It Couldn't Be Any Easier, Honestly!

Learn how to do It Couldn't Be Any Easier, Honestly! for your friends and family. this revenue from It Couldn't Be Any Easier, Honestly! it is delicious

Make It Couldn't Be Any Easier, Honestly!

This towering peach and raspberry mille-feuille (Napoleon) recipe  is guaranteed to impress when brought to the table, but really isn't that tricky to make. Layered between flaky sheets of puff pastry, the flavors here nod to a peach melba, but any seasonal fruits could be used.

Mille-Feuille of Peach and Raspberry with a Citrus Cream

Serves 4
Total time:  1 hour 20 minutes


16 oz  puff pastry 
3 peaches, stoned and sliced
2 pint of raspberries
2 oz of hazelnuts, chopped
2 oz of white chocolate, grated
confectioners sugar, for dusting
mint leaves

Citrus Cream
11 oz of double cream
2 eggs
2 oz of caster sugar
1 lemon, grated zest
1 lime, grated zest
1 orange, grated zest
1 tbsp orange juice
1/4 oz of gelatine leaves, softened in cold water


Citrus Cream
Place the cream in a large saucepan over a medium heat and mix in the lemon, lime and orange zests. Cook until the mixture begins to boil, then remove from the heat. When the cream has cooled slightly, add the gelatine and stir until it has completely dissolved

Break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add the sugar and beat with a whisk until frothy and doubled in size. Slowly pour this mixture into the saucepan with the citrus cream and stir until thoroughly combined. Heat gently until the cream thickens, being careful not to let it boil. Strain through a fine sieve and pour into a baking dish or deep tray. Refrigerate until chilled and set. You can make the citrus cream in advance and store it in the fridge until needed.

Puff Pastry
Preheat the oven to 400°F

Bring the puff pastry to temperature according to instructions.  On a lightly floured surface cute the puff pastry sheets into 4 rectangles 8 inches long by 4 inches wide. a

Bake the puff pastry according to directions, typically 350⁰F, then test the pastry by carefully lifting up one of the rectangles and tapping the bottom. If it feels crisp, remove the pastry from the oven. If it feels soft, reduce the temperature to 275⁰F and bake for another 10 minutes or until crisp.

Vigorously stir the chilled citrus cream until it becomes smooth, then beat in the orange juice. Just enough to flavor but still keeping the thick creamy consistency of the cream.

Assemble the Mille-Feuille/Napoleon
Begin by cutting one of the cooked puff pastry rectangles in half length wise. Repeat with the second rectangle giving you 4 rectangles. Set aside the most attractive piece for the top layer of the mille-feuille.

Spread or pipe a neat layer of citrus cream on to the other three pieces of pastry and arrange a few peach slices and raspberries on top. The fruit needs to be evenly distributed (the same pattern on all layers) or the layers will not balance on top of each other.  Layer peaches first from end to end in the same direction then fill in the open spaces with raspberries.

Scatter some chopped hazelnuts and grated white chocolate over the peaches, raspberries and cream, then carefully stack the layers of pastry using a spatula to help with the lifting. Place the reserved piece of pastry on top to finish the mille-feuille, dusting with icing sugar and more white chocolate shavings to finish.

First, bring the mille-feuille to the table for your guest to marvel at.  Then with a very sharp serrated bread knife, carefully slice (saw) gently down through the pastry and serve on a dessert plate with perhaps a bit of the citrus cream (if any is left) served on the side topped by a raspberry and mint leaf.
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