Let's Get Fishy With It!

Learn how to do Let's Get Fishy With It! for your friends and family. this revenue from Let's Get Fishy With It! it is delicious

Make Let's Get Fishy With It!

In case you missed the reference, Let's Get Jiggy With It was released by Wil Smith in 1997 lol!  In this case, the song has nothing to do with this delicious recipe, it's just an attempt to have some fun and get everyone into  the kitchen and cook!  Sea Bass, artichokes, leeks, shallots, garlic, Parma ham and more....what could be bad?

Fillet of Sea Bass with Parma Ham, Sauteed Artichokes and Watercress


Sea Bass
4 sea bass fillets, large
olive oil

Red Wine Sauce
3/4 cup of red wine, fruity
1/2 shallot, chopped
1/4 leek, finely chopped
1/2 bulb of garlic
1/4 bunch of rosemary
2 star anise
2 oz of fish trimmings
3/4 cup of dark chicken stock
vegetable oil

Artichoke Purée
10 Jerusalem artichokes, large, peeled
4 oz of double cream

To Plate
2 slices of bread
1 handful of sun-dried tomatoes
2 globe artichokes, cooked hearts only
2 handfuls of watercress
1/2 lemon
4 slices of Parma ham
olive oil


Red Wine Sauce
Place a saucepan over a medium heat. Add a small drizzle of vegetable oil and sweat the shallots, leek, garlic, rosemary and star anise until soft with no color.

Add the fish trimmings and cook for a further 10 minutes. Add the red wine, bring to the boil and cook until the pan is almost dry. This is called a reduction and when will intensify the flavor.

Add the chicken stock, bring to a simmer and reduce for about 1 hour until it resembles a thin gravy and has a rich flavor. Pass through a fine strainer lined with muslin cloth (or a chinoise) and set aside.

Jerusalem Artichoke Purée
Medium dice the peeled artichokes and place in a saucepan. Cover with water, season with salt, bring to a gentle boil and cook until tender This will take 15-25 minutes, depending on the consistency of the artichokes.

Drain and transfer the artichokes to a food processor. Blend and add enough of the cream to form a smooth, thin purée. Set aside and keep warm.

Cut the crust off the bread and discard. Cut the white into 1/2 in cubes and fry in olive oil until crisp and golden. Drain on paper, towels and season with salt and set aside.

Sea Bass
Place a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat. Add a small drizzle of vegetable oil to the pan and once hot, gently place the sea bass fillets in 2 at a time, skin side down. Use a spatula to apply a firm amount of pressure to the fish keeping the skin flat to the surface of the pan helping achieve an overall even golden color.

Cook for 2-3 minutes until the skin is golden and crispy. Use the fish spatula or thin flipper to slide under the skin and turn over to cook on the opposite side for 2-3 more minutes. Repeat with the other 2 fillets, remove from the pan, season with salt and pepper and place in a warm spot to rest and finish cooking.

Globe Artichokes
Cut the globe artichoke hearts into 6 small wedges and add to pan which contained the fish, cook until golden. Remove and set aside with the fish to keep warm.

Place 3 pieces of artichoke and 3 pieces of dried tomato in a circle around the outside of 4 hot plates. Sprinkle over a few croutons and some of the watercress.

Place some of the hot artichoke purée in the middle and top with the fish. Squeeze some of the lemon over the plate and drizzle with olive oil.

Tear the Parma ham into pieces and dot around the plates to garnish. Finish with a spoon of the red wine sauce, lightly place a few sprigs of the watercress and serve immediately.
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