Grilled Bacon Meatloaf Burgers – Building a Faster Meatloaf Sandwich

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Make Grilled Bacon Meatloaf Burgers – Building a Faster Meatloaf Sandwich

I love meatloaf, but not as much as I love meatloaf sandwiches. In fact, I’ll make a meatloaf just for the leftovers. I’ll fry the cold slice in a buttered pan until hot and crusty, and enjoy it on toast with ketchup. 

This is basically that, plus bacon, in burger form. What it lacks in loaf shape, it more than makes up for by being faster and easier. By the way, even though we’re grilling this in honor of Labor Day weekend, I actually think it’s better pan-fried. While I enjoy the smoky char the grill adds, I miss the crust you can only get on a really flat, really hot surface. I feel this way about burgers in general.

Also, if you cook this in a pan, you could deglaze, and spoon a little natural jus over the top. Either way, you’re looking at a delicious burger, and a nice change of pace from your usual cookout fare. I really hope you give these bacon meatloaf burgers a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 Bacon Meatloaf Burgers:
1 large egg, beaten
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder                       
cayenne pepper to taste
pinch dried thyme
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 pound ground chuck (85% lean)
1/4 cup plain bread crumbs
2/3 cup chopped cooked bacon
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Childhood Ice Cream Cake

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Make Childhood Ice Cream Cake

Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
O gelado da minha infância. O gelado que a minha mãe fazia para todas as festas, sem excepção.O gelado que a minha família adora. O gelado, em que a receita vai passando de uns para os outros escrita à mão num qualquer rascunho. O gelado que mais me deliciava. Aquele que durante tanto tempo foi 'o' gelado. O único que comia e tão bem me sabia. Que me traz recordações dos verões em pequeno. Das festas em família. Dos convívios. Este gelado é sinónimo disso mesmo, de família, de verão e festas de aniversário. Nunca podia faltar. E parece-me bem trazer esta tradição de volta. Para continuar a ser o meu 'gelado' favorito. Ainda que não seja bem um gelado.

The ice cream of my childhood. The ice cream that my mother made for all parties without exception. The ice cream that my family loves. The ice cream which the recipe passes from one to another, handwritten in any paper draft. The ice cream that delighted me the most. The one that for a long time was 'the' ice cream.  Which brings me memories of summer as a child, of family parties and small gatherings. This ice cream is synonymous of that, family, summer and birthday parties. we always had to have. and it seems good to me to bring back this tradition. to keep being my favourite 'ice cream'. even though it's not quite an ice cream.

Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Receita O Gelado De Infância
para 12

Já vi várias adaptações desta receita, várias medidas e vários métodos de preparar. Esta é a minha favorita. Contudo incluo aqui duas versões, a original preparada com chantilly royal e a versão simples, sem claras e preparada com natas.

versão original


2 caixas chantilly royal (+ leite)
10 ovos (10 gemas, 10 claras)
4 c. sopa de água
10 c. sopa de açúcar
100 g amêndoa laminada (tostada)

Num recipiente bater os dois pacotes de chantilly royal com o leite gelado, como indicado na embalagem, até estar uma massa leve e fofa. Colocar então no congelador durante 20 minutos.
Enquanto isto bater as claras até ficar em castelo. Quando estiverem prontas, levar em banho maria a cozer durante 3 minutos (para ficarem cozinhadas e eliminar riscos desnecessários).
Findo os 20 minutos, retirar o chantilly do congelador e envolver as claras. Reservar até necessário.
Preparar então o doce de ovos, levando um tacho ao lume com 10 c. sopa de açúcar e 4 c. sopa de água. Quando levantar fervura, deixar ferver durante 2/3 minutos até estar em ponto 'fio de cabelo'. Retirar o tacho do lume e ir vertendo para as gemas (que deverão estar numa taça, ligeiramente batidas e envolvidas com uma colher), aos poucos de cada vez enquanto se vai mexendo sempre para não 'talhar'. Depois de tudo envolvido, voltar a colocar o preparado no tacho e por o tacho em lume brando por mais uns minutos. Ir mexendo sempre até se começar a ver o fundo do tacho e a 'fazer estrada' e retirar do lume.
Dispor então numa forma de 24 cm e forrada a papel vegetal, uma primeira camada com metade do chantilly, depois a camada de ovos moles, cobrir com o restante chantilly. Levar ao congelador por 24 horas.
Na hora de servir polvilhar com lascas de amêndoa tostada.

versão simples


3 pacotes de natas
6 c. sopa de açúcar
10 gemas
4 c. sopa de água
10 c. sopa de açúcar

100 g amêndoa laminada (tostada)

Numa taça bater os 3 pacotes de natas e as 6 c. sopa de açúcar, por uns minutos, até se tornar um creme consistente. Colocar então no congelador durante 20 minutos.
Enquanto isso, preparar então o doce de ovos, levando um tacho ao lume com 10 c. sopa de açúcar e 4 c. sopa de água. Quando levantar fervura, deixar ferver durante 2/3 minutos até estar em ponto 'fio de cabelo'. Retirar o tacho do lume e ir vertendo para as gemas (que deverão estar numa taça, ligeiramente batidas e envolvidas com uma colher), aos poucos de cada vez enquanto se vai mexendo sempre para não 'talhar'. Depois de tudo envolvido, voltar a colocar o preparado no tacho e por o tacho em lume brando por mais uns minutos. Ir mexendo sempre até se começar a ver o fundo do tacho e a 'fazer estrada' e retirar do lume.
Dispor então numa forma de 24 cm e forrada a papel vegetal, uma primeira camada com metade das natas, depois a camada de ovos moles, cobrir com as restantes natas. Levar ao congelador por 24 horas.

Na hora de servir polvilhar com lascas de amêndoa tostada.


Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake |
Childhood Ice Cream Cake Recipe
serves 12


600 ml double cream
6 tbsp. sugar
10 yolks
4 tbsp. water
10 tbsp. sugar

100 g flaked almonds (toasted)

In a bowl beat the 600 ml double cream with 6 tbsp. of sugar for a few minutes until it's consistent and fluffy. Then place it in the freezer for 20 minutes.
In the mean time prepare the soft eggs. In a saucepan add 10 tbsp. sugar and 4 of water, place it over medium/low heat  and let it boil for 2-3 minutes, just enough to boil but not to caramelize. Remove the pan from the heat and slowly start pouring the mixture into the egg yolks (which should be in a bowl, slightly beat and involved with a spoon), little at a time while stirring constantly to not 'chop'. After all involved pour it again to the saucepan and place again the saucepan over low heat for just a few more minutes. Keep stirring until you can see the bottom of the pan and remove from heat.
Then line a  24 cm round tray with baking paper and place a first layer of half of the cream, then a layer of soft eggs and cover with the remaining cream. Place it in the freezer for 24 hours.

Before serving sprinkle with toasted almond flakes.


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Eastern North Carolina-Style Barbecue Sauce with a West Coast Twist

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Make Eastern North Carolina-Style Barbecue Sauce with a West Coast Twist

I’m not sure if using honey instead of sugar really qualifies as a “West Coast twist,” but it does ensure that people from North Carolina can’t attack me for this Eastern North Carolina-style barbecue sauce not being authentic. 

Anyway, while this isn’t exactly what you might find in the Tar Heel State, it was fantastic on the pork, and I hope it inspires you to add this deliciously different barbecue sauce in your repertoire.

As I mentioned in the video, I’m heading down to SoCal to work on a top-secret project, but since I teased this sauce in the recent paper pork recipe, I wanted to get this posted before I left. Unfortunately, I can’t give any details about what I’m doing down there, but let’s just say…actually, I can’t even say that. So stay tuned, and in the meantime, I really do hope you give this a try soon.  Enjoy!

1 tablespoon honey, or other sweetener to taste
1 generous tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
1 generous tablespoon hot red pepper flakes
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup white distilled vinegar
3/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
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Paper Pork Shoulder – It’s a Wrap

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Make Paper Pork Shoulder – It’s a Wrap

This “paper pork” was inspired by a technique for smoking beef brisket that involves wrapping the meat in parchment paper after a certain point in the cooking process, in an effort to keep the meat moist, and succulent. Turns out it works great for pork shoulder.

I decided to try it for an oven-roasted pork shoulder, wrapping it from the beginning, and it came out so perfectly tender, and juicy, I’ve been doing it that way ever since. Like I said in video, I’m not exactly sure how much better this comes out with the paper, verses just wrapping tightly in foil, but it seems to stay moister, and more importantly, it looks cool on the table.

We don’t get any kind of crust using this method, but it doesn’t lack for flavor, and if you’re going to use this for pulled pork sandwiches, along with your favorite bbq sauce, I don’t see how that’s going to be any kind of a problem.

Speaking of barbecue sauce, I’m going to show you an unusual one next week, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, I really hope you give this paper pork a try soon. Enjoy!

7 pound bone-in pork shoulder roast
for the rub:
2 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp smoked paprika
2 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon cayenne
- Wrap and roast at 225 F. for 1.75 hours per pound
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Alentejo Travel Guide // Landscapes & Sunsets

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Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
O último artigo desta primeira parte sobre o Alentejo. É sobre a beleza da paisagem alentejana e do pôr-do-sol no interior alentejano. Contudo, não será o último. Haverá mais, mais para a frente dar a conhecer Beja, Serpa e a zona envolvente.

The last article of this first part of Alentejo. It's about the beauty of the alentejo's landscape and sunsets in the Alentejo countryside. However, it won't be the last one. There will be more, in a few weeks about Beja, Serpa and the area around.

Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Planícies, Planaltos & Alqueva // Plains, Plateaus & Alqueva

Paisagens estupendas e um lago, que apesar de 'artificial', combina na perfeição com a paisagem envolvente. Nada mais a acrescentar, apenas a contemplar.


Stupendous scenery and a lake, although 'artificial', blends in perfectly with the surrounding landscape. Nothing more to add just contemplate it.

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Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Landscapes & Sunsets |
Pôr-do-sol // Sunset

O pôr-do-sol no interior alentejano é um espectáculo surpreendente. No alto de Monsaraz sobre a planície que se estende além daquilo que a vista consegue alcançar num calor tão tipicamente alentejano do final de tarde, ou avistar o sol a pôr-se por entre as ruelas apertadas daquele magnifico lugar.
No pátio da casa do Corval, pela hora do jantar com as andorinhas a sobrevoar, é-o também esplendoroso, ou num outro qualquer lugar pela golden hour.


The sunset in Alentejo's countryside is an amazing show. On the top of Monsaraz, where the plain extends beyond what the eye can see, while is still really warm, or just catch a sight of the sun setting through the narrow streets of this magnificent place.
In the courtyard of the house at dinnertime with swallows flying over.
Or in any other place at golden hour.

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Alentejo Travel Guide // Reguengos de Monsaraz

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Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
A viagem continua por terras Alentejanas, desta vez até Reguengos de Monsaraz e à Herdade do Esporão.

The journey around Alentejo is still going and this time is to talk about Reguengos de Monsaraz and 'Herdade do Esporão'

Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Reguengos de Monsaraz

Não é das minhas localidades alentejanas favoritas. No entanto tem pontos de interesse, principalmente na região envolvente e para quem vinho aprecia. Tem também um mercado, sobretudo ao fim-de-semana, com as frutas e legumes da época alentejanos e onde não faltam as beldroegas, tomates coração-de-boi e poejos.


It's not one of my favourite places in Alentejo. However it has points of interest, especially in the surrounding region and for those who enjoy wine. It also has a farmer's market that is quite good in the weekends with fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, where you cannot miss the purslane, heirloom tomatoes and pennyroyal.

Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Reguengos de Monsaraz |
Herdade do Esporão

A Herdade do Esporão é bonita por si só. De branco imaculado, vinhas que se afastam da vista até ao Alqueva, caves antigas e carregadas de vinho, provas do azeite ali produzido (para fanáticos como eu) e um cenário envolvente perfeito.

O link para a Herdade do Esporão fica aqui, para quem quiser ir lá a uma prova de azeite, de vinho, a uma festa ao pôr-do-sol ou deliciar-se com as vistas.


The 'Herdade do Esporão' is a beauty on its own. In a spotless white, vines that cover a wide area till Alqueva, old wine cellars, homemade olive oil tasting experiences (for fanatics like me) and a perfect surrounding scenery.

The link to 'Herdade do Esporão is right here, for those who want to go on an olive oil tasting, or wine tasting, or to a sunset party or to just be amazed by the scenery.

Próximo Artigo // Next Post: Paisagens // Landscape

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Eggplant Escabeche – The Second Best Way to Eat Eggplant

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Make Eggplant Escabeche – The Second Best Way to Eat Eggplant

The best way to eat eggplant is fried, which I’ll hopefully prove to you one day with a video recipe. In the meantime, you’ll have to settle for the second best way, which is this eggplant escabeche. It’s cold, refreshing, vibrantly-flavored, and I’m guessing, very healthy. 

This was inspired by a visit to a restaurant in San Francisco called Lolinda, where Chef Alejandro Morgan serves a simple, but incredibly delicious Argentinian-style eggplant escabeche. I won’t go so far as to say it came out as good, but the noises of pleasure Michele made while eating this were very similar. 

If you didn’t get the #dotsnotslots reference, I explained how to tell a “male” from “female” eggplant in a old video, which involves looking for a dot shaped mark at the end, and not a slot shaped one. This indicates a “male,” which generally has less seeds.

By the way, “male” is in quotations because eggplants don’t actually have different genders, but apparently some are less pregnant than others. I’m certainly no expert when it comes to eggplant sex, but I’ll go with that until I hear otherwise. I really do hope you give this fabulous eggplant recipe a try soon. Enjoy! 

Ingredients for about 2 pints:
3/4 cup sliced roasted sweet and/or hot peppers

1 large eggplant, halved, cut in 1/4 slices
1 large zucchini, halved, cut in 1/4 slices
tossed with 2 tablespoons kosher salt 
1 cup white wine vinegar 
2/3 cup water 
1/2 cup olive oil 
2 cloves finely crushed garlic 
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper, or to taste
1 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley
1 tablespoon freshly chopped oregano
1/4 cup reserved vinegar cooking liquid
kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 
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Alentejo Travel Guide // Alandroal, Corval & Terena

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Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Continuando à descoberta do Alentejo, agora por três outras vilas e aldeias: Alandroal, Corval e Terena.

Continuing the discovery of Alentejo, now there other towns and villages: Alandroal, Corval e Terena.

Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |

Uma pequena vila já bem perto de Vila Viçosa, que faz o contraste perfeito das casas caiadas de branco, a pedra do seu Castelo e as vistas fantásticas sobre a esplêndida paisagem alentejana.


A small village very close to Vila Viçosa, which makes the perfect contrast of whitewashed houses, the Castle made of stones and the fantastic views of the splendid Alentejo countryside.

Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |

A pequena aldeia algures entre Monsaraz e Reguengos de Monsaraz. A pequena aldeia tipicamente alentejana recheada de artesãos e olarias. Onde se pode encontrar a grande parte das peças produzidas em barro, neste que é o maior centro oleiro de Portugal. E onde a minha preferida é a Patalim, em que as peças ainda são produzidas de forma artesanal e onde se pode encontrar um pequeno museu.


This small village nestled between Monsaraz and Reguengos de Monsaraz. A small and typical Alentejo village full of artisans and potteries. Where you can find most of the pottery made in Alentejo as this is the biggest pottery centre in Portugal. My favourite would say is Patalim, in which the pieces are still handmade and where you can find a small museum.

Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |
Alentejo Travel Guide - Alandroal, Corval & Terena |

As ruas floridas de Terena, as casas caiadas e de riscas coloridas, as beldroegas que nascem bravas no solo pelo Sol aquecido, em ruas desertas e praticamente abandonadas e um Castelo a envolver todo este cenário. Deslumbrante mas entristecedor pelo cenário de desertificação que algumas destas localidades estão a passar.


Terena’s flowery streets. Whitewashed houses and a colourful stripe.  Where purslane sprouts wildly in the heated soil. Deserted streets surrounded by a Castle. Stunning but saddening as has been hit by desertification as some other places in the region.

Próximo Artigo // Next Post: Reguengos de Monsaraz

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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!