Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice

Learn how to do Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice for your friends and family. this revenue from Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice it is delicious

Make Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice

Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice  | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Um vício chamado melancia. Não bastassem os gelados de melancia ainda há sumo de melancia. Fresco pela manhã ao pequeno-almoço. A acompanhar o almoço. Ou como refresco no final de tarde pela 'golden hour'. Manjericão e hortelã à mistura para dar um toque diferente. Sabores de verão servidos bem frescos num copo com gelo.

An addiction that goes by watermelon. The watermelon ice lollies were not enough so here it is another watermelon recipe. Fresh in the morning for breakfast. At lunch time. Or as a refreshment in the evening at golden hour. Basil and mint in the mixture to bring a different touch. Summer flavours served fresh in a glass with some ice.

Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice  | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Receita de Sumo de Melancia, Morangos, Manjericão, Hortelã e Lima
para 6

Além dos gelados de melancia, hortelã e iogurte grego, esta é mais uma receita para ajudar a refrescar durante o Verão e uma boa forma de começar o dia.


400 g melancia (sem as sementes)
200 g morangos
20 folhas de manjericão
20 folhas de hortelã
sumo de 1 lima
1 litro de água

Num liquidificador colocar todos os ingredientes, processar até estar tudo bem triturado e servir em copos com pedras de gelo e folhas de hortelã.


Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice  | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice  | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Watermelon, Strawberry, Basil, Mint and Lime Juice Recipe
Serves 6

Aside from the Watermelon, Mint and Greek Yoghurt Ice Lollies, this is another recipe to cool down during summertime and a good way to start the day.


400 g watermelon
200 g strawberries
20 basil leaves
20 mint leaves
1 litre of water
juice of 1 lime

In a blender add all the ingredients, blend until smooth and serve in glasses with ice cubes and mint leaves.


Watermelon, Strawberry and Lime Juice  | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com

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