Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake

Learn how to do Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake for your friends and family. this revenue from Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake it is delicious

Make Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake

Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
É tempo de bolo. Bolo de ruibarbo. Ou talvez scones. Mas ruibarbo pareceu-me melhor. É tempo disso. Inverno frio e ruibarbo (forçado) rosado. Algumas fatias de ruibarbo e pétalas de rosas serão o suficiente. Uma cobertura crocante ficará ainda melhor. A 'compota' de ruibarbo ao lado serve apenas para evidenciar o sabor do ruibarbo. O sabor que combina com inverno e que lembra a primavera. Enquanto o 'forced' ruibarbo durar eu continuarei a fazer este bolo. Porque o rosa vibrante do ruibarbo combina com os dias cinzentos de inverno.

It's time for cake. Rhubarb cake. Or maybe some scones. But I was feeling rhubarb. Is that kinda of weather. Cold winter and pinkish (forced) rhubarb. A few slices of rhubarb and rose petals cake will do just fine. A crusty top will make it even better. The rhubarb compote on the side is just to bring out all the rhubarb flavours. Those flavours that match winter and are a reminder of spring. While forced rhubarb lasts I will make sure I bake this cake. Because this vibrant pink rhubarb matches the grey winter days.

Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Bolo de Ruibarbo e Pétalas de Rosa
para 10

Esta receita é uma mistura de duas receitas de duas bloggers favoritas. A primeira Linda Lomelino do blogue Call Me Cupcake (receita), que tem esta receita fantástica para um bolo de ruibarbo simples. A outra é da Aran Goyoaga do blogue Cannelle et Vanille (recipe), que mistura o ruibarbo com as pétalas de rosas de uma forma bonita.
Algumas dicas para a receita. Primeiro, os talos de ruibarbo devem ser finos (1 cm de espessura) para que se mantenham no topo durante a cozedura. Segundo, cortar os talos de ruibarbo em pedaços de 6 cm para caberem na forma. Terceiro, ao lado servir com alguma 'compote' de ruibarbo - podem encontrar a receita aqui.
Dito isto, vejam a receita mais abaixo.


100 g manteiga s/ sal, temperatura ambiente
200 g açúcar
2 ovos
180 g farinha s/ fermento
1 + 1/2 c. chá fermento em pó
200 g ruibarbo, pedaços de 6 cm
2 c. sopa de açúcar de cana
2 c. chá pétalas de rosas secas

Pré-aquecer o forno para os 180ºC e e untar uma forma de 20 cm com manteiga e farinha.
Numa taça grande bater a manteiga e o açúcar até estar cremoso - cerca de 5 minutos. Depois adicionar os dois ovos à mistura e bater por mais 10 minutos.
Depois adicionar a farinha e o fermento ao preparado e envolver bem.
Verter para a forma untada e colocar o ruibarbo no bolo, pressionando apenas um pouco para ficar 'preso'. Espalhar então as pétalas de rosas e o açúcar de cana por cima.
Levar ao forno previamente aquecido, durante 45 minutos - até estar dourado e fazer o testo do palito.

Servir com iogurte grego e compota de ruibarbo.


Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rhubarb Rose Petals Cake
serves 10

This recipe is inspired and a mix of two recipes from two of my favourite bloggers. The first one is Linda Lomelino from the blog Call Me Cupcake (recipe), that has this amazing and easy rhubarb cake. The other one is Aran Goyoaga from Cannelle et Vanille (recipe) that mix the rhubarb and rose petals in a beautiful way.
A few tips. First, the rhubarb stalks should be thin (1 cm wide) so they will stay on top. Second, cut them into 6 cm pieces so they will fit the cake tin. Third, on the side serve with some rhubarb compote - you can find the recipe here.
That being said, check the recipe.


100 g unsalted butter, room temperature
200 g sugar
2 eggs
180 g plain flour
1 + 1/2 tsp. baking powder
200 g rhubarb, 6 cm pieces
2 tbsp. demerara sugar
2 tsp. dried rose petals

Preheat the oven to 180ºC and grease a 20cm cake tin with butter and flour.
In a bowl beat the butter and sugar until creamy - about 5 minutes. Then add the eggs to the mixture and beat for another 10 minutes.
Then add the flour and baking powder into the mixture and fold in carefully.
Pour the batter into the greased cake tin and place the rhubarb on top, just pressing slightly to hold the rhubarb. Sprinkle the rose petals and demerara sugar on top.
Bake in a preheated oven for 45 minutes - until golden and a cake tester comes out clean.

Serve with greek yoghurt and rhubarb compote.

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