Culinary School in a Box, and Too-Good-to-Eat Christmas Cookies

Learn how to do Culinary School in a Box, and Too-Good-to-Eat Christmas Cookies for your friends and family. this revenue from Culinary School in a Box, and Too-Good-to-Eat Christmas Cookies it is delicious

Make Culinary School in a Box, and Too-Good-to-Eat Christmas Cookies

My friends at have put together a series of online cooking classes, which could make a great gift for the foodies on your list. Whether they admit it or not, we all know your friends and family are envious of your culinary abilities, and secretly wish you’d teach them some of your skills.

Since that’s not going to happen anytime soon (hey, you’re busy, and they can’t afford your rates anyway), why not do the next best thing, and make them learn themselves? With any luck, they’ll practice their “homework” on you. Plus, think of all the time you’ll save wrapping a present.

In case you’re wondering, while I completely stand behind this offering, I'm not personally involved in the course instruction, nor do I directly profit from subscriptions to the school. For more info, head over to Enjoy!

Christmas Cookie Decorating Ideas

I’m not much of a cookie guy, and even less of a decorating cookie guy; so, since I’m no help, I thought I’d pass along this great post by Karen Gaudette, called 21 Fun And Creative Cookie Decorating Ideas. Because Christmas.

Ironically, the ultimate goal with this kind of thing is to make a cookie so amazing, so intricate, and so visually arresting, that no one would dare bite into it. “How were the cookies? No idea, they were too nice to eat.” Just imagine. Enjoy!
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