Grilled Shrimp Louie – Dressing Up a Classic

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Make Grilled Shrimp Louie – Dressing Up a Classic

I don’t do a lot of salad dressing videos, since it’s pretty much just adding things to a bowl, but when that dressing is going on a grilled shrimp Louie, I’ll make an exception. By the way, this is usually done with crab, but I think the smoky, grilled shrimp are a great summertime twist.

This is my take on a classic Louie dressing, and as with all such recipes, you’ll need to taste and adjust for acid, salt, and heat. Just be sure to wait until the dressing is nice and cold before tasting. You’ll get a more accurate reading, since that’s the temperature we’re going to be serving at.

If you do grill the shrimp, don’t toss it with the oil and lemon until right before you grill. This isn’t a marinade, and we don’t want the shrimp to start “cooking” in the acid. I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 1 3/4 cups:
1 cup mayonnaise
1/3 cup ketchup
1/4 cup crème fraiche
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 packed teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon paprika
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt, or to taste
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons minced green onion
2 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley

For the grilled shrimp:
2 pounds peeled and deveined shrimp
1 tablespoon olive oil
juice from 1/2 lemon
1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon kosher salt
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Next Up: Something with Grilled Shrimp

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Make Next Up: Something with Grilled Shrimp

Just a little heads-up that Friday's post will be up a little later in the day than usual, due to a sudden and unusual problem with my camera. My Canon T3i just started giving me "Movie recording has been stopped automatically" error messages after a few seconds of filming, and I wasn't able to finish the video. Apparently, I need a faster card, which is weird since this one has been working for months. I know shockingly little about cameras, so if you have any additional info, or advice, please share. Thank you, and stay tuned!

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Grilled Mojo Beef – Rhymes with “Everybody Say Ho!”

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Make Grilled Mojo Beef – Rhymes with “Everybody Say Ho!”

I got a request for a Cuban-style mojo marinade recently, which sounded like something I’d enjoy making, but to be honest I wasn’t exactly sure what it was. I knew I was probably pronouncing it wrong, but other than that, I couldn’t remember having it anywhere.

I’d seen “mojo” sauces before, but they were at Spanish restaurants, and seemed to be chili-based; so I did a little of research, and of course, every single recipe I looked at was different. They all had garlic, citrus, and olive oil, but after that, the spices and seasonings varied greatly. So, this is basically a composite of what I saw, and it really came out well.

I think this would work great as an all-purpose marinade for just about any thing destined for the grill, but as I mentioned in the video, skirt steak would be my top choice.  Unless horribly overcooked, it always comes out juicy, and tender, as long as you slice it across the grain.  It also tends to really soak in the flavors of the marinade quite well, which I believe is due to it being such a well-marbled cut.

Once again, please excuse my makeshift brick grill, but I’m happy to report there’s help on the way.  So stay tuned for me to show that off soon, but in the meantime I really hope you get this delicious Cuban inspired mojo marinade a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:
2 pounds beef skirt steak, cut into smaller pieces
1 large navel orange, juiced
3 limes, juiced
1/4 cup olive oil, plus more for drizzling
6-8 cloves garlic, finely crushed
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon Kosher salt, plus more to taste
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 cup freshly chopped cilantro
extra lime wedges
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How to Make Sushi Rice That Even Works for Sushi

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Make How to Make Sushi Rice That Even Works for Sushi

I don’t make sushi at home very often, or ever, since we’re surrounded by top-notch sushi chefs here in San Francisco, but that doesn’t mean I don’t make sushi rice. I think sushi rice makes a perfect side dish for just about any grilled meat, and since it’s perfectly fine at room temperature, it’s great for picnics.

You can even turn it into some quick tortilla-less tacos using nori seaweed wraps, as seen in the video. They make for such a unique summer meal – the perfect delivery system for any and all leftovers. I even seen it rolled into balls, and tossed in toasted sesame seeds, or seaweed, and served like truffles.

What I’m trying to say is, you can do a lot with this stuff. Including sushi. There are thousands of videos on YouTube showing how to make literally every type of sushi in existence, so check those out if you’re so inclined. Maybe one of these days I’ll even give it a go, if only for the “constructive criticism.”  I really hope you give this sushi rice technique a try soon.  Enjoy!

2 cups sushi rice, rinsed well, and left to dry for one hour
2 1/4 cups water
1/4 to 1/3 cup seasoned *rice vinegar, or to taste

* I buy mine already seasoned, but to make your own seasoned rice vinegar; combine:
1 cup rice vinegar, or cider vinegar
1/2 cup white sugar
4 teaspoons kosher salt
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Next Up: Something with Sushi Rice

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Make Next Up: Something with Sushi Rice

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This Tuna Poke is No Joke

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Make This Tuna Poke is No Joke

There are many of foods I’ll stand in line for, and/or pay too much for, but Hawaiian-style tuna poke isn’t one of them. I can’t make a world-class croissant at home. I can make a decent one, but not a perfect one, so I’ll happily queue up at a boulangerie that does.

However, when it comes to poke, the technique is so basic that even the most inexperienced cooks can get something pretty much identical to what they’d get out. There’s one catch though. You have to use only the freshest possible tuna, even if that means it’s frozen.

Hopefully you’ll be able to get a hold of some fresh, sushi-grade tuna, but if you can’t, frozen will work. What many people don’t realize, is that most of the fish they enjoy at their favorite sushi restaurants has actually been frozen beforehand anyway. Google it, it’s true.

So, as long as the tuna is Grade A, or sushi grade, the frozen variety will work. Above and beyond that, all the other ingredients, except for the soy sauce, are optional. So, please use this video as merely a guide to the technique, understanding that this will work with so many different ingredients. I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 4 portions Tuna Poke:
1 pound sushi-grade ahi tuna (aka yellowfin), cut into about 3/4-inch cubes
1/4 cup high-quality soy sauce
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root
1/3 cup thinly sliced green onions
2 tablespoons roasted macadamia nuts, crushed
1 tablespoon finely crumbled dried seaweed
1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
Other delicious additions include (add to finished poke, not the marinade, otherwise you may lose that gorgeous appearance):
- seasoned rice vinegar
- lemon or lime juice

* Toss tuna with marinade, and chill for 2 hours in the fridge before serving.
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Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Ice Lollies

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Make Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Ice Lollies

Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Popsicles  |
Como refrescar nestes dias de calor?!? Com uns gelados de melancia e hortelã. A solução perfeita. É refrescante, é verão, é calor. São noites de Verão. São noites de Julho. A melhor altura para sair de casa. Nestas noites tropicais de Verão. Que convidam a um passeio. Para estar com amigos. Para ir até a uma esplanada. Ou então quando se vai para a piscina. Ou para a praia. Para aproveitar ao máximo estas temperaturas. Porque o Verão na Cidade dos Arcebispos é como Alentejo. Bem como eu gosto.

How to cool down in this really hot days?!? Grab some watermelon and mint ice lollies. The perfect solution. It's refreshing, it's summer, it's warm. All about summer nights. All about July nights. The perfect time to get out of the house. In these tropical summer nights. An invitation to go outside. To be with friends. To seat in a terrace. Or to go to the pool. Or to the beach. To enjoy this temperatures. Because Summer in my hometown it's more like Alentejo. Just how I like it.

Receita de Gelados de Melancia, Hortelã e Iogurte Grego
faz 6

Se gostam de gelados caseiros, há por aqui algumas receitas de gelados caseiros, uma receita de gelado de meloa, iogurte grego e cardamomo, outra receita de gelados de pêssego e manjericão e ainda uma outra receita de gelados de nectarina, requeijão e amêndoa.


400 g melancia (sem sementes)
1 punhado de folhas de hortelã
250 g iogurte grego
1 c. chá mel

Num liquidificador triturar a melancia e a hortelã. Enquanto isso misturar o iogurte grego com o mel. 
Nas formas, alternar as camadas de melancia e iogurte. Começar pela mistura de melancia e deixar cada camada congelar por 30 minutos antes de adicionar a seguinte. Assim que todas as camadas tiverem sido adicionadas, inserir os pauzinhos de gelados.
Deixar congelar por 6 horas até solidificado.
Na hora de servir, esperar uns minutos antes de desenformar.


Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Popsicles  |
Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Ice Lollies Recipe
makes 6

If you enjoy homemade ice lollies, there are few recipes here on the blog. Like this one of cantaloupe, cardamom and greek yoghurt ice lolly recipe, or this one of peach and basil ice lolly recipe and another one recipe of nectarine, 'requeijão' and almonds ice lolly.


400 g watermelon (seedless)
1 handful of mint leaves
250 g greek yoghurt
1 tsp. honey

In a blender place the watermelon and mint leaves and blend until smooth. In the meantime, in a bowl mix the greek yoghurt and honey.
In the ice lolly forms, alternate layers of watermelon and yoghurt. Start with the watermelon mixture and allow each layer to freeze for 30 minutes before adding the next one. Once all the layers are added, insert ice lolly sticks.
Freeze for 6 hours until frozen.
To serve, take them out of the freezer and wait for a few minutes before unmolding.


Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Popsicles  |

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Next Up: Something with Ahi

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Make Next Up: Something with Ahi

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Nashville Hot Chicken – Yes Cayenne

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Make Nashville Hot Chicken – Yes Cayenne

It’s not often I reduce the amount of cayenne in a recipe, but that’s the case with this striking, and intensely spiced Nashville hot chicken. If you’ve never had it, we’re talking about an ultra-crispy fried chicken, doused with a cayenne-infused glaze, and by “glaze” I mean melted butter and lard.

It sounds crazy, but it's basically like being able to put lots of hot sauce on fried chicken, without it getting soggy. For the record, I’ve never been to Nashville, so I can’t tell you how authentic this is, but it works for me, and is fairly easy to pull off. 

By the way, do yourself a favor, and toss the chicken with a tablespoon of kosher salt the night before you fry, and you’ll get a nicely seasoned, moister bird.

You can cut up a whole chicken, or just buy a package of leg sections, which work great in this recipe. If you want to see how to cut up a chicken, check out this old buttermilk fried chicken video. I cut the breasts in half in that one, but the technique is the same. I really hope you give this amazing fried chicken recipe a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for Nashville Hot Chicken:

1 whole chicken, cut into 8 pieces, tossed with 1 tablespoon kosher salt, and refrigerated overnight.
For the marinade:
1 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup pickle brine
2 tablespoon Louisiana-style hot sauce
1 large egg

For the flour:
2 cups AP flour
2 teaspoons fine table salt or 4 teaspoon kosher salt

For the sauce:
1/4 cup lard
1/4 cup butter
2 tablespoons cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

- Heat oil to 350 F. and maintain temp of 325 F. during frying. Cook to at least 160 internal temp.
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Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast

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Make Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast

Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |
A simplicidade destes almoços alentejanos, quando o calor abrasador ronda os 40º C, onde o gaspacho e as tostas de sabores desta terra são a combinação perfeita. É destes sabores, destas cores, das casas caiadas e tantas outras coisas, que mais gosto nos passeios por estas terras além Tejo.
Gosto de experimentar novas combinações e desta feita, pelo baixo Alentejo não foi excepção. Dias de puro ócio e boa comida, ao passar de um ano, desta nova aventura - o regresso a Portugal - que daqui em diante conduz a uma nova etapa.

The simplicity of these Alentejo's lunches, when the scorching heat is around 40º C, where the gaspacho and toasts full of native flavours are the perfect combination. Its these flavours, these colours, whitewashed houses and so many other things that I appreciate the most when travelling in these land beyond Tagus river.
I like to try new combinations and this time, in the southern part of Alentejo was no exception. Days of pure entertainment and good food, a year after I embarked upon new adventure - return to Portugal - that henceforth leads to a new one.

Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |
Receita de Tosta de Requeijão, Tomate e Poejos
para 2

O sabor do pão alentejano, os tomates coração de boi do mercado e o sabor fresco dos poejos cultivados no Alentejo dão outro sabor às tostas. O truque aqui é do limão com o requeijão, que aprendi num restaurante algures no Alentejo e que lhe dá um sabor cítrico que contrasta com o sabor perfumado e fresco dos poejos.
Para acompanhar, um gaspacho à alentejana, porque quando o calor é sempre a melhor solução.


4 fatias de pão Alentejano
1 dente de alho
170 g requeijão
1 c. sopa de sumo de limão
1 ou 2 tomates coração de boi, às rodelas
um punhado de poejos

Primeiro começar por tostar o pão Alentejano e depois esfregar o dente de alho no pão. 
Misturar então o requeijão com o sumo de limão e depois barrar nas fatias de pão. Dispor então as rodelas de tomate por cima e por fim os poejos.


Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |
Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |
Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |
Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |
Requeijão, Tomato and Pennyroyal Toasts Recipe
para 2

The flavour of Alentejo's bread, with some farmer's market heirloom tomatoes and the fresh flavour of pennyroyal cultivated in Alentejo, give these toasts a different life. The trick here it to add some lemon juice to the requeijão, as I learned in a restaurant somewhere in Alentejo, that it boosts the flavour of requeijão and is the perfect contrast to the fresh and fragrant flavour of pennyroyal.
On the side, a 'gaspacho alentejano', because when the heat strikes it's the best solution


4 slices of Alentejo bread (big one will do!)
1 garlic clove
170 g requeijão (fresh cheese like ricotta)
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 or 2 heirloom tomatoes, sliced
bunch of fresh pennyroyal leaves

Start by grilling the bread on both sides and then rub the garlic clove on the bread. Then mix the fresh cheese with lemon juice and spread it on the toasted bread slices. Then place the tomato slices on top and sprinkle some pennyroal leaves.


Requeijão, Tomato and 'Poejos' Toast |

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Just Corn Soup – Finally, Less is More!

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Make Just Corn Soup – Finally, Less is More!

This is one of my all-time favorite ways to enjoy fresh, summer corn, and a great lesson in just how little help these sweet ears need. If you’re using perfect, peak season ears, a little butter, salt and pepper is really all you need. And no, water never counts.

In case you’re wondering why we blended half the corn at the beginning, even though we were going to blend it at the end anyway, I have a great reason for that. The first time I made this soup, it came out so perfectly delicious that I’m now afraid to change the steps.

I blended the corn, and started cooking; not knowing it would look so terrible and broken. It tasted amazing, but looked like a horrible mistake, so I ended up giving it a little blitz with the stick blender. That did the trick, and I had something that looked as gorgeous as it tasted.

Would it taste the same if you simmered the corn in the water, and then blended it all at the end? I’m not sure, but my instincts say no. By the way, if you don’t have a stick blender, you’ll have to carefully puree about half the soup in a blender (in batches if necessary), and then add it back in. I really hope you give this amazing corn soup a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 4 small portions:
3 cups packed fresh sweet white corn kernels (about 3-4 ears)
3 cups cold water
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
generously season with salt
cayenne to taste
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Next Up: Something with Corn

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Make Next Up: Something with Corn

Due to yesterday being my birthday, and my refusing to work on that day, this week's first video will be slightly delayed. It should be up later this evening, or tomorrow morning at the latest. Stay tuned! 

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Basil Ricotta Gnocchi – The Other (Better?) Gnocchi

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Make Basil Ricotta Gnocchi – The Other (Better?) Gnocchi

One of these days, I’ll do a proper potato-based gnocchi video, but it’s hard for me, since I enjoy this style so much more. Sure, once in a while, with the help of perfectly cooked potatoes, and trusty ricer, you’ll nail the classic technique, and achieve beautifully light, tender dumplings; but, that’s how these come out every time. Besides, I’m pretty sure since these don’t use potato, or as much flour, we get to call these “low-carb,” which is nice. 

Anyway, the point is these are easy to pull off, and great for a dinner party, since you can shape/boil your gnocchi ahead of time, and then simply brown them up in some butter when you’re ready to serve.

I tend to keep the plating fairly basic for these, but any of your favorite pasta sauces should work. They're great as a main course, especially if you accessorize with some seasonal vegetables, but "as is," they also make for a stellar side dish, or first course. I really hope you give this basil ricotta gnocchi recipe a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 Portions Basil Ricotta Gnocchi:
12-ounce container whole milk ricotta cheese (1 1/2 cups), *drained well
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves, blanched in boiling water
1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste
1 1/2 ounces freshly grated Parmesan (about 1 not-packed cup)
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
 unsalted butter for optional browning

Note: Cook a test piece of dough in salted water, and check for seasoning. Add more salt if needed

*My fancy basket ricotta tends to be low-moisture, so if you’re using the much wetter supermarket brands, be sure to drain in a strainer in the fridge for a few
hours to allow the excess water to drip out.
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Next Up: Something with Basil

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Make Next Up: Something with Basil

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A Tale of Two Salts

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Make A Tale of Two Salts

I’ve been promising to do this video for a long time, since not understanding the difference between regular fine table salt, and kosher salt in a recipe, can cause all sorts of mayhem when cooking. 

Since chefs use kosher salt almost exclusively, and write many of the recipes you see online, that’s the type most often used. When you combine that with the fact that most home cooks typically use fine salt, there’s going to be issues.

Basically, if it’s not a recipe you can season “to taste,” and you’re using fine salt for a recipe that calls for kosher, then you’ll want to use about half the amount. Of course, it would be nice if every recipe were written in weight, but that’s not about to happen, and besides, there are already a trillion recipes out there.

So, why do chefs like kosher salt so much? It’s easier to handle, and doesn’t clump like fine salt. That’s big in a moist kitchen. It’s also nicer looking when finishing plates, as you can actually see the flaky crystals. Lastly, it’s a textural thing, providing a little crunch on occasion. By the way, there are different kosher salts, and other coarse salts on the market, but you can find all kinds of conversions online to fine salt. Good luck, and as always, enjoy!

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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!