Vegan Banana Pancakes

Learn how to do Vegan Banana Pancakes for your friends and family. this revenue from Vegan Banana Pancakes it is delicious

Make Vegan Banana Pancakes

Vegan Banana Pancakes
These banana pancakes taste absolutely amazing, you would never know that there are no eggs or dairy.  A perfect quick & easy brunch or breakfast!

Serves 4
Prep time: 5 minutes 
Cooking time: 20 minutes

1 banana, mashed
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp coconut oil, plus extra to oil the pan
1 tsp lemon juice
100g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
400ml almond milk or soya milk
maple syrup & berries, to serve

1.    In a large mixing bowl add the mashed banana, cinnamon, oil and lemon juice.  Now mix in the flour and gradually stir in the milk until fully blended and no lumps.
2.    Place your frying pan over a medium heat, oil the frying pan by smearing the oil onto the pan with a sheet of kitchen roll.  Spoon the batter onto the frying pan.  Flip the pancakes very carefully when you see the bubbles have stopped opening and closing.  Continue to cook until the other side of the pancake is cooked.  This should take a couple of minutes each side.
3.    Place the finished pancakes onto a warmed plate and continue the process. 

4.    Serve hot with maple syrup and berries.  Enjoy!  
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