or combination of the two
*Note: Be sure to adjust with more broth if need be, as well as pass the soup through a fine mesh strainer to achieve a finer texture.
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Next Up: Something with Broccoli

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Make Next Up: Something with Broccoli

As you may have noticed, due to the holiday on Monday, Tuesday's video was published on Wednesday, which means that Friday's video will post on Saturday. Stay tuned!

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Coconut Cream French Toast – It Only Sounds Like Pie

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Make Coconut Cream French Toast – It Only Sounds Like Pie

I try not to do recipe names that sound way better than they taste, but I went with coconut cream French toast anyway. I didn’t think “coconut French toast” did this justice, and while certainly not pie-like, the flavor profile was kind of close, and I was very pleased with the results.

I was debating whether to coat the soaked bread with raw coconut, and toast it while the slices were frying in the butter, but decided it would be smarter to do it separately. That way we get perfect golden-brown flakes, without having to risk it getting too dark in the pan.

By the way, I can’ t stress how important it is to not use fresh bread. The drier the bread, the better the French toast, since you’ll be absorbing the maximum amount of our creamy coconut batter. So, the next time you have half a loaf of bread leftover from a dinner, slice it up, and leave it out overnight to dry.

If you want to cheat, you can lightly toast fresh bread beforehand, which, after cooling, will sort of simulate stale bread. Either way, I really hope you give this coconut cream French toast recipe a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for two portions of 3 half-slices of bread:
3 thick slices very stale French or Italian bread (cut in half to make 6 pieces)
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1/3 cup coconut milk (do not use low-fat)
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
pinch freshly grated nutmeg
3 tablespoons butter for frying
2 tablespoons toasted coconut flakes
maple syrup, fresh mango, and lime to garnish
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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!