Grow Your Own Culinary Herb Garden – Yard to Table

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Make Grow Your Own Culinary Herb Garden – Yard to Table

I mentioned several times during this ‘how to plant your own culinary herb garden’ video that I’d give a lot more specific information on the blog, but now that I’m here, I realize there’s not much more to tell you.

Herbs are very easy to grow, and besides basil, which doesn't like to dry out, they only require occasional watering. Any well-drained soil will work, but your best bet is to grab a bag of ready-to-use planting mix. Feel free to double check with the person at the nursery, but it’s basically potting soil with benefits. And, I did say nursery. Drive the extra mile, and talk to people that just sell plants.

I consider these herbs must-haves, but there are many more varieties you can try. I’ve done things like tarragon and cilantro in the past, and while they are a little more temperamental, they can be successfully cultivated.

Nothing beats being able to go out into the garden, and just take a pinch of this and a pinch of that. When you consider the cost of one of these plants is just a little more than for a single bunch at the market, why not have a few pots around, even if they’re on the windowsill? I hope you plant your garden soon. Enjoy!

NOTE: I’m not a gardening expert, so asking me specific question about soil types and weather issues will result in many a guess. My advice would be to use this video as an inspiration, and then check out some local gardening websites.

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Deep-Fried Creamy Chicken Gravy – Almost Chicken Croquettes

Learn how to do Deep-Fried Creamy Chicken Gravy – Almost Chicken Croquettes for your friends and family. this revenue from Deep-Fried Creamy Chicken Gravy – Almost Chicken Croquettes it is delicious

Make Deep-Fried Creamy Chicken Gravy – Almost Chicken Croquettes

There are two kinds of chicken croquettes. They all have a crispy, deep-fried exterior, but some are firm, meaty, and nugget-like, while others are much softer and creamier. It was that second kind I was attempting here, and I got so close.

To make a long story short, I used too much butter, and milk, and while they did stay together enough to form the signature, golden-brown crust, the inside was positively sauce-like.

I had no intention of turning this classic into some kind of gimmicky attempt at a viral video, but as I ate them, I couldn’t help but think of how much they tasted like deep-fried chicken gravy. Yes, I sometimes put a little ham in my chicken gravy.

I’ve listed exactly what I used in the ingredient list below, and also a second version, which theoretically would come out closer to actual chicken croquettes. I hope you get this, or that, a try soon. Enjoy!

The Deep-Fried Creamy Chicken Gravy Version:
Makes about 16 appetizer sized portions
2 packed cups finely chopped cooked chicken meat
1/2 cup finely chopped ham
2 tbsp freshly chopped parsley
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 1/2 cups whole milk
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
pinch freshly ground nutmeg
pinch cayenne
1 tsp salt, plus more to taste

The More Like Chicken Croquettes Version:
Makes about 16 appetizer sized portions
2 packed cups finely chopped cooked chicken meat
1/2 cup finely chopped ham
6 tbsp unsalted butter
1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 cups whole milk
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
pinch freshly ground nutmeg
pinch cayenne
1 tsp salt, plus more to taste

For breading:
2 beaten eggs
flour as needed
2 cups bread crumbs
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tacos de abacate e morango // avocado and strawberry tacos

Learn how to do tacos de abacate e morango // avocado and strawberry tacos for your friends and family. this revenue from tacos de abacate e morango // avocado and strawberry tacos it is delicious

Make tacos de abacate e morango // avocado and strawberry tacos

noites de primavera. mercados de fim-de-semana. algo fresco. bem diferente da temperatura lá de fora. mas a pensar em Portugal. a pensar nas noites quentes do verão português. mas já falta pouco. a viagem comprada. a ansiedade acumulada. e tudo o que ainda falta preparar! mas até lá, noites frescas de primavera. as últimas!

spring nights. weekend farmer's market. something fresh. quite different from the temperature outside. but thinking about Portugal. thinking about the warm nights of the portuguese summer. but won't be long. the flights are book. the anxiety is here to stay. and everything else to prepare! but until then, chilled spring evenings. the last ones!

tacos de abacate e molho de morango
faz 3

para fazer as tortilhas de farinha em tacos, ver este website. e a receita do molho de morango, veio deste, onde apenas substitui a cebola pela delicada chalota.


3 tortilhas de farinha
2 abacates, cortado em fatias
6 tomates pequenos, cortados em gomos
6 rabanetes, rodelas finas
2 cebolinhas, cortadas em rodelas pequenas
1 punhado de folhas de manjericão
75 g creme azedo
10 folhas de hortelã, finamente picadas
1 c. sopa azeite

ingredientes (molho de morango):

200 g morangos, cortados em pequenos pedaços
1 chalota, finamente picada
8 folhas de hortelã, finamente picadas
8 folhas de manjericão, finamente picadas
1 c. chá de mel
1 lima, sumo e casca
pimenta preta acabada de moer

Primeiro prepara o molho de morango, juntando todos os ingredientes numa taça e deixar de repouso durante 30 minutos, para o sabor se intensificar.
Cozinhar então as tortilhas no forno (ver aqui, de forma a ficarem naquela forma) previamente aquecido a 180 graus, durante 8-10 minutos, até ficarem rijas e ligeiramente douradas.
Preparar então os outros ingredientes todos, começando por cortar os abacates em fatias, os tomates em gomos, os rabanetes em finas rodelas, as cebolinhas em pequenas rodelas. Misturar então numa taça o creme azedo, a hortelã picada e o azeite.
Quando as tortilhas estiverem prontas, rechear cada tortilha com abacates, tomates, rabanetes, cebolinhas, folhas de manjericão e o molho de morango.
Servir com o creme azedo por cima. 

avocado and strawberry salsa tacos
makes 3

to turn flour tortillas into hard taco shells, check this website. and for the strawberry salsa, the recipe came from this website, but I changed the onion to the sweet flavour of the shallot.


3 flour tortillas
2 avocados, sliced
6 small tomatoes, cut in wedges
6 radishes, finely sliced
2 scallions, finely sliced
1 handful basil leaves
75 g sour cream
10 mint leaves, finely chopped
1 tbsp. olive oil

ingredients (strawberry salsa):

200 g strawberries, rinsed and chopped into small slices 
1 shallot, finely minced 
8 mint leaves, finely chopped 
8 basil leaves, finely chopped 
1 teaspoon honey 
1 lime, zest and juice 
freshly ground black pepper

First prepare the strawberry salsa, mixing all the ingredients in a bowl and let it chill for 30 minutes, to intensify the flavour.
Then cook the flour tortillas (check here, to make it hard taco shells) in a pre-heated oven at 180 Celsius degrees for about 8-10 minutes until they are hard, crispy and lightly golden.
Prepare the other ingredients, by slicing the avocados, cutting the tomatoes in wedges, cutting radishes into fine slices, cutting the scallions into fine slices. Then mixing the sour cream, chopped mint and olive oil in a bowl.
When the tortillas are ready, fill each tortilla with some avocado, tomatoes, radishes, scallions, basil leaves and strawberry salsa on top.
Serve with some sour cream on top.

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Sea Bass a la Michele – Just the Way She Likes It

Learn how to do Sea Bass a la Michele – Just the Way She Likes It for your friends and family. this revenue from Sea Bass a la Michele – Just the Way She Likes It it is delicious

Make Sea Bass a la Michele – Just the Way She Likes It

Whenever I can’t decide on what to do with a piece of fish, I usually opt for this easy and crowd-pleasing technique, which involves roasting seafood after it’s been slathered in a highly seasoned vinaigrette. And by crowd, I mean wife.

The acidic bath seems to do something to the sea bass as it roasts, and not only do you get a very flavorful exterior, but the inside it seems to stay moister and more succulent, than if you just used a spice rub. In fact, Michele loves this roasting method so much, that I decided to name it after her. Also, I couldn’t think of a name, and if I called it Spanish-something sea bass, all the “that’s not Spanish-something sea bass” people would be after me.

By the way, there are a few sustainable sources for Chilean sea bass around, if you look hard enough, and do some research. Having said that, I didn’t do any research. I got mine at Whole Foods, and I assume/hope they’ve done their homework.

When it comes to ways of adapting this technique to your particular tastes, the skies the limit. While we really love sherry vinegar with the smoked paprika, I’ll sometimes switch it up with different combinations; and the same goes for the veggies underneath. No matter what you use, Michele and I hope you give this delicious sea bass recipe a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 portions:
2 thick-cut boneless, skinless Chilean sea bass filets (about 8-oz each)
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp sherry vinegar
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp kosher salt, plus some sprinkled on top
1 sliced red jalapeño
1/2 cup sliced green onions
4 or 5 small potatoes, cooked and quartered
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Celebrating Memorial Day – Paying Tribute to Those Who Literally Fight for Your Right to Party

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Make Celebrating Memorial Day – Paying Tribute to Those Who Literally Fight for Your Right to Party

Photo (c) Flickr user Vince Alongi
I always feel a little guilty grilling on Memorial Day. Being surrounded by all kinds of tasty food and cold beer seems inappropriate considering the holiday's solemn meaning. Maybe it would be better to honor our vets by eating what they had to survive on while defending our country.

What if instead of gnawing on a stack of sticky barbecued ribs, while sitting in a lawnchair, we dug a hole in the ground, and enjoyed something squeezed out of a pouch instead? There aren't many delicious things that come in squeezable pouches.

So, if the chicken get a little dry today, or whoever made the beans was just going through the motions, don't think of it as a disappointing meal; think of it as unintentional tribute all those brave souls who sacrificed for our freedoms. Enjoy!

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no-bake healthy brownies

Learn how to do no-bake healthy brownies for your friends and family. this revenue from no-bake healthy brownies it is delicious

Make no-bake healthy brownies

brownies. um novo livro. e as últimas seis semanas. antes de uma nova aventura. com muitas expectativas. uma dose de nervosismo ainda maior. talvez a decisão mais excitante. ou a segunda mais excitante. porque emigrar, foi difícil. mas imigrar também o será. e são apenas seis semanas. para 'empacotar' uma vida. em que o tempo escasseia. e as memórias são tantas, que nada pode ficar para trás. porque entre malas e caixas há muitos livros. e foi deste novo livro que saíram estes brownies. 

brownies. a new book. and the last six weeks. before a new adventure. with so many expectations. an even bigger dose of nervousness. perhaps the most exciting decision. or the second most exciting. because emigrate was hard. but immigrate will also be. and only six weeks. to 'pack' a life. where time is short. and there are so many memories, that nothing can be left behind. because between bags and boxes are many books. and it was in this new book that I found this brownies recipe. 

no-bake healthy brownies
faz 8

receita do livro 'the happy pear' dos irmãos Flynn que têm um café em Greystones ao sul de Dublin e que demonstram que ter uma alimentação saudável é excitante e simples!
neste caso adaptei a receita a uma quantidade menor e substitui as nozes pelas avelãs, mas receita retirada integralmente do livro.


240 g tâmaras, sem caroço
3 c. sopa de água
78 g flocos de aveia
43 g amêndoas
43 g avelãs
64 g cacau puro em pó
1/4 vagem de baunilha

Colocar as tâmaras num processador de cozinha e processar até estar uma pasta - como aconselhado, adicionar então 3 colheres de sopa de água para ficar uma pasta cremosa. Remover do processador de cozinha, colocar numa taça até ser necessário. 
Adicionar então os flocos de aveia, amêndoas e avelãs no processador de cozinha, triturar até ficar com uma textura de migalhas e adicionar então a pasta de tâmaras.
Adicionar à mistura o chocolate em pó, as sementes da vagem de baunilha e processar. Se necessário adicionar mais um pouco de água para que a mistura fique consistente (contudo, as 3 colheres de sopa terão sido suficientes). 
Colocar a massa numa forma previamente forrada com papel vegetal e espalhar a massa para que fique com 1 cm de altura. Levar então ao frigorífico por 1 ou 2 horas e depois fatiar 8 brownies.

Dica: guardar num frasco hermético no frigorífico até 10 dias, ou congelar até 1 mês.

no-bake healthy brownies
makes 8

recipe from the book 'the happy pear' from the Flynn brothers who have a café in Greystones, south of Dublin and that show that eating healthy is simple and exciting!

in this case I adapted the recipe to a smaller quantity and replace the walnuts for hazelnuts, apart from that recipe is entirely from the book.


240 g pitted dates (regular)
3 tbsp. water
78 g oats
43 g almonds
43 g hazelnuts
64 g unsweetened cacao powder
1/4 of a vanilla pod

Place the dates in a food processor and blend until it's a paste - as advised, then add 3 tablespoons of water to get a creamy paste.  Remove it, place in a bowl and set aside.

Then put the oats, almonds and hazelnuts into the food processor and blend to form crumbs and then add the dates mixture back in.
Add to the mix the cacao powder, scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod into the bow and blend. If necessary and a little more water to the mixture to make it consistent (although the 3 tablespoons should be enough).
Place the dough in a tray previously lined with baking paper and spread the dough to make it 1 cm in height. Sprinkle with some almonds and hazelnuts on top.
Place it in the fridge for 1 or 2 hours and then slice into 8 square brownies.

Tip: store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 10 days, or freeze for up to 1 month.

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Braised Lamb with Radishes and Mint (and Anchovies, but Don’t Tell Anyone)

Learn how to do Braised Lamb with Radishes and Mint (and Anchovies, but Don’t Tell Anyone) for your friends and family. this revenue from Braised Lamb with Radishes and Mint (and Anchovies, but Don’t Tell Anyone) it is delicious

Make Braised Lamb with Radishes and Mint (and Anchovies, but Don’t Tell Anyone)

I had a fantastic appetizer recently featuring lamb belly, radishes, anchovies, and mint, which inspired today’s post. It sounded amazing, but I’d only glanced at the description, so when it came, I was more than a little surprised to see the radishes were fully cooked.

This was a new one for me, and I absolutely loved it. Like most root vegetables, radishes don’t have a ton of flavor, but I found them slightly sweet, earthy (duh), and aromatic. Plus, they seemed to have effectively absorbed all the other flavors in the dish.

One thing led to another, and I adapted the approach to create one of the more interesting and delicious things I’ve had in a while. I called it a “flavor bomb” in the video, but “umami bomb” would be more accurate. This was as savory, as savory gets.

Because of all the sweet flavors going on, I decided not to add any sauteed onions or garlic, which is contrary to most braised meat recipes. It probably wouldn’t have hurt anything, and I might try it next time, but to be honest, this came out so perfectly balanced, that I’m a little scared to change anything.

And no, you can't taste the anchovies. That doesn't mean you should tell anyone they're in there, but I did want to mention, in case you're scared. I would like to thank Aatxe for the inspiration, and I really hope you give this strange, but exciting braised lamb dish and try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 4 Portions:
4  lamb shoulder chops (10-12 ounces each)
1 tablespoon kosher salt (or about 2 tsp of table salt)
1 teaspoon black  pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne
1 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup sherry vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
4 oil-packed anchovy fillets
1 1/2 cups low-sodium or no sodium chicken broth (the anchovies and spice rub on the lamb usually provide enough salt, plus you can add at the end after sauce is reduced)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 bunches breakfast radishes, trimmed
2 tsp minced fresh rosemary
5 or 6 fresh mint leaves finely sliced
1 tbsp cold butter

- Braise at 275 F. for about 3 hour , or until meat is just barely tender, then finish at 425 F. to brown. Serve with de-fatted and reduced sauce.
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muffins panqueca // pancake muffins

Learn how to do muffins panqueca // pancake muffins for your friends and family. this revenue from muffins panqueca // pancake muffins it is delicious

Make muffins panqueca // pancake muffins

brunch. ou pequeno-almoço. panquecas. frutos do bosque. primavera. meio da semana. acordar tardio. com companhia. uma combinação (quase) perfeita. para um #mywhitemornings, também perfeito. rodeado de panquecas. ou serão muffins. um híbrido. feitos no forno. granola caseira a acompanhar. fruta fresca. quase um capítulo de domingo. mas foi brunch de meio da semana.

brunch. or breakfast. pancakes. forest fruits. spring. middle of the week. waking up late. some company. an (almost) perfect combination. for a #mywhitemornings, also perfect. with some pancakes. or should I say muffins. hybrid. baked in the oven. homemade granola to match. fresh fruit. almost like a sunday chapter. but was a midweek brunch.

muffins panquecas de framboesa e mirtilos
faz 6


175 g farinha 
1 c. chá fermento em pó
1 c. chá açúcar
1 ovo
200 ml leite
2 c. sopa manteiga
100 g frutos do bosque frescos (usei apenas framboesas e mirtilos)

Peneira a farinha para uma taça, adicionar o fermento, o açúcar e misturar tudo. 
Num jarro misturar o leite com o ovo e aos poucos ir vertendo e misturando para o preparado de farinha. Misturar com um garfo até estar bem envolvido e cremoso e adicionar a manteiga.
Por fim adicionar alguns frutos do bosque à mistura e verter o preparado na forma de muffins (previamente forrada a papel vegeltal). Por cima adicionar mais alguns frutos do bosque.
Levar ao forno pré-aquecido a 200º, durante 20 minutos até estarem cozinhados (quando se espetar um palito no meio e sair limpo).

raspberry and blueberry pancake muffins
makes 6


175 g plain flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. sugar
1 egg
200 ml milk
2 tbsp. butter
75 g fresh forest fruits (I used only raspberries and blueberries)

Start by sifting the flour into a bowl and add the baking powder, sugar and mix it.
In a jug, whisk together the egg and milk and gradually whisk it to the flour mix. Whisk with a fork until is soft and creamy and add the butter.
Then add some fresh forest fruits to the mix and pour the batter into a muffin pan (previously lined with baking paper). On top add some more berries.
Bake in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes at 200º Celsius degrees until cooked (when  a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean).


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Classic Strawberry Shortcake – Thanks, Grandpa!

Learn how to do Classic Strawberry Shortcake – Thanks, Grandpa! for your friends and family. this revenue from Classic Strawberry Shortcake – Thanks, Grandpa! it is delicious

Make Classic Strawberry Shortcake – Thanks, Grandpa!

I was visiting my mom last summer, and overheard her and my aunt talking about making strawberry shortcake using “dad’s” recipe. They were obviously talking about my grandfather, which was surprising, since I had no idea he baked.

I remember he did a lot of cooking growing up, but it was things like frittata, meat sauce, or polenta. I never once saw him bake anything sweet. Nevertheless, he apparently gets credit for inventing our official family recipe for strawberry shortcake, which I’ve adapted here.

What he had done was taken the strawberry shortcake recipe off the box of a certain, very popular premade biscuit mix, and added extra “everything,” as my mother put it. So, that’s what I did here, except instead of using the stuff in the yellow box, I used self-rising flour, which I’m pretty sure is basically the same thing.

The only other major change is the original recipe calls for regular melted butter, but as you’ll see in the video, I like to toast mine just a little, to bring out those subtle, nutty flavors. I'm hoping Armand Cianfoni would approve. I really hope you give “our” strawberry shortcake a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 6 Large or 8 Normal Strawberry Shortcakes:
2 cups self rising flour ((You can make you own by sifting together 2 cups of all-purpose flour with 1 tablespoon baking powder, and 1 teaspoon fine salt)
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
4 tbsp butter, melted, and lightly toasted to a golden-brown

4 pints fresh strawberries
1/2 cup white sugar
*add 1 tbsp water, if strawberries aren’t perfectly ripe
3/4 cup cold heavy cream, whipped with a tablespoon of sugar and a few drops of vanilla (watch demo here)

- Bake at 425F.  for 15-18 minutes or until browned.
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Memorial Day Grilling Special: Hot Dog Sausage aka “Hot Dogage”

Learn how to do Memorial Day Grilling Special: Hot Dog Sausage aka “Hot Dogage” for your friends and family. this revenue from Memorial Day Grilling Special: Hot Dog Sausage aka “Hot Dogage” it is delicious

Make Memorial Day Grilling Special: Hot Dog Sausage aka “Hot Dogage”

The idea of making actual hot dogs doesn’t really interest me that much. Like French fries, and sushi, I believe hot dogs are best enjoyed out­; preferably at a baseball game, with a cold beer. However, I didn’t say anything about hotdog-inspired sausage hybrids.

This meaty mash-up came about thanks to some lamb kebab experiments. The meat mixture is prepared in a similar fashion, and while the seasonings are totally different, the firm texture of the kebab reminded me of a hot dog’s “snap.”

I wondered what would happen if I did a skewer-less kebab using the same ingredients that would typically go into a hotdog. What happened was better than I could've expected. I ended up with a fresh, mostly beef sausage, that tasted pretty much exactly like a hot dog.

Technically, this ended up being a lot closer to a bratwurst, but I’m pretty sure hot dogs are a more popular search, so that’s what I went with. As always, be sure to season these “to taste.” Just like when making meatballs, you can cook a small piece of the mixture, and adjust from there.

Like I said in the video, if you’re looking for something a little different for your Memorial Day cookout, I hope you give these hot dog sausages a try. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 Giants Hot Dog Sausages:
1 1/4 pounds lean ground beef (10 to 15% fat is fine)
1/4 pound ground pork
4 tsp kosher salt (1/2 ounce by weight)
2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp paprika
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp granulated garlic
1 tsp granulated onion powder
1/3 cup ice water
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bagel de brie e nozes // brie and walnut bagel

Learn how to do bagel de brie e nozes // brie and walnut bagel for your friends and family. this revenue from bagel de brie e nozes // brie and walnut bagel it is delicious

Make bagel de brie e nozes // brie and walnut bagel

inspirado na última viagem. na viagem a antuérpia. na primeira. e na última refeição, com a andréa. onde o bagel foi a escolha perfeita. sítios giros. sentados na esplanada. acompanhados de sumo fresco. ou limonada caseira. e um bagel como prato principal. num ambiente relaxado. entre melhores amigos. para vocês, andréa e tiago.

inspired on my last trip. trip to antwerp. on the first. and on the last meal, with andréa. where a bagel was the perfect choice. cool places. sitting on the terrace. with some fresh squeezed juice. or a homemade lemonade. and a bagel was a main course. on a relaxed atmosphere. between best friends. this one is for you guys, andréa and tiago.  

bagel de queijo brie, nozes e agrião
para 2


2 bagels
75 g / 100 g queijo brie, fatiado
2 c. sopa orégãos
2 c. sopa azeite
1 tomate, cortado em gomos
75 g agriões
1 punhado de nozes

vinagrete de lima:

2 c. sopa azeite
1 c. chá vinagre de sidra
1 c. chá mel
1/4 lima, sumo
pimenta e sal

Começar por abrir os bagels ao meio, regar com o azeite, colocar o queijo brie fatiado nos bagels, espalhar os orégãos por cima do queijo brie e alguma pimenta acabada de moer também. Levar ao grelhador cerca de 5 minutos, até os bagels começarem a dourar e o queijo a derreter.
Enquanto isso preparar os tomates, cortando-os em gomos, lavar os agriões e preparar o vinagrete de lima, misturando o azeite, o vinagre de cidra, o mel, o sumo de lima e os temperos.
Quando os bagels estiverem já dourados, retirar do grelhador e dispor o tomate, depois os agriões e por últimos as nozes por cima.

Na hora de servir, regar com o vinagrete de lima.

brie, walnut and watercress bagel
serves 2


2 bagels
75 g /100 g brie cheese, sliced
2 tbsp. dried oregano
1 tomato, cut in wedges
75 g watercress
1 handful walnuts


2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1 tsp. honey
1/4 lime, juice
salt and pepper

Start by opening the bagels in half, spread the olive oil, place the sliced brie cheese on top, season with oregano and freshly ground pepper. Place it under the grill for around 5 minutes, until they start to brown and the cheese to melt.
Meanwhile prepare the tomatoes, cutting into wedges, wash the watercress and prepare the lime vinaigrette by mixing the olive oil, cider vinegar, honey, lime juice and season it.
When the bagels are already golden, remove from grill and arrange the tomatoes, then watercress and last some walnuts on top.

To serve, spread it with some lime vinaigrette.


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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!