Apple & Blackberry Crumble

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Make Apple & Blackberry Crumble

 Apple & Blackberry Crumble
A deliciously crunchy, oaty and buttery crumble sits on top of a juicy apple & blackberry base. 
Serves 4

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time:  35 minutes

The crumble:
120g plain flour
60g caster sugar
60g unsalted butter, cubed at room temperature
35g porridge oats

Fruit compote:
300g braeburn apples
30g unsalted butter
30g Demerara sugar
115g blackberries
¼ tsp ground cinnamon

To serve:
Vanilla ice-cream

Preparation method

1.  Preheat the oven to 190°C/170°C Fan/Gas mark 5.

2.  In a large bowl mix through the flour and sugar, now add the butter and rub together until you have a breadcrumb texture.  Mix through the porridge oats and sprinkle evenly over a baking sheet.  Place in the oven for 15 minutes until lightly coloured.

3.  For the compote, peel, core and cut the apples into 2cm cubes.  In a pan melt together the butter and sugar over a medium heat, cook for 3 minutes until you have a light caramel.  Stir in the apples and cook for 3 minutes, now add the cinnamon and blackberries and cook for a further 3 minutes.

4.  Cover the pan and remove from the heat, set aside for 2-3 minutes.

5.  Spoon the fruit compote into an ovenproof gratin dish and sprinkle with the crumble.  Place in the oven for 5-10 minutes until golden and serve with vanilla ice-cream.

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cobbler de maçã // apple cobbler

Learn how to do cobbler de maçã // apple cobbler for your friends and family. this revenue from cobbler de maçã // apple cobbler it is delicious

Make cobbler de maçã // apple cobbler

jantar de tapas. ontem. a primeira vez que fiz flat bread. saiu bem, muito bem. mas para sobremesa foi crumble. não foi este cobbler. era menos "arriscado". este cobbler é de um lanche de outro dia. do dia que postei a fotografia do livro da donna hay, seasons. a inspiração do dia. e assim foi. uma boa aposta. quase a fazer concorrência ao crumble. quase! é até parecido. recheio por baixo. cobertura por cima. mas é mais fofo. quase como um bolo. a minha nova receita favorita.

tapas dinner. last night. first time I made flat bread. went well, pretty well. but for dessert was a crumble. wasn't this cobbler. was less "risky". this cobbler is from another day. a treat. from the same day that I posted a photo on instagram with the cookbook seasons from donna hay. inspiration of the day. as so it was. a good choice. almost same level as the crumble. almost! is similar. filling in the bottom. cobbler on top. but it's fluffier. almost like a cake. my new favourite recipe.

cobbler de maçã
para 4-6

retirado praticamente do livro seasons, donna hay. algumas alterações, mas o essencial é este.

ingredientes (recheio):

5 maçãs
50 g açúcar amarelo
2 c. sopa sumo limão
50 ml água

Levar as maçãs, o açúcar, o sumo de limão e a água ao lume alto numa panela. Levar a ferver e cozinhar por 5 minutos até a maçã estar tenra e o sumo assemelhar-se a xarope. Retirar do lume, por numa forma própria de forno e reservar.

ingredientes (cobbler):

175 g farinha com fermento
60 g açúcar branco
100 g manteiga, à temperatura ambiente
80 ml leite
20 g porridge oats (flocos de aveia)
1 c. chá amêndoas, fatiadas
1/2 c. chá canela em pó

Para fazer o cobbler, juntar num processador de cozinha a farinha, o açúcar e a manteiga e triturar até a mistura se assemelhar a pão ralado fino. Gradualmente adicionar o leite até estar consistente. Misturar os flocos de aveia e a amêndoa. Por a mistura por cima das maçãs e cobrir com a canela em pó.
Levar ao forno pré-aquecido por 25 minutos a 180 º.

Servir com iogurte natural.

apple cobbler
serves 4-6

adapted from donna hay, seasons cookbook. made a few changes, but the essential is there.

ingredients (filling):

5 apples
50 g soft brown sugar
2 tbsp. lemon juice
50 ml water

Place the apples, lemon juice, water into a saucepan over high heat. Bring to boil and cook for 5 minutes until the apples are just tender and the liquid is syrupy. Remove from heat, place in a ovenproof dish and set aside.

ingredients (cobbler):

175 g self-raising flour
60 g white sugar
100 g butter, room temperature
80 ml milk
20 g porridge oats
1 tsp. almonds, flaked
1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder

To make the cobbler, place the flour, sugar and butter in a food processor and process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Gradually add the milk process until just combined. Stir in the oats and almonds. Spoon the mixture over the apples.and sprinkle the cinnamon powder.
Bake in a pre-heated oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. 

Serve with natural yoghurt.


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scones de cheddar // cheddar scones

Learn how to do scones de cheddar // cheddar scones for your friends and family. this revenue from scones de cheddar // cheddar scones it is delicious

Make scones de cheddar // cheddar scones

há uma loja que vende os maiores scones. a 'avoca'. os scones são tão grandes. tão tentadores. há já algum estava tentado a fazer uma receita similar. outro dia, a propósito do chutney de maçã e cebola era a combinação ideal. e foi. grandes, cheios de sabor e fofos. passam a ser a receita ideal para um brunch.

there is a shop that sells the biggest scones. avoca. their scones are so big. such a temptation. for quite time that I wanted to try a recipe to make scones like them. other day, because of the apple and onion chutney was the perfect combination. and so it was. so big, full of flavour and soft. the ideal recipe for brunch.

scones de cheddar
para 7/8 scones


450 gramas de farinha com fermento
1 c. de chá de fermento
1 c. de chá de sal
60 g de manteiga sem sal
250 ml leite
100 g queijo cheddar

Numa taça amassar muito bem a farinha, o fermento, o sal e a manteiga (a temperatura ambiente). Depois abrir um sulco na mistura, deitar o leite e misturar. Adicionar o queijo e amassar até a massa apresentar uma textura homogénea
Agora por a massa numa superfície enfarinhada, estendê-la e cortar os scones com uma forma redonda larga de forma a ter 1 cm de "altura".

Levar ao forno bem quente, a 200º graus durante 15 a 20 minutos. 

cheddar scones
for 7/8 scones


450 g self-raising flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of salt
60 g unsalted butter
250 ml milk
100 g cheddar cheese

In a bowl mix very well the flour, the baking powder, the salt and the butter (at room temperature). After opening a furrow in the mixture, pour the milk and mix well. Then add the cheddar cheese and knead until the dough have an homogeneous texture.
Now put the dough in a floured surface, extend it and cut the scones with a round shape - large to make them big. Should have a 1 cm of "height". 
Bake in a pre-heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 200º Celsius degrees in a tray sprinkled with flour.

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chutney de maçã e cebola // apple and onion chutney

Learn how to do chutney de maçã e cebola // apple and onion chutney for your friends and family. this revenue from chutney de maçã e cebola // apple and onion chutney it is delicious

Make chutney de maçã e cebola // apple and onion chutney

mais uma receita de outono. combinação de duas maravilhas da época. maçãs e cebolas. em forma de algo que tanto gosto. chutney! mais um molho para petiscar. pão, scones, vegetais, nachos. seja o que for. desde que dê para petiscar! e este foi utilizado como recheio de scones salgados. um perfeito petisco! apesar de que a época é para ligar o forno. servir comida de conforto. e todo isso. sim, aqui já está frio. não estão os 30 graus de Portugal, infelizmente!

another autumn recipe. a combination of two of the season's wonders. apples and onions. in a shape of something that I really love. chutney! another dip for snacks. bread, scones, vegetables, nachos. whatever it is. as long as I can make a snack out of it! and this one was ate with savoury scones. a perfect snack! I know this is the season to turn the oven on. for comfort food. and all that. but here it's quite cold already. while in Portugal reaches 30 degrees! I'm so jealous.

chutney de maçã e cebola 
para 2 frascos


500g maçãs, descascadas e descaroçadas
500g cebolas castanhas
300 g açúcar amarelo
200 ml vinagre vinho tinto
6 dentes alho
2 c. chá sal
1 c. chá pimenta
2 c. sopa azeite
1 c. chá sementes mostarda
1 c. chá sementes coentros, tostadas

Numa taça misturar os dentes de alho, sal, pimenta e azeite e triturar. Cortar então as maçãs em cubos pequenos e as cebolas em rodelas finas.
Numa panela ao lume forte adicionar a mistura de alho, deixar por 1 minuto e juntar as maçãs, as cebolas, o açúcar amarelo e o vinagre. Envolver tudo muito bem e adicionar as sementes de mostarda e de coentros (previamente tostadas).
Deixar cozinhar em lume médio, durante 25 minutos até atingir uma boa consistência.

apple and onion chutney
2 jars


500 g apples, peeled and cored
500 g onions
300 g soft brown sugar
200 ml white wine vinegar
6 garlic cloves
2 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. mustard seeds
1 tsp. coriander seeds, lightly toasted

In a bowl mix the garlic cloves, salt, pepper, olive oil and grind it. Cut the apples into small cubes and the onions in fine slices.
Place a skillet over high heat, add the garlic mixture, cook it for 1 minute and add the apples, onions, sugar and vinegar. Mix everything and then add the mustard seeds and the coriander seeds (previously toasted).
Let it cook over medium heat for 25 minutes until has a desired consistency. 


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Leek & Potato Soup

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Make Leek & Potato Soup

Leek & Potato Soup
A smooth, velvety and rich vegetable soup that is full of flavour – the ultimate comforting winter soup!
Serves 4-6

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time:  30 minutes

50g butter
3 leeks, finely sliced
1 garlic clove, peeled & finely chopped
2 shallots, peeled & finely chopped
2 potatoes, peeled & chopped
1 litre chicken stock
150ml double cream
Salt & freshly ground pepper
2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped

To serve:
Crusty Bread

Preparation method

1.  In a large saucepan, melt the butter over a medium heat.  Fry the leeks, garlic and shallots until softened.

2.  Add the potatoes and cook for a further few minutes.  Now add the stock and bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

3.  Transfer the soup to a food processor and blitz or use a blender to liquidise the soup.

4.  Season to taste and stir the cream through and sprinkle with chives.  Serve with crusty bread, enjoy!

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the Best Chicken Tikka

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Make the Best Chicken Tikka

Chicken Tikka
A most delicious and succulent aromatic chicken tikka starter served with fresh cooling coriander chutney with a kick!
Serves 4

Prep time: 15 minutes (plus marinade overnight)
Cooking time:  10 minutes

1 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 whole cloves
½ tsp black peppercorns
½ tsp fenugreek seeds
1½ tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp ground paprika
½ tsp hot chilli powder
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp sea salt
2 garlic cloves, crushed
20g root ginger, peeled & finely grated
4 tbsp natural yogurt
4 boneless & skinless chicken breasts, cut into chunks

To serve:
Fresh salad

Preparation method

1.  Place the cumin, coriander, cloves, peppercorns and fenugreek into a frying pan and dry fry for 1-2 minutes until toasted.  Now place in a grinder or pestle & mortar and add the turmeric, paprika, chilli, cinnamon and salt, grind until you have a fine powder.

2.  Place the ground spices into a large bowl, add the garlic, ginger and yogurt.  Mix through until thoroughly combined.  Now add the chicken and fully coat.  Cover the bowl with cling film and place in the refrigerator overnight or at least for 4 hours to marinate.

3.  Take the chicken out of the fridge and thread them onto metal skewers leaving a 1cm gap between pieces.

4.  Preheat a grill to the highest temperature and place under the grill as close to the heat as possible.  Cook for 5 minutes and then turn the skewers over cooking for a further 5 minutes.

5.  Use a fork to slide the chicken off the skewers and serve with fresh coriander & mint chutney and fresh salad.

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sopa de pastinaca assada // roasted parsnip soup

Learn how to do sopa de pastinaca assada // roasted parsnip soup for your friends and family. this revenue from sopa de pastinaca assada // roasted parsnip soup it is delicious

Make sopa de pastinaca assada // roasted parsnip soup

outro dia comprei um livro por £ 2,50. um livro do jamie olive. em segunda mão, mas em bom estado. um dos poucos livros dele que realmente gosto. que realmente queria. o "cook with jamie". uma pechincha, é verdade! ainda não cozinhei nada de lá. também ainda não tive muito tempo para explorar. mas hoje é domingo. de outono. que combina com sopa. dar uma nova combinação à sopa de abobora que tanto gosto.

other day I bought a book for £2,50. a jamie oliver's book. second hand, but in good condition. one of the few from him that I really like. that I really wanted. the "cook with jamie". such a bargain, it's true! I have not cooked anything from there. and I haven't had much time to explore it anyway. but today is sunday. in autumn. and I should match it with soup. so I decided to give a twist to my beloved squash soup.

sopa de pastinaca assada
para 8


500g de pastinaca
500g de abóbora
1 cebola
4 ramos de alecrim
1 c. chá sal
pimenta preta
4 c. sopa azeite e mais para regar
1300 ml de água a ferver
1 c. chá sal

Começar por descascar a pastincasa, cortar em quartos na longitudinal e depois descascar a abóbora, a cebola e cortar também em quartos. Levar então a assar no forno pré-aquecido a 200º, durante 30 minutos, num tabuleiro e temperados com o alecrim, sal, pimenta preta e o azeite.
Ao fim dos 30 minutes, juntar todos os legumes assados (menos o alecrim) numa panela com a água a ferver e temperada com a outra colher de chá de sal. Deixar levantar fervura (e o sal dissolvido) e retirar do lume. Então triturar com a varinha mágica até estar cremoso e regar com um fio de azeite.

roasted parsnip soup
serves 8


500g parsnip
500g squash
1 onion
4 branches of rosemary
1 tsp. sea salt
freshly ground pepper
4 tbsp. olive oil
1300 ml boiling water
1 tsp. sea salt

Begin by peeling the parsnip, cut into lenghtwise quarters and then peel the pumpking, onion and also cut them into quarters. Then place in a baking tray, season with rosemary, sea salt, pepper and olive oil and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes at 200º degrees.
At the end of the 30 minutes, place all the roasted vegetables (except the rosemary) in a pan with boiling water, season with another teaspon of sea salt. Let it boil (and dissolve the salt) and remove from heat. Then grind with a hand blender until creamy and sprinkle with more extra virgin olive oil.


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banana bread

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Make banana bread

há um café que tem sempre "banana bread". sempre, sempre! independentemente da altura do ano. e desde que provei, que sou viciado. no entanto, acho que se devia haver uma época, seria agora. combina bem. outono e banana bread. ainda quente. a sair do forno. assim húmido. a meio da tarde. uma combinação perfeita. perfeita para quando ficar em casa e convidar alguém para o "tea time".

there is a café that always has "banana bread". always, always! regardless of the season of the year. since I tried, got addicted. however if there is a season, should be this one. it matches really well. autumn and banana bread. warm. getting out of the oven. quite moist. in the middle of the afternoon. a perfect match. so perfect to stay at home and invite some friend for "tea time"

banana bread
1 bolo

assim sendo, resolvi investigar e encontrei uma receita. simples e ideal. é da Sophie Dahl. segundo a qual, é a receita para fazer quando o rigoroso inverno de NYC só dá vontade de cozinhar. duas ligeiras alterações, menos uma banana e canela por cima!


3 bananas maduras
75g manteiga, temperatura ambiente
200 g açúcar amarelo
1 ovo, batido
1 c. chá fermento
pitada de sal
170 g farinha branca
1 c. café de canela

Começar por esmagar as bananas e numa taça grande misturar as bananas com a manteiga, o açúcar, o ovo e misturar tudo bem. Depois adicionar o fermento, o sal e por último a farinha. Misturar tudo e deitar o preparado numa forma forrada com papel vegetal. Por cima deitar a canela em pó.
Levar ao forno pré-aquecido, a 180º por 1 hora.

banana bread
1 cake

so, I decided to explore and found a recipe. simple and ideal. it's from Sophie Dahl. according to which, is a good recipe to survive NYC's fierce winter. two small changes, one less banana and cinnamon on top!


3 riped bananas
75 g unsalted butter, room temperature
200 g soft brown sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp. baking powder
pinch of salt
170 g white flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder

Start by mashing the bananas and on a big bowl add to it the butter, sugar, egg and mix well. Then add the baking powder, salt and mix in the flour last. Mix everything well and pour it into a baking tin previously lined with baking paper. Top it with cinnamon powder.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180º degres for 1 hour.

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pizza de figos e feta // figs and feta pizza

Learn how to do pizza de figos e feta // figs and feta pizza for your friends and family. this revenue from pizza de figos e feta // figs and feta pizza it is delicious

Make pizza de figos e feta // figs and feta pizza

falei por ventura cedo demais. agora o outono veio em força. já está frio. pela manhã já custa a sair de casa. a luz é diferente. e o manto de folhas na rua não poderia ser mais bonito! no entanto, a minha melhor amiga (de cá) voltou a Espanha. definitivamente! um capítulo que começou como uma casualidade na rua e acabou a vivermos todos juntos. o 'portunhol'. os momentos de ócio. a procura de trabalho. a partilha de tudo o que tínhamos (e temos!). e os mais que muitos jantares de tapas. nunca nada será esquecido. 'de que color?' será sempre o nosso hino.

probably I spoke far too early. now the autumn is here. it starts getting cold. in the morning it's hard to get out of the house. the light is different. and all the leaves on the street could not be more beautiful! however, my best friend (here) is back in Spain. forever! a chapter that started with a causality in the street and ended up with all of us living together. the 'portunhol'. lazy moments. looking for a job. sharing everything that we had (and have!). and all the tapas dinner we had. nothing will ever be forgotten. 'de que color?' will always be our anthem. 

pizza de figos e queijo feta
para 2 pizzas

ingredientes para a massa (duas pizzas médias):

500 gramas de farinha branca forte
2 c. de chá de sal,
1 c. de chá de fermento em pó
300 ml de água tépida
20 ml de leite
1 batata pequena cozida

Primeiro peneirar a farinha para uma taça e juntar o sal e o fermento. De seguida fazer um furo no meio e juntar a água e o leite e gradualmente ir incorporando os ingredientes com um garfo até ficar consistente ao ponto de ser amassado com as mãos. Enquanto isto, ao lado esmagar bem a batata cozida e juntar à massa. Agora amassar durante 5/10 minutos com as mãos, até ficar elástica.
Findo este processo, colocar a massa num recipiente, tapar bem com um pano de cozinha e deixar levedar num local morno e seco entre 30 minutos a 1 hora, ou até dobrar de tamanho.

Quando a massa estiver pronta, dividir em 2 bolas mais pequenas e preparar a base da pizza. Comece por polvilhar com farinha a superfície onde irá ser estendida e distenda até ficar com uma forma redonda, com 0,5 cm de espessura e deixar com 2 de rebordo e reservar.

ingredientes para o recheio (duas pizzas médias):

1 cebola branca, rodelas finamente cortadas
1 dente alho,
3 c. sopa azeite
4 figos, cortados em quartos
100 g queijo feta

Começar por refogar a cebola o alho e o azeite num tacho até a cebola apresentar uma cor dourada, cerca de 5 minutos
Então, retirar do lume, cobrir a massa da pizza com o molho de cebola, os quartos de figos e o queijo feta desfeito por cima.
Levar ao forno por 20 minutos, a 220º, até estar estaladiça e a massa bem cozinhada.

figs and feta cheese pizza
for 2 pizzas

ingredients for the dough (makes two medium pizzas):

500 g strong white bread flour
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. of dried yeast
300 ml lukewarm water
20 ml milk
1 small boiled potato

At first pile the flour into a bowl and add the salt and the yeast. Then make a well in the middle and add the water and the milk and gradually mix the ingredients with a fork until consistent to the point of being ready to do it with your hands. Meanwhile, smash the boiled potato and add it to the dough. Now knead the dough for 5/10 minutes until elastic.
After this process, place the dough in a bowl, cover well with a kitchen towel and let it rise in a warm, dry place between 30 minutes to 1 hour, or let double in size.

When the dough is ready, divide it into 2 small balls and start making the pizza base. Start by dusting your surface with flour and roll it out into a circle, with 0,5 cm thickness and 2 cm thick bead on the edge.

ingredients for the topping (two medium pizzas):

1 white onion, finely sliced
1 garlic clove
3 tbsp. olive oil
4 figs, cut into quarters
100 g feta cheese 

Heat a saucepan on a medium heat with the onion, garlic and olive oil until the onion is slightly brown (around 5 minutes).
Then, remove from heat and top the pizza dough with the onion sauce, figs and crumbled feta cheese on top.

Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, at 220º degrees, until it is crispy and the dough well cooked.


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