Simplicity as its Best!

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Make Simplicity as its Best!

Simple, clean, unadulterated and of course delicious!  The perfect Sunday Brunch item. As stunning to look at as it is to enjoy.

Capri Lobster with Tomatoes, Rocket Salad and Marinated Spring Onion


2 lobsters (1 1/2 - 2 lb. lobsters each)
3 1/2 qrts. of water
1 1/4 oz of coarse sea salt
1 1/2 oz of white leeks, roughly chopped
1 1/2 oz of carrots, roughly chopped
1 1/2 oz of celery, roughly chopped
1 oz of shallots, roughly chopped
1 lemon, zested
2 bay leaves
6 black peppercorns
1 tbsp of fresh coriander
1/4 oz of ginger, sliced

1 1/4 cup of sunflower oil
8 1/2 oz of egg yolk (approximately 4 egg yolks)
3/4 oz of lemon juice
(or use a high quality mayonnaise)

Rocket Salad
1 spring onion, julienned
1/2 cup of white wine, preferably Falanghina (light fresh white)
1 handful of rocket
1 beef tomato
Olive oil
Black pepper


mix together the egg yolks and lemon juice. Slowly whisk in the oil until emulsified, season with salt to taste and set aside.

Combine all of the ingredients (except the lobsters) in a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Skewer the lobster and boil for 5 minutes. (skewering helps keep the lobster tail from curling up)

Refresh lobster in iced water then remove the meat from the shell, being careful to keep it whole.  Slice the tail meat about an 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick pieces, reserving the tail shell and head for presentation.

Rocket Salad
Marinate the spring onions in the wine for 10 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on kitchen paper to drain. Toss the rocket leaves in the olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste.

To serve, thinly slice the tomato and arrange on the serving plates. Add the rocket and spring onion and top with the sliced lobster. Pipe dots of the mayonnaise on the sides of the salad along with a touch of lemon zest and garnish with the reserved lobster tail and head.

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