Tagliatelle with Feta Pesto

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Make Tagliatelle with Feta Pesto

Tagliatelle with Feta Pesto
If you love pesto you will adore this velvety feta pesto!  This dish is absolutely delicious and even better it is a super quick & easy dish to make!

Serves 2
Prep time:  5-10 minutes
Cooking time: 10-12 minutes


200g/7 oz tagliatelle
1 handful of pinenuts, toasted (plus extra for serving)
1 small clove of garlic, peeled & chopped
1 large bunch of basil, chopped
100g/3 ½ oz feta cheese, crumbled (plus extra for serving)
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (plus extra for serving)
Freshly ground pepper


1.  Cook the tagliatelle as per packet instructions.

2.  In a food processor blend the pinenuts, garlic, basil, feta cheese and oil until you have a smooth paste.

3.  Drain the pasta and mix through the pesto.  Serve in pasta bowls, top with a sprinkling of toasted pine nuts, feta cheese and a drizzling of olive oil.  Enjoy!

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