Spaghetti with Green Olive Puttanesca

Learn how to do Spaghetti with Green Olive Puttanesca for your friends and family. this revenue from Spaghetti with Green Olive Puttanesca it is delicious

Make Spaghetti with Green Olive Puttanesca

Spaghetti with Green Olive Puttanesca

This is a wonderfully tasty quick and easy mid-week meal. Chilli, Capers, Anchovies, Olives and Tomatoes - what a perfect combination!

Serves 4
Prep time:   5 -10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

2-3 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, peeled & finely chopped
1 small red chilli, deseeded & finely chopped
10 anchovies from a jar, drained & finely chopped
115g green olives, pitted
2 tbsp capers, drained
400g tin of chopped tomatoes

To serve
400g dried spaghetti, cooked as per packet instructions
Freshly grated parmesan
Fresh parsley, chopped


1.  Place the oil in a large frying pan and heat, add the garlic and chilli and gently cook for 2 minutes.  Add the anchovies, olives, capers and tomatoes. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat to a simmer for 10-15 minutes until the sauce has thickened.

2.  Add the cooked spaghetti to the sauce and toss until fully coated.

3.  Serve with a sprinkling of parsley and parmesan, enjoy!

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