Classic Rice Pudding – Word on the Street Is

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Make Classic Rice Pudding – Word on the Street Is

It’s not every day you find yourself walking next to someone on the street, who’s eating from a ridiculously large tub of rice pudding. Well, that’s exactly what happened to me the other day, and it served as a reminder for what a great, and comforting dessert rice pudding really is. 

For whatever reason, it’s usually not near the top when people list their favorite desserts, but despite that, it’s a proven crowd-pleaser, and quite easy to make, especially using this simplified, one-pot method.

Most recipes have you make the pudding in a clean pot, since, I’m assuming, they’re afraid the starch at the bottom of the pan used to cook the rice will burn. And, it probably would, unless you deglaze the bottom with cold milk before turning the heat back on. Not only will this simple step prevent the pudding from scorching, but also I think we get a little bit of extra toasted rice flavor. I also prefer an egg yolk to a whole egg, but regardless, be sure to whisk it in fast and furious, or they might scramble.

If you’re scared, you can temper the egg by mixing in a few spoons of the hot rice mixture, before blending in, but as I’ve said before, there’s nothing wrong with a little adrenalin-inducing danger in the kitchen. So, no matter what you garnish it with, or whether you eat it inside, or crossing Dolores Street, I really hope you give this a try soon.  Enjoy!  

Makes 4 Portions Rice Puddings:
1/2 cup uncooked white long-grain rice
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup water
1/4 cup white sugar
1 1/3 cups milk
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg yolk
1 tablespoon cold butter
2 tablespoons dried cherries, chopped
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Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes

Learn how to do Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes for your friends and family. this revenue from Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes it is delicious

Make Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes

Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes |

O brunch de domingo perfeito. Ou de sábado. Ou de qualquer outro dia da semana para ser sincero. Pode ser uma terça-feira. Pode ser o 'Pancake Day'. Esta terça que vem. Eu adoro panquecas e esta receita não é excepção. Boa para um brunch de domingo é é uma receita vencedora. É saudável (ehhh!!) e é ainda melhor. Tem abacate e cenoura. E sementes e nozes. E todas aquelas coisas boas. Mas melhor que isso é o facto de ser fácil. Alguns ingredientes misturados e voilà. Gosto da simplicidade destas coisas. Assim como adoro Brunch de domingo.

The perfect sunday brunch. Or saturday brunch. Or any day of the week for that matter. Can be tuesday. Can be Pancake Day. This tuesday coming. I love pancakes and this recipe is no exception. Make it good for Sunday brunch and it's a winner. Make it healthy(-ish) and it's a dream come true. It has avocado and carrots. And seeds and walnuts. And all things good. But better than that is the fact that is quite easy to make. A few ingredients put together and voilà. Love the simplicity of these things. As I love Sunday brunch.

Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes |
Panquecas Vegan de Farinha de Grão-de-Bico
para 2

Não se assustem pela quantidade de ingredientes necessários para esta Receita de Panquecas Vegan. Apenas uma grande lista porque enumero todos os ingredientes necessários para a receita completa. Os ingredientes principais para fazer a massa de panquecas muito provavelmente já têm em casa e a única coisa necessária a mais será a farinha de grão-de-bico. Pode ser um bocado dispendiosa a farinha de grão-de-bico (um ingrediente tão barato!!), mas podem sempre fazer uma pesquisa no blogue Dolly and Oatmeal e encontrarão uma receita para farinha de grão-de-bico, mas eu não me incomodei em fazer e esta é comprada numa loja, de boa qualidade (e biológica!).
Farinha de grão-de-bico é bom para fazer panquecas vegan, especialmente salgadas porque quando água é adicionada a consistência é como uma de uma receita para panquecas normais. Por isso bastante simples e sem necessidade de ovos.
Assim sendo, a receita abaixo.

ingredientes (massa panquecas):

200 g farinha grão-de-bico
2 c. chá de fermento
1 c. chá sementes de funcho
1/2 c. chá sal
1 c. sopa de azeite
pitada de pimenta preta, acabada de moer
200 ml água + 2 c. sopa de água

ingredientes (para acompanhar):

1 abacate
2 cenouras raladas (médias)
rúcula, q.b.
folhas de manjericão
um punhado de nozes
1/2 lima

ingredientes (vinagrete):

2 c. sopa de azeite
1 c. sopa de vinagre vinho tinto
pimenta preta, acabada de moer
sementes de papoila, q.b.

Começar por misturar num almofariz as sementes de funcho, o sal, a pimenta e o azeite e esmagar até formar uma pasta consistente.
Numa taça adicionar a farinha de grão-de-bico, o fermento, 200 ml água e a mistura de sementes de funcho e misturar tudo muito bem. Deixar respousar durante 15 minutos, enquanto se prepara os acompanhamentos.
Antes de preparar as panquecas, findos os 15 minutos, adicionar as 2 colheres de sopa de água e misturar bem.

Numa frigideira anti-aderente em lume médio-baixo, verter um pouco da massa das panquecas (podem untar com um bocado de azeite se preferirem!) e espalhar bem pela frigideira. Cozinhar de um lado durante 4-6 minutos, visto que estas panquecas demoram mais tempo a cozinhar e virar para o outro lado. Deixar cozinhar por mais 4 minutos. Retirar do lume e reservar enquanto se prepara a outra panqueca.

Servir com abacate fatiado, cenoura ralada, rúcula, manjericão, nozes e vinagrete de sementes de papoila e 1/4 lima.


Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes |
Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes Recipe
serves 2

Do not be scared by the ingredients for this Vegan Pancakes Recipe, it's just that I give you all the ingredients to make the complete recipe. The main ingredients for the pancake batter you probably already have in your home, the only thing you will need is the chickpea flour. It can be a bit pricey, but you can have a look at Dolly and Oatmeal blog and you'll find the recipe for a chickpea flour, but I couldn't be bothered so this one is store bought and quite good (and organic!).
It's also called Gram Flour or Garbanzo Bean Flour.
Chickpea flour is good to make vegan pancakes, savoury specifically as when water is added it's consistency is just like a regular pancake recipe. So it's quite easy to make and no need for eggs.
That said, recipe is here.

ingredients (pancake batter):

200 g chickpea flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. fennel seeds
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. olive oil
pinch black pepper, freshly grounded
200 ml water + 2 tbsp. water

ingredients (to serve):

1 avocado
2 carrots, sliced (medium)
wild rocket leaves
basil leaves
a handful walnuts
1/2 lime

ingredients (vinaigrette):

2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
black pepper, freshly grounded
pinch poppy seeds

To make the pancake batter start by mixing in a mortar the fennel seeds, salt, pepper and olive oil and grind until is a consistent paste.
In a bowl add the chickpea flour, baking powder, 200 ml water and the fennel seeds paste and mix well. Allow it to rest for 15 minutes while preparing the vegetables.
Before making the pancakes, after the 15 minutes rest, add the 2 tablespoons of water and mix well once again.

In a non-stick frying pan over medium-low heat, pour some of the pancake batter (you can grease with a bit of olive oil if you prefer!) and spread well through the frying pan. Cook on one side for 4-6 minutes, as these pancakes take longer to cook and turn to the other side. Let it cook for another 4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside while preparing the other pancake.

Serve  with sliced avocado, carrot,  wild rocket leaves, basil leaves, walnut halves and poppy seeds vinaigrette and 1/4 lime.

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Prawn Provencale – Eating the 80’s

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Make Prawn Provencale – Eating the 80’s

I’m not sure these are actually prawns, and I’ve never been to Provence, but this great appetizer was called Prawn Provencale when I learned it working for a caterer, back in the 80’s. It was a crazy time, or so I’m told, and this delicious garlic and herb shrimp pop is one of the more vivid memories I have.

It does take some time to butterfly the prawns, but as I mentioned in the video, everything can be done ahead of time, including the crumbing. Just pan them up, and bake them off, once your guests arrive. Preferably in waves, so they can be enjoyed warm.

In case you’re wondering, while biologically different, culinarily speaking, shrimp and prawns are the same thing. I used to know the difference a long time ago, like in the 80’s, but my brain must’ve erased it for more storage space.

One major tip here is to be sure and season your breadcrumb mixture very well. You can season the shrimp also, but I don’t, and instead make sure the mixture has plenty of everything. Once they’re baked, you can serve with any number of dips, or just some fresh lemon. So, whether you’re making these for a party or not, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 pounds shrimp (about 32 pieces)
2 pounds shrimp (16-20 per pound), butterflied
olive oil for brushing pan

For the breadcrumb mixture:
3-4 cloves garlic, crushed fine with dried herbs and salt)
kosher salt to taste
1/4 teaspoon dry oregano
1/4 teaspoon dry thyme
1/3 cup Italian parsley
1 cup plain dry breadcrumbs
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
cayenne to taste
1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup olive oil, or as needed
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Picadillo – Close, But No Cigar

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Make Picadillo – Close, But No Cigar

I’m not sure if you’ve had picadillo before, but I’m very sure you’ve almost had it before. This Cuban creation is one of the world’s great ground meat dishes, and fairly similar to sloppy Joes, as well as bean-less chili, or as a chili connoisseur would call it, “chili." 

I went with beef here, but pork can be added, as well as chorizo. Often fillers like diced potato and squash are added, but since I serve this over rice, I typically don’t include those. I used to be more into hot, starch-on-starch action when I was younger, but these days, not so much.

As I mentioned in the video, many consider the olives optional, but for me, they’re one of the keys to the dish. Those briny bites reset your palate as you eat, which makes every bite seem like the first. Having said that, not everyone does olives, but I still really hope you give it a try soon – with capers. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:
2 teaspoon olive oil
1 1/2 pounds ground beef (85/15 lean/fat)
1 cup diced yellow onions
1 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons cumin
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 bay leaves
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
3 cups crushed tomatoes
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup currants or raisins
1/2 cup sliced green olives, or to taste
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Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd

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Make Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd

Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd |

Já passaram dois anos. Ou passaram apenas dois anos. Desde a primeira vez que experimentei panquecas! Também a primeira vez que eu tentei fazer em casa. Desde aí que tem sido uma jornada. Experimentei panquecas em tantos sítios diferentes e fiz outras tantas. Experimentei uma panóplia de combinações de sabores e 'pancake sunday' tornou-se uma obsessão. Eu gosto de experimentar diferentes combinações. Sazonais especialmente. E esta aqui é perfeita para o Inverno. Perfeita para o 'Pancake Day'.

It's been two years already. Or it's been two years only. Since the first time I tried pancakes! Also the first time I tried to make pancakes myself. Since then it's been quite a journey. I tried pancakes in so many places and also made too many. Tried a panoply of combinations and pancake sunday became quite an obsession. It's my to go food for sunday brunch. I do love to try different combinations. Seasonal ones especially. An this one is perfect for Winter. Perfect for Pancake Day.

Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd |
Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd |
Receita de Panquecas de Limão, Sementes de Papoila e de Sésamo Pretas c/ Curd de Limão

para 2

Esta receita de Panquecas de Limão, Sementes de Papoila e Sementes de Sésamo Pretas com Crud de Limão é a pensar no Pancake Day de 2017, uma versão de panquecas com sabores de Inverno. Podem encontrar aqui receita para o Curd de Limão. Ou inspirar-se nesta receita simples com 'compota' de ruibarbo.


175 g farinha 

2 c. chá fermento em pó
1 c. chá açúcar
casca e sumo de 1 limão (médio)
2 c. chá sementes de papoila
2 c. chá sementes de sésamo pretas
1 ovo
200 ml leite

Peneirar a farinha para uma taça, adicionar o fermento, o açúcar, a casca de limão (não o sumo!) as sementes de papoila, as sementes de sésamo pretas e misturar tudo.
Num jarro misturar o leite com o ovo e aos poucos ir vertendo e misturando para o preparado de farinha. Misturar com um garfo até estar bem envolvido e adicionar então o sumo de limão.
Numa frigideira anti-aderente em lume médio, verter um pouco da massa das panquecas (não, não precisa de gordura). Cozinhar de um lado até bolhas se começarem a formar no topo e virar. Deixar cozinhar por mais 1-2 minutos. Retirar do lume.
Repetir até fazer um total de 10 panquecas médias ou 20 pequenas.

Servir com curd de limão, iogurte grego, raspa de limão e sementes de papoila.


Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd |
Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes w/ Lemon Curd |
Lemon, Poppy and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes Recipe w/ Lemon Curd
serves 2

This Lemon, Poppy Seeds and Black Sesame Seeds Pancakes Recipe with Lemon Curd is all for the 2017 Pancake Day, a wintry pancake recipe. You can find here the recipe for the Lemon Curd. Or get inspiration for this simple recipe with rhubarb compote.


175 g plain flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. sugar
juice and zest of 1 lemon (medium)
2 tsp. poppy seeds
2 tsp. black sesame seeds
1 egg
200 ml milk

Start by sifting the flour into a bowl and add the baking powder, sugar, lemon zest (not the juice, yet!), poppy seeds, black sesame seeds and mix it well.
In a jug, whisk together the egg and milk and gradually whisk it to the flour mix. Whisk with a fork until is soft and creamy and then add the lemon juice.
Pour a bit of the pancake batter into a non-stick frying pan (does not need any fat). Cook over medium heat until bubbles burst on the top and flip them over. Let it cook for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat.
Repeat the process for a total of 10 medium pancakes or 20 small ones.

Serve with lemon curd, greek yoghurt, lemon zest and poppy seeds.

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“One-Step” Chicken Noodle Soup – For When You’re Sick of Following Recipes

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Make “One-Step” Chicken Noodle Soup – For When You’re Sick of Following Recipes

Or, just plain sick. Yes, I’m a little under the weather, but as they say, the show must go on, and that “show” ended up being me just throwing all my chicken noodle soup ingredients into a pot, crossing my fingers, and hoping for the best.

And while I know this method didn’t produce “the best” chicken noodle soup, I was amazed at how really good it was, and how remarkably close it was to a certain canned variety. I can’t give brand names, but it rhymes with Frogresso.

If you do decide to use this one-step approach, there are a few things you need to pay attention to. You’ll want to use a pasta or noodle that’s at least a large as the fusilli I used so it doesn’t completely break down; as well as, to be sure to dice/slice your veggies nice and thin, so they get tender relatively quickly.

I just used a knife, but I bet you have one of those vegetable slicers somewhere, and this would be the perfect operation to use it for. Above and beyond that, feel free to add in other “medicinal” ingredients, such as garlic, ginger, and hot chilies. But whether you embellish or not, or you’re sick, or feeling just fine, I really do hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:
1 pound raw or cooked chicken meat (I used 2 cubed-up breasts)
1/2 cup dried fusilli pasta (corkscrew pasta)
1/3 finely minced onions
1 carrot, very thinly sliced
1 rib celery, thinly sliced
salt, freshly ground black pepper, and cayenne to taste
2 teaspoons ketchup
1 fresh thyme sprig, or pinch of dried thyme, optional
4 cups chicken broth
2 tablespoons freshly chopped Italian parsley
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Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake

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Make Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake

Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
É tempo de bolo. Bolo de ruibarbo. Ou talvez scones. Mas ruibarbo pareceu-me melhor. É tempo disso. Inverno frio e ruibarbo (forçado) rosado. Algumas fatias de ruibarbo e pétalas de rosas serão o suficiente. Uma cobertura crocante ficará ainda melhor. A 'compota' de ruibarbo ao lado serve apenas para evidenciar o sabor do ruibarbo. O sabor que combina com inverno e que lembra a primavera. Enquanto o 'forced' ruibarbo durar eu continuarei a fazer este bolo. Porque o rosa vibrante do ruibarbo combina com os dias cinzentos de inverno.

It's time for cake. Rhubarb cake. Or maybe some scones. But I was feeling rhubarb. Is that kinda of weather. Cold winter and pinkish (forced) rhubarb. A few slices of rhubarb and rose petals cake will do just fine. A crusty top will make it even better. The rhubarb compote on the side is just to bring out all the rhubarb flavours. Those flavours that match winter and are a reminder of spring. While forced rhubarb lasts I will make sure I bake this cake. Because this vibrant pink rhubarb matches the grey winter days.

Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Bolo de Ruibarbo e Pétalas de Rosa
para 10

Esta receita é uma mistura de duas receitas de duas bloggers favoritas. A primeira Linda Lomelino do blogue Call Me Cupcake (receita), que tem esta receita fantástica para um bolo de ruibarbo simples. A outra é da Aran Goyoaga do blogue Cannelle et Vanille (recipe), que mistura o ruibarbo com as pétalas de rosas de uma forma bonita.
Algumas dicas para a receita. Primeiro, os talos de ruibarbo devem ser finos (1 cm de espessura) para que se mantenham no topo durante a cozedura. Segundo, cortar os talos de ruibarbo em pedaços de 6 cm para caberem na forma. Terceiro, ao lado servir com alguma 'compote' de ruibarbo - podem encontrar a receita aqui.
Dito isto, vejam a receita mais abaixo.


100 g manteiga s/ sal, temperatura ambiente
200 g açúcar
2 ovos
180 g farinha s/ fermento
1 + 1/2 c. chá fermento em pó
200 g ruibarbo, pedaços de 6 cm
2 c. sopa de açúcar de cana
2 c. chá pétalas de rosas secas

Pré-aquecer o forno para os 180ºC e e untar uma forma de 20 cm com manteiga e farinha.
Numa taça grande bater a manteiga e o açúcar até estar cremoso - cerca de 5 minutos. Depois adicionar os dois ovos à mistura e bater por mais 10 minutos.
Depois adicionar a farinha e o fermento ao preparado e envolver bem.
Verter para a forma untada e colocar o ruibarbo no bolo, pressionando apenas um pouco para ficar 'preso'. Espalhar então as pétalas de rosas e o açúcar de cana por cima.
Levar ao forno previamente aquecido, durante 45 minutos - até estar dourado e fazer o testo do palito.

Servir com iogurte grego e compota de ruibarbo.


Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake |
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake
serves 10

This recipe is inspired and a mix of two recipes from two of my favourite bloggers. The first one is Linda Lomelino from the blog Call Me Cupcake (recipe), that has this amazing and easy rhubarb cake. The other one is Aran Goyoaga from Cannelle et Vanille (recipe) that mix the rhubarb and rose petals in a beautiful way.
A few tips. First, the rhubarb stalks should be thin (1 cm wide) so they will stay on top. Second, cut them into 6 cm pieces so they will fit the cake tin. Third, on the side serve with some rhubarb compote - you can find the recipe here.
That being said, check the recipe.


100 g unsalted butter, room temperature
200 g sugar
2 eggs
180 g plain flour
1 + 1/2 tsp. baking powder
200 g rhubarb, 6 cm pieces
2 tbsp. demerara sugar
2 tsp. dried rose petals

Preheat the oven to 180ºC and grease a 20cm cake tin with butter and flour.
In a bowl beat the butter and sugar until creamy - about 5 minutes. Then add the eggs to the mixture and beat for another 10 minutes.
Then add the flour and baking powder into the mixture and fold in carefully.
Pour the batter into the greased cake tin and place the rhubarb on top, just pressing slightly to hold the rhubarb. Sprinkle the rose petals and demerara sugar on top.
Bake in a preheated oven for 45 minutes - until golden and a cake tester comes out clean.

Serve with greek yoghurt and rhubarb compote.

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Norwegian Butter Sauce – Better Know as Sandefjordsmør

Learn how to do Norwegian Butter Sauce – Better Know as Sandefjordsmør for your friends and family. this revenue from Norwegian Butter Sauce – Better Know as Sandefjordsmør it is delicious

Make Norwegian Butter Sauce – Better Know as Sandefjordsmør

My Norwegian pronunciations aren’t any better than my French ones, but as challenging as saying, “Sandefjordsmør,” may be, this amazingly simple butter sauce is not very challenging to make. 

People get nervous about butter sauce, since many types can easily “break,” which means the butter separates, but because of the cream, this is extremely stable, and very user-friendly. As long you don’t dump all the cold butter cubes in at once, and just toss them in a few at a time, your sauce will not break. 

Along the same lines, if you make the sauce early, be sure to keep it in a warm spot, since if it gets cold and solidifies, and then you try and reheat it, the butter will most likely separate. Above and beyond being easy, and relatively sturdy, this Sandefjordsmør is also quite versatile.

Not only is it wonderful on all types of fish, but also works beautifully with shrimp and lobster. Speaking of versatility, the same goes for changing up the herbs. So, no matter how you flavor it, or what you spoon it over, I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 servings:
2 lemons, juiced
1/2 cup heavy cream
5 tablespoons cold unsalted, grass-fed butter, cut in cubes
salt and cayenne to taste
2 generous tablespoons chopped Italian parsley
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Chocolate Soufflé – Perfect for Your Valentine (Unless I’m Your Valentine)

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Make Chocolate Soufflé – Perfect for Your Valentine (Unless I’m Your Valentine)

With everybody’s favorite made-up holiday right around the corner, I thought I would finally post a chocolate soufflé. I’m not sure what took so long, other than the fact that soufflés have never been my favorite delivery system for chocolate.

Sure, they’re visually impressive, which is key for a special occasion dessert, but the chocolate does get a bit diluted by all those air bubbles. Also, I’ve always been much more of a cold, or room-temp chocolate dessert guy, and never gone nuts for things like lava cakes, and baked puddings.

Having said that, I’m sure I’m in the minority, and you and your special someone will enjoy these just fine. I developed this recipe for two, since that makes a lot of sense, but it should scale up without issue. If you want to add some type of liquor to this, you can add it to the milk and flour mixture after you turn off the heat.

Rum works beautiful, as does coffee, orange, or raspberry liqueur.  Above and beyond that, if you really want to impress your date, you could also whip up a sauce to serve along side. I’m thinking either a berry puree, or maybe a coffee crème anglaise would pair perfectly. Either way, sauced or not, I really hope you give this a try soon, and it gets you lots of compliments. Enjoy!

Chocolate soufflé for two 5-oz ramekins):
melted butter and sugar to prep ramekins
1 tablespoon butter  
1 tablespoon flour
1/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon cold milk
pinch salt
pinch cayenne
2 ounces dark chocolate (I like something around 70%)
1 large egg yolk
2 large egg whites
pinch cream of tartar (you can use a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar instead)
1 tablespoon white sugar, added in 3 additions
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Blood Orange Curd Roll

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Make Blood Orange Curd Roll

Blood Orange Curd Roll |
Dias bonitos de Inverno. Aqueles dias de céu cinzento e tempo frio e seco. Adoro apreciar a luz a entrar através da janela. Não apenas em casa mas nos cafés também. Sento-me sempre à janela para absorver o máximo possível. Momentos únicos. Isso e todos os frutos que se pode apreciar nesta esta estação. Citrinos, desde laranjas a clementinas, ou limões ou tangerinas que a minha tia apanha no seu jardim. As tangerinas eram tão doces que foram todas comidas ao natural. Não chegaram a uma receita. Mas também as blood oranges e o ruibarbo. Tenho vindo a comer blood oranges há já um mês e não vejo forma de parar. Curd de blood orange em tudo. E também nesta torta. Perfeita para dias de Inverno passados à janela.

Beautiful winter days. Those of grey skies and cold and dry weather. Love enjoying the light coming through the window. Not just at home but at the cafés too. I always make sure I can sit at the window to absorve all of it. Quite special. That and the fruits that one can enjoy this season. Citrus fruits, being oranges and clementines, or the lemons and tangerines that my haunts gives me from her garden. The tangerines were so sweet that I just them ate them all. They did not make into a recipe. But also blood oranges and rhubarb. I have been eating blood oranges for a month now and I can't quit. Blood orange curd on everything. And also on this Swiss Roll. Perfect for winter days by the window.

Blood Orange Curd Roll |
Torta com Curd de 'Blood Orange'
para 8

Eu tenho vindo a usar uma receita para uma Torta por algum tempo já, que adoro e que sai sempre bem, mas desta vez resolvi experimentar uma do Jamie Oliver para uma torta, ou como ele lhe chama Arctic Roll, que encontrei no seu Christmas Cookbook. Decidi então experimentar a receita pela sua simplicidade, 3 ingredientes apenas e também é perfeita, pelo que daqui em diante esta será a minha Receita para Tortas. 
Primeiro fazer o blood orange, até pode ser no dia anterior, para arrefecer e só depois a torta.
Disto isto, vejam a receita mais abaixo.

ingredientes (curd de blood orange):

3 'blood oranges' ou laranja sanguínea
70 gr manteiga sem sal, a temperatura ambiente
300 gr açúcar
3 ovos, ligeiramente batidos

Espremer o sumo das 3 blood oranges para puma panela, adicionar a manteiga , o açúcar e os ovos. Levar a lume brando e ir mexendo sempre com cuidado para os ovos não cozerem, até a mistura estar consistente - cerca de 10 minutos. No final, antes de passar para um frasco, se necessário pode ser coado. Faz 1 frasco!

ingredientes (para a torta):

3 ovos
100 g açúcar
75 g farinha

Pré-aquecer o forno para os 180ºC e forrar uma forma (25cm x 30cm) com papel vegetal.
Numa taça grande bater os ovos e o açúcar até estar esbranquiçado e cremoso - cerca de 8 a 10 minutos, essencial para que fique uma massa fofa. Peneirar metade da farinha, e gentilmente envolver a farinha na massa, depois repetir com a restante farinha. Verter a mistura para a forma e espalhar uniformemente. Colocar no forno a cozinhar por 10 minutos (nem mais nem menos, o tempo certo para ficar perfeita!).
Enquanto a massa está no forno, espalhar um pouco de açúcar numa folha grande de papel vegetal. Quando a torta estiver pronta, retirar do forno e colocar no papel de cozinha. Retirar o papel de vegetal do topo e cobrir com um pano de cozinha húmido. Deixar assim por meia hora para arrefecer (dica do Nigel Slater, que funciona!).

para montar a torta:

300 g iogurte grego
metade do curd de blood orange
blood orange, raspa e rodelas
açúcar em pó

Para montar a torta, espalhar uma camada de iogurte grego e depois o curd de blood orange. Cuidadosamente enrolar a partir do lado mais estreito e em seguida, polvilhar com açúcar em pó e raspa de blood orange e decorar com rodelas de blood orange.


Blood Orange Curd Roll |
Blood Orange Curd Roll |
Blood Orange Curd Swill Roll
serves 8 

I have been using a recipe for a Swill Roll for a long time, that I love and always comes out perfect, but this time I decided to give it a go and try Jamie Oliver's recipe for a roll, or as he calls it a Artic Roll, that I found on his Christmas Cookbook. I decided to give it a go because is so simple, 3 ingredients only and it's also perfect, so from now on this will be my Swiss Roll Recipe.
First make the blood orange curd, could be made 24 hours in advance to allow it to cool down and then the Swiss Roll.
That being said, check the recipe.

ingredients (blood orange curd):

3 blood oranges
70 g unsalted butter, room temperature
300 g sugar
3 large eggs, lightly beaten

Squeeze the juice of the 3 blood oranges to a saucepan, add the butter, sugar and eggs. Bring to low heat and keep stirring very carefully, until the mixture is thick - around 10 minutes. At the end, before pouring into a jar, strain if necessary. Makes 1 Jar!

ingredients (sponge):

3 large eggs
100 g sugar
75 g plain flour

Preheat the oven to 180ºC and line a baking tray (25cm x 30cm) with baking paper.
In a bowl beat the eggs and sugar until pale and creamy - about 8 to 10 minutes, essential to make it fluffy. Sift in half the flour, very gently fold in the flour and the repeat again to the rest of the flour. Pour the mixture into the lined baking tray and spread out evenly. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes (not more nor less, this time will be perfect!).
Then while it's in the oven, spread some sugar over a large sheet of baking paper. When the sponge is ready, remove from the oven, turn it out on to the baking paper. Peel off the baking paper from the top and cover the sponge with a clean damp tea towel. Leave it like this for half an hour to cool down (Nigel Slater tip! that actually works!).

to assemble the swill roll:

300 g greek yoghurt
half of the blood orange curd
blood orange, slices and zest
icing sugar

To assemble, cover with a layer of greek yoghurt and then some blood orange curd. Carefully roll it from the narrowest side and then sprinkle with some icing sugar, blood orange zest and some blood orange slices.

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