Simplicity at Its' Best

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Make Simplicity at Its' Best

Beautifully cooked duck breast is paired with a remarkable passion fruit sauce in this duck recipe. Crushed potatoes provide a hearty companion to the duck, which is also served with lightly cooked green beans.  If duck breast is hard to come by you can certainly substitute beautifully tender pork tenderloin cooked to a rosy medium rare.  

Duck Breast with Passion Fruit Sauce
 and Crushed New Potatoes

Serves 4
Total time:  50 minutes


Seared Duck Breast
4 duck breasts

Passion Fruit Sauce
4 passion fruits
2 fl oz of whisky (choose one with lighter, sweeter notes; Irish whisky is quite suitable)
2 star anise
3 fl oz of maple syrup
1 tbsp of light corn syrup

Crushed New Potatoes
1  lb of new potatoes
 3 tbsp butter
1 bunch of chives, finely chopped

1 lb cooked, buttered and seasoned green beans


Passion Fruit Sauce
Cut the fruit in half, remove the pulp, seeds and flesh from inside and place in a small saucepan.

Next, add the whisky and star anis and bring to a boil. The whisky may flame, allow the alcohol to burn off and remove the pan from the heat until the flame burns out.

Add the maple and corn syrupd and bring back to a boil. Remove from the heat to allow the ingredients to infuse. Reheat the sauce when ready to serve.

Crushed Potatoes
Wash and place the new potatoes into a suitable sized pan, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Cook for about 10-15 minutes of until tender. Strain and leave to cool slightly.

Duck Breast
While the potatoes are cooling, place the duck breast on a chopping board, skin side up and using a sharp knife, score the skin in a diagonal direction. Then turn the duck breast around and score in the opposite direction creating "hatch marks"

Season the duck breast with a salt and black pepper. Heat an oven proof frying pan on a high heat. Once the pan is very hot place the duck breast, skin side down, into the dry pan. Reduce the heat so that it gently fries and cook for 5 minutes until golden brown.  Do not move the breasts until time is up.  This will insure a beautifully crisp skin and one that won't stick to the pan.

Preheat the oven to 375°F.  Transfer the frying pan into the oven and cook the breast for 3 minutes on one side, then turn the duck breast over and cook for another 3 minutes.

Remove from the oven and transfer the breast onto a board or plate and allow to rest in a warm place for a good 5 minutes.

While the duck is resting, heat a large frying pan on a medium heat and add a 3 tablespoons of butter. As soon as the butter begins to foam, add the potatoes, slightly crushing each one in your hand before adding into the pan.

Toss the potatoes in the warm butter and season with salt to taste. 

To Plate
Lay down your lightly cooked green beans in the center of your plate, place 4 slices of the duck breast on top, drizzle generously with the passion fruit sauce.  Serve the crush potatoes on the side  of the plate and sprinkle with chopped chives.
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