Another Classic with a Twist!

Learn how to do Another Classic with a Twist! for your friends and family. this revenue from Another Classic with a Twist! it is delicious

Make Another Classic with a Twist!

This duck salad recipe is similar to a salad Niçoise with duck legs and sausages replacing tuna. Lyonnaise sausages traditionally contain pistachios adding an unexpected elevation in the flavor profiles and along with the other delicious ingredients, makes for one of the more perfect salads.

Duck Leg Salad Lyonnaise

Serves 6
Total time:  2 hours 15 minutes, plus overnight marinating time and 2 hours to confit


6 duck legs
8 oz of duck fat
1/2 pound of green beans
6 vine plum tomatoes (on the smaller size)
3 Lyonnaise sausages (or your favorite mild flavored sausage)
2 frisée lettuces
1 small red onion
6 Charlotte potatoes (small white fingerling)
6 eggs
3-4 tbs. of capers
12 silver skin anchovy fillets, marinated
several cornichons
sea salt
black pepper, freshly ground

1/2 cup of  quality olive oil
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
4 tbs. of hazelnut oil
2 tbs. of white wine vinegar
2 tbs. of red wine vinegar
2 tbs. of Dijon mustard
1 shallot, peeled and finely sliced
1/2 garlic clove, peeled and finely sliced
1/8 bunch of basil
sea salt
black pepper, freshly ground

Black Olive Tapenade
7 oz of black Kalamata olive, pitted
3 1/2 tbs. of olive oil
1/2 un-waxed lemon, zest and juice

First make the dressing. Place all of the ingredients into a bowl, cover and leave in the fridge overnight.


The Dressing
Place all of the ingredients into a bowl, cover and leave in the fridge overnight.  Remove from the fridge and blitz the ingredients in a blender. Pass through a fine sieve, store in an airtight container and refrigerate.

For the tapenade, combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blitz until it reaches your desired smoothness. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate.(The tapenade will keep for up to 3 months).

The Duck Legs 
Place the legs in a shallow pan and cover with the duck fat. Gently simmer in an uncovered pan for 2 hours, or until the meat is tender and coming away from the bone.

Bring a pan of salted water to the boil, add the beans and cook for 3 minutes. Remove the beans from the pan, refresh under cold running water and set aside.

Score a cross into the bottom of the tomatoes, then drop into the boiling water (you can use the water that the beans were cooked in). Blanch for 12 seconds so that the skins start to come away from the flesh. Remove from the pan and refresh under cold running water to stop them cooking. Peel the skins away and discard.

Heat a pan of salted water until simmering. Add the sausages and poach for 5 minutes, leave them to cool in the water. Remove from the pan and cut each sausage into 4 equal pieces.

Remove and discard the tough outer green leaves and keep the yellow hearts from the frisée. Separate from the stem, wash thoroughly and place into a bowl. Peel the onions and slice into fine rings. Set aside. 

Preheat the oven to 400°F

Scatter some sea salt onto a baking tray and arrange the potatoes on top. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, until tender

Meanwhile, bring a pan of water to the boil and lower in the eggs. Simmer for 5 minutes, then remove and refresh under cold running water. Once cool enough to handle, peel the eggs then cut in half across the egg, taking care not to spill any yolk

Pour a few spoonfuls of dressing over the frisée hearts and beans. Drain the capers and cornichines add to a bowl, along with the remaining dressing.

To serve, remove the potatoes from the oven and slice off the ends. Mix the potatoes and the frisée salad. season to taste with the dressing and place into the center of the plate.

Scatter the eggs, sausage, anchovies, onion slices and tomatoes around the plate and place the duck into the center. Finish with a few dollops of the olive tapenade around the salad before serving.

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