Grill a Steak? Then Grill a Veal Chop!

Learn how to do Grill a Steak? Then Grill a Veal Chop! for your friends and family. this revenue from Grill a Steak? Then Grill a Veal Chop! it is delicious

Make Grill a Steak? Then Grill a Veal Chop!

Fire up that grill and lay on some tantalizing, meaty, mouthwatering.....veal! There is no reason that one of your Summer patio or back yard barbecues can't include veal chops. They grill up just like steaks but offer flavors that you can't get from even a great steak like rib eye.  But that's ok...Your friends and family are going to love it! You can load up with the typical barbecue side dishes or take your barbecue to the next level and cook up a bunch or two of delicious rainbow chard to go with!

Veal Chop with Sauteed Rainbow Chard, Crispy Coppa and Gorgonzola Fettunta

Serves 2
Total time:  40 minutes


1 (1 lb)veal rib chop or two smaller ribs, about 2 inches thick each
Kosher salt and black pepper
2 cloves roasted garlic
Chopped parsley
Spanish smoked paprika
Extremely high quality olive oil
Rendered bacon fat or lard
Sea salt

Sauteed Rainbow Chard with Crispy Spicy Capicola
1 bunch rainbow chard
Several slices spicy capicola, julienned
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Gorgonzola Fettunta
Several slices good quality bread, about an inch thick
Good olive oil
Sea Salt
1 garlic clove
A few ounces of Gorgonzola


Veal Chop
About 3 hours before you’re going to cook, place the veal chop at room temp and salt and pepper thoroughly. Start a fire in your  grill or light your gas grill on high heat. Mix the parsley, garlic, paprika and olive oil and set aside. Get the grill extremely hot and rub the chop in the rendered fat. Grill the chop over high heat, turning frequently until the inside is just under medium rare and the outside has a nice crust. Remove to a plate to rest for 10-15 minutes, pour the oil mixture over the top and sprinkle with extra sea salt.

Sauteed Rainbow Chard with Crispy Spicy Capicola
Bring some salted water to a boil and prepare an ice bath. Trim the thick ribs from the leafy parts of the chard. Cut the ribs into 1 inch lenths and boil in the water until tender, then transfer to the ice bath. In a sauté pan, heat a little olive oil and then throw in the coppa to crisp, once it’s nearly there, add the garlic and brown. Then add the chard and stems, salt and pepper. Toss until chard is wilted and just cooked through.

Gorgonzola Fettunta
Toast one side of the bread on your grill. Rub the toasted side with a garlic clove, like a crayon, and then place the un-toasted side toward the coals or flame. Crumble the gorgonzola over the bread and close the lid. When the underside is toasted and the cheese is soft, remove from the grill, sprinkle with sea salt and olive oil.

Slice you veal chop in half.  Lay down the rainbow chard leaves and stems (stems all going the same direction) and then the chop just over the edge of the chard.  Place one or two of the grilled toasts to one side of the chop and serve.  If you wanted to add another component, a twice baked mashed potato would be delicious!
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