gluten-free muffins de cenoura // gluten-free carrot muffins

Learn how to do gluten-free muffins de cenoura // gluten-free carrot muffins for your friends and family. this revenue from gluten-free muffins de cenoura // gluten-free carrot muffins it is delicious

Make gluten-free muffins de cenoura // gluten-free carrot muffins

manhãs de domingo. manhãs cinzentas. pequeno-almoço tardio. não há brunch. há apenas um pequeno-almoço relaxado. que pede muffins. muffins outonais. até na cor. a acompanhar um bom 'flat white'. porque manhãs de domingo são assim mesmo. ou de brunch. ou de muffins e uma magazine.

sunday mornings. grey mornings. a late breakfast. there is no brunch. just a relaxed breafast. that asks for muffins. autumnal muffins. even in the colour. with a really good flat white on the side. because mornings are made of this. or brunch. or muffins and a magazine.

gluten-free muffins de cenoura
faz 6 muffins

Não era suposto terem sido 'gluten-free' mas por um mero acaso acabaram por o ser. Quando me apercebi de tal, resolvi adicionar um pouco mais de fermento para poderem crescer e a farinha de aveia acabou por os deixar bem fofos.


60 g de manteiga
125 g farinha de aveia
2 c. chá fermento
150 g açúcar
3 gemas
3 claras batidas em castelo
2 cenouras, descascadas e raladas (cerca 170 g)
1 c. chá de canela em pó
1 c. sopa de sementes de abóbora
1 c. sopa de nozes

Primeiro de tudo, forrar uma forma de queques com papel vegetal e aquecer o forno a 180º.
Começar por preparar as claras em castelo e reservar.
Derreter a manteiga em banho maria e juntar aos outros ingredientes - farinha, fermento, açúcar e gemas. Juntar as claras em castelo e bater tudo durante 10 minutos. Adicionar então a cenoura ralada e a canela e envolver tudo muito bem.
Deitar o preparado nas formas e por cima as sementes de abóbora.
Levar ao forno a 180º graus por 30 minutos, até os muffins estarem prontos e ligeiramente acastanhados por cima.

gluten-free carrot muffins
makes 6 muffins

They weren't meant to be gluten-free but somehow they were. When I noticed I decide to add a bit more of baking powder (also gluten-free) so they would rise just perfectly and the oats flour gave them a moist and nice texture.


60 g unsalted butter
125 g oats flour
2 tsp. baking powder
150 g sugar
3 egg yolks
3 egg whites - whipped egg whites
2 carrots, peeled and grated (about 170 g)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp. walnuts

First of all, line a muffin tin with baking papers and preheat the oven to 180º Celsius degrees.
Start by beating the egg whites separately until you have whipped egg whites and set them aside.
Melt the butter in water bath and combine in a bowl with the other ingredients - flour, baking powder, sugar and egg yolks. Add the whipped egg whites and mix until it's combined, it will take around 10 minutes. Now add the grated carrot and ground cinnamon and involve well.
Pour the mixture into the tins and cover with some pumpkin seeds.
Bake for 30 minutes at 180 Celsius degrees until a toothpick comes out just clean and the top is brownish.


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