Rhubarb Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble

Learn how to do Rhubarb Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble for your friends and family. this revenue from Rhubarb Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble it is delicious

Make Rhubarb Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble

Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
A combinação de quatro dos meus ingredientes favoritos: ruibarbo, morangos, pétalas de rosas e cardamomo. Juntar tudo num crumble e dou-me por contente. Eu sou fã de crumbles já há bastante tempo. Fazer pequenas adaptações para o tornar mais saudável mas mantendo toda a magia que faz de um crumble tão delicioso. Apesar de eu nunca ter sido grande fã de morangos, hoje em dia parece-me impossível resistir-lhes quando estão em época e a minha vontade de algo doce continuava a aumentar. Misturar tudo e aqui está uma sobremesa muito primaveril.

The combination of four of my favourite ingredients: rhubarb, strawberry, rose petals and cardamom. Make it into a crumble and I'm happy. I have been a fan of crumbles for a long time. Making little changes to make it healthy(-ish) but keeping all the magic that makes a crumble so delicious. Although,I never been a really good fan of strawberries nowadays seems impossible to resist them when in season and my cravings for something were just impossible to control. So mix it all up and let's have something very springy for dessert.

Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Receita de Crumble de Ruibarbo, Morango e Pétalas de Rosa
serve 8

Nesta receita de crumble o óleo de coco pode ser substituído por manteiga para quem preferir. Desta forma a receita é vegan, apesar de esta não ter sido a ideia de criar uma receita vegan, no entanto sinta-se à vontade para alterar por ingredientes que preferirem.

ingredientes (para o recheio):

400 g morangos, cortados ao meio
400 g ruibarbo, pedaços 4 cm
1 c. sopa de pétalas de rosa
1 c. sopa de açúcar demerara (opcional)

ingredientes (para a cobertura):

75 g farinha
75 g flocos de aveia
60 g óleo coco
70 g açúcar demerara
6 vagens cardamomo, sementes moídas

Primeiro pré-aquecer o forno para 180º C.
Preparar então os morangos e o ruibarbo e colocar numa travessa de forno. Espalhar as pétalas de rosas e a colher de sopa de açúcar por cima e reservar.
Então preparar a cobertura, misturando numa taça a farinha, os flocos de aveia, o óleo de coco, o açúcar e as sementes de cardamomo previamente moídas. Misturar com as mãos até obter uma massa areada/esfarelada.
Colocar então a cobertura (crumble) por cima dos morangos e ruibarbo e levar ao forno durante 35/40 minutos até ficar bem dourado

Servir com iogurte natural ou grego.


Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb, Strawberry and Rose Petals Crumble Recipe
serves 8

In this crumble recipe, the coconut oil can be replace for butter for those who prefer it. In the original way it's a vegan recipe although that wasn't my idea to make it vegan but feel free to replace the ingredients for something you prefere.

ingredients (for the filling):

400 g rhubarb, 4 cm slices
400 g strawberries, in halves
1 tbsp. dried rose petals
1 tbsp. demerara sugar (optional)

ingredients (for the topping):

75 g plain flour
75 g oats
60 g coconut oil
70 g demerara sugar
6 cardamom pods, grounded seeds

Preheat the oven to 180º C.
Start by preparing the strawberries and rhubarb and place in a oven tray/dish. Spread the rose petals and the 1 tbsp. sugar on top and set aside.
Then prepare the crumble, mixing the flour, oats, coconut oil, sugar and ground cardamom seeds. Mix everything with your hands until the texture feels like sand.
Place the crumble on top of the strawberries and rhubarb and bake in the oven for 35/40 minutes until golden brown.

Serve with natural or greek yoghurt.


Rhubarb, Strawberry & Rose Petals Crumble | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com

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