Thai-Dipped Beef Tri Tip – Satay, Unskewered

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Make Thai-Dipped Beef Tri Tip – Satay, Unskewered

There are so many examples of big foods being re-imagined into smaller, bite-sized versions, but going the other direction is not nearly as common. That's what I was attempting to do with this satay-inspired, Thai-dipped beef tri tip.

I enjoy beef satay way more than I do skewering small pieces of beef. Besides, I’ve never made satay, and not stuck a bamboo skewer into my finger at some point in the process. And not only did this involve less labor, but you can cook this in any number of ways.

I decided to go low and slow, over indirect charcoal heat, until I reached an internal temperature of 132 F.  If you’re in more of a hurry, you can cook tri tip over higher heat, and it’s perfectly fine, as long as it doesn’t overcook. You can also roast this in the oven at 325 F., just in case a thunderstorm tries to mess up your plans.

All the ingredients here are easy to find, with the possible exception of lemongrass. Most big city grocery stores carry it, but in other parts of the country, I’ve seen it sold as a tubed puree, displayed in the produce department. If you can’t find it, you can add some lemon juice and zest to adjust. Either way, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for one beef tri tip roast:
2 1/2 pound trimmed beef tri tip top roast
6 cloves garlic, crushed
1/3 cup chopped lemon grass (peel off woodiest parts, pound with back of knife, then chop)
3 tablespoons grated fresh ginger root
2 tablespoons grated raw onion
1/3 cup fish sauce
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 cup seasoned rice vinegar
2 tablespoons ground coriander
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2  teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

- Grill, smoke, or roast to an internal temp of 130 to 135 F.
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Lemon Ricotta Pancakes, Again?

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Make Lemon Ricotta Pancakes, Again?

When Food Wishes was first getting started, and funds were scarce, I did some freelance video production for various outlets, and apparently lemon ricotta pancakes was one such recipe. I know this because I got a request for ricotta pancakes recently, and when I tried to refer them to the blog link, I realized there wasn’t one.

I’m looking at you, Anyway, as it turns out, this is a new and possibly improved recipe, featuring…water? Yes, I tried this recipe once, with water instead of milk, and I actually liked it more. Or I thought I did, which is really all that matters.

Most lemon ricotta pancake recipes call for the eggs to be separated, and the whites whipped to give the pancakes more “lift.” Feel free, but if these pancakes were any lighter, they’d float off the plate. Speaking of lightness, I prefer using self-rising flour for this, but if you can’t, I’ve explained below how to make your own. Either way, I really do hope you give these delicious lemon ricotta pancakes a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 2 large or 4 small portions:
3/4 cold water, or milk
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1 tablespoon lemon zest (just the yellow part of the skin)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon sugar
1 large egg
2 tablespoon melted butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons *self-rising flour, or as needed to achieve very thick batter

* To make your own self-rising flour (2 cups worth): Sift together 2 cups all-purpose flour, with 2 teaspoons baking powder, and 1 teaspoon fine salt.
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Orange and Cardamom Oat Cookies

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Make Orange and Cardamom Oat Cookies

Orange and Cardamom Oat Cookies|
Cookies. É sobre bolachas. Bolachas saudáveis, aparentemente. Visto ter comido muitas panquecas em Fevereiro e que já estou a pensar no corpo de Verão, que nunca terei, bolachas saudáveis será. São realmente deliciosas. Bem, se a vossa ideia de bolachas deliciosas é uma oreo com recheio de manteiga de amendoim (bem, a minha é com certeza!) podem passar esta receita à frente. Não há manteiga de amendoim (infelizmente!!). Mas isso não impede de estas serem incríveis. Visto que estou numa dieta daquelas de desmaiar, bolachas de laranja, cardamomo e aveia será. Já fiz a receita duas vezes, porque realmente gosto e são óptimas para combater aqueles ataques de desejo de doces. Não que eu tenha muitos, para ser honesto. Eu sou mais batatas fritas.

Cookies. All about cookies. Healthy cookies, apparently. Since I had too many pancakes in February and I'm already thinking of that Summer body, which I'll never have, healthy cookies it is. They are actually pretty delicious. Well if your idea of a delicious cookie is an oreo peanut butter flavour (well well, mine is!) you might want to skip this recipe. There is no peanut butter here (I wish!). But that doesn't stop them from being awesome cookies. Since I'm on a fainting diet, orange and cardamon oat cookies it is. I made them twice already because I really like them and pretty good for those sweet tooth craving attacks. Not that I have many to be honest. I'm more french fries.

Orange and Cardamom Oat Cookies|
Receita de Bolachas de Aveia, Laranja e Cardamomo
faz 16 

Esta receita é do novo livro da Deliciously Ella (até parece que este é o seu nome, mas não é!), Deliciously Ella with Friends. Eu gosto mesmo do livro e da receita. Ela afirma que estas bolachas não são muito doces ao invés 'moreish little oaty bites' e é bem verdade. Boas para quem como eu quer ingerir menos açúcar mas ainda assim quer algo doce de quando em vez.
Esta receita é suficiente para fazer 16 (pelo menos para mim) de cerca de 30-35 g por bolacha.
Por fim, eu mudei algumas coisas à receita original: usei flocos de aveia para as papas, daqueles que ficam prontos em poucos minutos ao invés das jumbo, para não ter que usar o processador de cozinha; substitui a casca de limão por mais casca de laranja, e finalmente, juntei alecrim à receita, porque para mim laranja e alecrim é uma combinação deliciosa (aqui está a prova!)


300 g flocos de aveia (para papas)
4 vagens de cardamomo
6 c. sopa de mel
casca ralada de 2 laranjas
sumo de 1 laranja
mão cheia de folhas de alecrim, finamente picadas
2 c. sopa de sementes de chia
3 c. sopa de óleo de coco, derretido
2 c. chá de canela moída
6 c. sopa de leite
40 g uvas passas

Primeiro pré-aquecer o forno para 200º C e forrar uma forma (ou 2) com papel vegetal.
Começar então por esmagar as sementes das vagens de cardamomo num almofariz e misturar então todos os ingredientes numa taça grande. Envolver a mistura bem para ficar uma mistura firme (e não solta/líquida!).
Em seguida servir 1 colher de sopa (ou um pouco mais!) da mistura para a palma da mão e formar uma bola.
Colocar a bolacha na forma com papel vegetal e pressionar para achatar. Repetir o processo para preparar as outras bolachas até não haver mais massa.
Levar ao forno a cozinhar por 20-25 minutos.
Retirar então do forno e deixar a repousar e arrefecer na forma para ficarem mais rijas. 
Guardar num frasco hermético e deverão durar pelo menos uma semana!


Orange and Cardamom Oat Cookies|
Orange and Cardamom Oat Cookies Recipe
makes 16

This recipe is from the new book of Deliciously Ella (seems like that's her name but no it's not!), Deliciously Ella with Friends. I really like the book and this recipe too. She says it's not to sweet but 'moreish little oaty bites' and that's quite true. Good for someone like me that wants to eat less sugar but still craves something sweet from time to time.
This recipe was enough to make 16 (at least for me) of around 30-35 g per cookie.
I changed a few things to the original recipe: used porridge oats, instead of jumbo oats so didn't have to grind the oats in a food processor; substituted the lemon zest for more orange zest; and finally, added some rosemary, because for me orange and rosemary is a combination made in heaven (here is the proof!).


300 g (porridge) oats
4 cardamom pods
6 tbsp. honey
zest of 2 oranges
juice of 1 orange
handful of fresh rosemary leaves, finely chopped
2 tbsp. chia seeds
3 tbsp. coconut oil, melted
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
6 tbsp. milk
40 g raisins

Preheat the oven to 200º C and line a baking tray (or 2) with baking paper.
Start by grind the seeds of the cardamom pods by using a pestle and mortar and then mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Stir the mixture well until a sticky mix forms (not runny!).
Then scoop 1 tablespoon (or a bit more!) of the mixture into your hand and roll into a ball. Place the cookie on the layered baking tray and flatten it down. Repeat to make the other cookies and until there is no dough left.
Place the baking tray and bake for 20-25 minutes. 
Then remove from the oven and allow them to cool down in the baking tray to firm up.
Store in a airtight container and shall last for 1 week.

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Soufflé Baked Potatoes with Cheddar

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Make Soufflé Baked Potatoes with Cheddar

Soufflé Baked Potatoes with Cheddar
This is a deliciously comforting main course or can be served as a side!
Serves 4
Preparation time:  15 minutes
Cooking time:  80 minutes

4 baking potatoes
2 eggs, separated
120g Mature Cheddar Cheese
2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
1 x 85g watercress, roughly chopped
2 tsp Dijon mustard
Freshly ground salt & pepper

Preparation method

1.    Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan assisted/Gas mark 6.

2.    Place the potatoes on a baking tray and  bake in the oven for 1 hour and set aside until they are cool enough to handle.  Now cut the potatoes in half and scoop out all the potato into a bowl and reserve the skins.

3.    Mix the potato with the egg yolks, cheese, chives and watercress – season to taste.

4.    In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold into the potato mix.  Now spoon the mixture back into the skins.

5.    Return to the oven for 20 minutes and serve immediately – enjoy!


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Chef John is Taking a Break!

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Make Chef John is Taking a Break!

Just wanted to let everyone know I’ll be on vacation this week. I'd call it a "Spring Break," except that makes it sound like I'm going to be chugging beer through a funnel, half-naked, while listening to Flo Rida, which is not accurate. 

I'll actually be sipping beer, half-naked, while listening to Flo Rida. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a the break, and suggest you use the time to catch up on videos you’ve missed. We have so, so many. Thank you, and we’ll see you next week!
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The Best Coq au Vin Recipe

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Make The Best Coq au Vin Recipe

The Best Coq au Vin
A delicious and rustic French classic!  Red wine, brandy, pancetta, shallots, mushrooms, herbs & a pinch of chilli what a wonderful combination for chicken!

Serves 4
Prep time:  15 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes

50g butter
200g pancetta or smoked bacon, sliced
8 small shallots, peeled
250g button mushrooms
3 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
1.5kg chicken thighs with bone, seasoned with salt and pepper
4 tbsp brandy
3 sprigs fresh thyme
250ml chicken stock
500ml hearty dry red wine
1 tbsp tomato puree
Pinch of dried chilli flakes
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp plain flour
Crusty bread to serve

1.    In a large frying pan or wok melt 25g/1 oz of the butter and add the pancetta and fry until crisp and golden.  Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.

2.     Add the shallots to the pan and sauté until slightly browned, about 5 minutes and then add the mushrooms and garlic, sauté for about 5 minutes.  Remove from the pan and set aside.

3.    Now add the remaining 25g of butter and melt in the pan.  In batches add the chicken and cook on both sides until browned, about 10 minutes.  Return all the chicken to the pan and remove from the heat.  Add the brandy and flambé.  Remove the chicken from the pan.

4.    Add the thyme, stock, wine, tomato puree and chilli flakes to the pan and bring to the boil.  Return the chicken to the pan, cover and simmer for 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.  During the last 10 minutes add the pancetta and vegetables.

5.    Remove the chicken, pancetta and vegetables from the pan with a slotted spoon and cover with foil.  Also remove the pan of broth from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes.

6.    In a small bowl mash the butter and flour together to make a buerre manié.  Return the pan to the heat and bring to the boil.  Add ½ cup of the broth to the buerre manié and whisk together, now whisk into the rest of the broth.

7.    Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered stirring occasionally until the sauce has thickened, about 5 minutes.

8.    Season to taste and return the chicken and vegetables to the pan and coat with the sauce.  Serve with crusty bread.

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Chia and Rhubarb Breakfast Jar

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Make Chia and Rhubarb Breakfast Jar

Chia and Rhubarb Breakfast Jar |

Pequeno-almoço num frasco. Várias camadas deliciosas. Combinar ingredientes dos quais gosto tanto. A melhor forma de começar o dia. Pudim de chia, 'compota' de ruibarbo e granola caseira. Eu gosto de experimentar novas receitas para o pequeno-almoço. Esta será uma das minhas favoritas. Sabe a Primavera já. Deixar o Inverno para trás com a Primavera num frasco. Primavera num frasco de pequeno-almoço.

Breakfast in a jar. Several layers of goodness. Mixing ingredients that I like the most. Best way to start the day. Chia pudding, rhubarb compote and homemade granola. I do like to try new things for breakfast. This one gotta to be one of my favourite. It takes like Spring already. Just leaving Winter behind and having Spring in a jar. Spring in a breakfast jar.

Chia and Rhubarb Breakfast Jar |
Receita de Frasco de Pudim de Chia e Ruibarbo
para 2

Para fazer estes Frascos de Pudim de Chia e 'Compota' de Ruibarbo podem encontrar a receita para 'Compota' de Ruibarbo aqui e fazer antecipadamente (e usar para tantas outras coisas  - como panquecas!). Irá ser preciso também granola - podem encontrar a receita aqui para granola caseira - óptimo para outras ideais de pequeno-almoço.
Sintam-se à vontade para adicionar fruta fresca no final - o que estiver em época.


4 c. sopa de sementes de chia 
1 chávena de leite (250 ml)
Compota de ruibarbo
Iogurte grego (125 g)
Coco ralado

Numa taça misturar as sementes de chia e o leite, misturar bem para ficar envolvido e deixar pelo menos 15 minutos para que as sementes absorvam o líquido - ideal será deixar de um dia para o outro no frigorífico.
Depois da mistura de chia pronta, em dois frascos colocar primeiro uma camada de 'compota' de ruibarbo, depois o pudim de chia, de seguida o iogurte grego, depois outra camada de 'compota' de ruibarbo, outra de chia, depois granola e para finalizar uma camada de 'compota de ruibarbo' e outra de granola polvilhada com coco ralado dissecado.


Chia and Rhubarb Breakfast Jar |
Chia Pudding and Rhubarb Breakfast Jar Recipe
serves 2

To make this Chia Pudding and Rhubarb Compote Breakfast Jar you can find the recipe for this Rhubarb Compote right here and make it ahead (and use it for several other things - like pancakes!). You also need some granola - you can find the recipe for homemade granola right here - also good for other breakfast ideas.
Feel free to add some fresh fruit on top - whatever is in season.


4 tbsp. chia seeds
1 cup of milk (250 ml)
Rhubarb compote
Greek yoghurt (125 g)
Desiccated coconut

In a bowl mix the chia seeds and milk, mix to combine and let it set aside for at least 15 minutes so the seeds absorb all the liquid - ideally leave it overnight in the fridge.
After the chia pudding is ready, in two jars place a layer of rhubarb compote, then some chia pudding, then some greek yoghurt, another one of rhubarb compote, other of chia pudding, then some granola and to finish some rhubarb compote and granola topped with desiccated coconut

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Grilled Greek Chicken – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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Make Grilled Greek Chicken – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Erin go what? On the surface, this may seem like an inappropriate St. Patrick’s Day recipe post, but I’ve always considered this holiday one of the official signs of spring, and since that means it’s grilling season, then maybe this is appropriate after all? Yes, I went a long way for that.

As I mentioned in the video, the secret to this simple chicken is a very powerful marinade. This is one of those rare recipes where, when in doubt, we add a little more. Above and beyond that, the only way to ruin this would be to singe the skin/marinade with too high, direct heat.

We really want to sort of roast these pieces on the grill. So, don’t build a huge fire, and wait for it to turn ashy, before using semi-indirect heat to slowly cook the meat through. This way we get a tender inside, as well as and a gorgeous, caramelized exterior.

This is so flavorful that you really don’t need a sauce, but some fresh lemon is nice, as is a spicy yogurt. Just squeeze a little lemon into some nice thick, Greek yogurt, spike it with hot sauce, and you have a perfect condiment. And speaking of St. Patrick’s Day, this stuff pairs wonderfully with beer. I really hope you give this grilled Greek chicken recipe a try soon. Enjoy!

For enough marinade for 6 chicken thigh/leg sections:
6 to 8 cloves garlic, totally crushed or very finely minced
2 tablespoons dried oregano and/or marjoram
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes, or to taste
1 generous teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar
1/4 olive oil
about 1 tablespoon kosher salt to season chicken
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The BEST Cottage Pie

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Make The BEST Cottage Pie

The BEST Cottage Pie
This has to be comfort food at its best. A perfect family meal!

Serves 6-8
Prep time:  20 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes


For the mince
2 tbsp olive oil
1kg lean minced beef
2 onions, finely chopped
2 celery sticks finely chopped
4 carrots, finely chopped
10 sprigs fresh thyme leaves only
4 tbsp tomato puree
2 tbsp plain flour
350ml red wine
800ml beef stock
Salt & freshly ground pepper
A few splashes of Worcestershire sauce

For the mash
2kg King Edward potatoes, peeled & chopped
125g butter
250ml double cream
Salt & freshly ground pepper

1.  Heat a large frying pan and then add a tablespoon of olive oil, add the mince in small batches until browned all over and set aside.

2.  In another large frying pan heat a tablespoon of olive oil and gently fry the onions, celery, carrots and thyme for 3-5 minutes until softened.  Add the tomato puree and flour and fry for one minute and then add the mince.

3.  Deglaze the frying pan which you cooked the mince in with red wine, cook for 3-4 minutes until it has reduced by half and then add to the mince.

4.  Add the stock to the pan and let simmer for 45 minutes.  Season to taste and add a few splashes of Worcestershire sauce.

5.  For the mash, place the potatoes in a pan of salted water bring to the boil and then simmer for 12-15 minutes.  Drain the potatoes and the mash with a potato masher or ricer.  Add the cream and butter and mix well until you have a smooth mash.

6.  Preheat the grill to high.  Put the mince into a baking dish and top with the mash.  Place under the grill for 8-10 minutes until the mash is golden brown.  Serve by itself or with your favourite vegetables, enjoy!

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Eggplant “Bacon” – Because Fake Bacon is Better than Real Eggplant

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Make Eggplant “Bacon” – Because Fake Bacon is Better than Real Eggplant

I love that my wife, Michele, follows Questlove on social media, but not just because it makes me feel cooler by extension, which it does, but also because he’s a huge foodie, and this enticing eggplant “bacon” came from his Instagram.

Links were followed, and I discovered the recipe was from Minimalist Baker, and although I did tweak the technique and ingredient amounts a bit, the recipe is basically thieved from this gorgeous blog post. Thank you, Dana! By the way, there they were brushed, but I decided to dip. Because my slices may have been wetter, they did take way longer to cook.

Personal taste being what it is, you’ll have to experiment with not only your sweet-salty-smoky ingredient ratios, but also with how thick you cut your eggplant, as well as how long you cook it. I went for thin and crispy, but it was closer to a bbq potato chip in taste/texture than bacon. I may slice it thicker next time, and see if I can get some chewy bits, woven through the crispy bits.

These would make for some tasty vegetable chips, but were especially enjoyable in a BLT, which I inexplicably didn’t photo. I blame low blood sugar. Regardless of how you enjoy them, I really do hope you give this eggplant “bacon” a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes enough “bacon brine” for 2 medium-sized eggplants:
2 tablespoons maple syrup
4 tablespoons tamari, or soy sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/2 to 1 teaspoon liquid smoke, depending on strength
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, a little coarser than usual
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 eggplants, sliced to about 1/8th inch

The original recipe calls for a 225 F. oven, but I would probably start this like I finished it, and that’s in a 250 F. oven. I’d plan on at least an hour baking time, but that will depend on thickness, pans, etc. Simply cook until they are how you want.
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"Norcal" Nicoise Salad – Layered for Your Pleasure

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Make "Norcal" Nicoise Salad – Layered for Your Pleasure

I know I’ve made fun of salads served in Mason jars before, but when I was asked to contribute a layered Nicoise to an Allrecipes Easter feature, I immediately thought of this tragically hip presentation. Also, I didn’t have a straight-sided, see-through glass bowl to do the layered salad in.

I love a good Nicoise, and it’s perfect for layering, especially if you slice/chop up the ingredients first. Not only will your layers be easier to keep straight, but chopped salads are always a pleasure to toss with dressing. Speaking of which, I really enjoyed this avocado spiked French-style vinaigrette, and it paired perfectly with the rich, fatty, olive oil-packed tuna. 

Look for something from Spain or Italy, and you will be impressed with how much nicer it is than the stuff Charlie and his buddies are pushing. So, whether you composed this on a plate, in the classic fashion, or follow my lead, and create the world’s trendiest Nicoise, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for Nicoise (amounts are up to you)
3-4 ounces per person olive-oil packed tuna
tender green beans
Yukon gold potatoes
cherry tomatoes
hard boiled eggs
Nicoise olives, or other pitted olives
parsley and/or chives
anchovy fillets, optional

Ingredients for the dressing:
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
3 anchovy fillets
2 teaspoons minced shallots
1 teaspoon minced fresh tarragon
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1/4 cup ripe avocado
1/3 cup olive oil, or more to taste
freshly ground black pepper
pinch cayenne
water as needed to adjust texture
salt to taste
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Irish Cheddar Spring Onion Biscuits - They Only Sound Irish

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Make Irish Cheddar Spring Onion Biscuits - They Only Sound Irish

I’ve received many food wishes for cheddar biscuits over the years, which I used to think was odd, until I learned about a certain version served in America’s most famous chain of lobster restaurants. I eventually got to try this casual dining delicacy, and while it really wasn’t that bad, it wasn’t great either, and I pledged to take the idea, and create a new and improved cheddar biscuit. That was like five years ago.

So, why all of a sudden the newfound interest? Two simple reasons. First, I had some gorgeous Irish cheddar in the fridge. Secondly, it’s almost St. Patrick’s Day, and the search engines demand something Irish, or at least something that sounds Irish. So, I combined those two facts, and decided it was time to make cheddar biscuits that would rival those at the aforementioned crustacean sensation. I know, a very high bar.

All kidding aside, these really did come out quite well, and I think that’s because we didn’t just mix the cheese into the dough. By layering and folding the cheese in, a la puff pastry, we get all the cheesy flavor, without making the biscuit too dense. Sure takes a few extra minutes, but I thought it was worth the effort. So, whether you’re going to make these for St. Patrick’s Day, or not, I really do hope you give them a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 12 Irish Cheddar Spring Onion Biscuits:
*2 cups self-rising flour, plus more if needed
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
7 tablespoons very cold butter
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup shredded Irish cheddar, or other sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sliced green onions (I used mostly the tender, light green parts)
-Bake at 400 F. for about 20 minutes

* To make your own self-rising flour for this recipe, sift together 2 cups all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, and 1 teaspoon fine salt.
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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!