morangos em chocolate // chocolate strawberries

Learn how to do morangos em chocolate // chocolate strawberries for your friends and family. this revenue from morangos em chocolate // chocolate strawberries it is delicious

Make morangos em chocolate // chocolate strawberries

já celebramos. já foi tudo festejado. os presentes oferecidos. cantamos os parabéns. apagamos as velas. comemos o bolo de profiteroles. todo! bebemos a sangria. e também tivemos morangos com chocolate. assim foi os anos da joana.

we celebrated. we have done everything. unwrap the gifts. sing happy birthday. blow out the candles. we ate the profiteroles cake. all of it! we drink sangria. and we also had strawberries with chocolate. that was joana's birthday.

morangos em chocolate
faz 16


16 morangos
100 gr chocolate
1 c. sopa manteiga

Derreter o chocolate em banho maria numa taça com a manteiga (cerca de 10 minutos) e lavar bem os morangos.
Espetar os paus dos pop cakes nos morangos e mergulhar os morangos no chocolate derretido.
Deixar no frigorífico por 2 horas antes de servir.

chocolate strawberries
makes 16


16 strawberries
100 g chocolate
1 tbsp. unsalted butter

Place a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, add the chocolate and butter and let it melt until creamy (10 minutes). At the same time wash the strawberries.
Skew the pop cakes stick into the strawberries and dip them into the melted chocolate.
Allow it to cool for 2 hours in the fridge before serving. 


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