“New Year’s Baby” Porchetta – Here’s to Being Happy, But Not Satisfied in 2017!

Learn how to do “New Year’s Baby” Porchetta – Here’s to Being Happy, But Not Satisfied in 2017! for your friends and family. this revenue from “New Year’s Baby” Porchetta – Here’s to Being Happy, But Not Satisfied in 2017! it is delicious

Make “New Year’s Baby” Porchetta – Here’s to Being Happy, But Not Satisfied in 2017!

Since I’m not really working, I’ll keep this “baby porchetta” post short and sweet, and simply let you refer to the video for all the important stuff. Like how amazing this tasted; and how impossibly moist and tender it was.

Notwithstanding some overlapped bacon (which I’ll do in a single layer, in maybe a hotter oven next time), I loved how this came out! I’m not sure if it will bring you prosperity in the New Year, but this is so good, who cares?

I want to wish you all a very healthy, and bountiful, 2017! Happy New Year, and, as always, enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 large or 4 smaller portions:
1 boneless pork tenderloin roast, about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds
about 8 strips bacon or enough to wrap
For the spice rub:
1/2 teaspoon whole fennel seeds
3 cloves sliced garlic
1 tablespoon finely sliced sage leaves
2 teaspoons chopped rosemary
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon kosher salt, or more to taste
zest from one lemon
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon olive oil

- Roast at 450 F. about 25 minutes, or until 134 F. internal temp, which should get you a finished, rested temp of 140-145 F.
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Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce

Learn how to do Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce for your friends and family. this revenue from Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce it is delicious

Make Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce

Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com

Numa época pós-Natal. Depois de uma pausa que se fez para celebrar esta festividade. Dos dias por casa, recheados de sabores de uma época que está a acabar. De uma época intensa em emoções e recordações. Uma outra pausa. Uma pausa até uma outra celebração ter lugar. De um novo ano que está aí à porta. E um petisco perfeito para dias mais calmos. Para dias mais relaxados a ver um filme e aproveitar este final de ano.

In a post-Christmas situation. After a break that was made to celebrate this festive season. Of days at home, filled with flavours of a season that is ending. Of  a time intense in emotions and memories. Another break. A break just until another celebration takes place. Of a new year that is about to start. And a perfect snack for quiet days. For those relaxed days, while watching a movie and enjoying the end of this year.

Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Batata Doce Frita no Forno com Molho de Cúrcuma
serve 2/3

Um petisco saudável, acompanhado de um molho também saudável. Para aproveitar o melhor da batata doce.

ingredientes para a Batata Doce:

3 batatas doce médias (600 g, c/ casca)
2 dentes de alho (lascas finas)
2 c. sopa de alecrim fresco (finamente picado)
2 c. sopa de tomilho fresco (finamente picado)
1 c. chá de colorau-doce
2 c. chá de sal marinho
3 c. sopa de azeite virgem extra

ingredientes para o molho de queijo quark com cúrcuma

250 g queijo quark
1 dente de alho (finamente picado)
1 c. sopa de sumo de limão
1 c. chá de cúrcuma
1 c. chá tomilho fresco (finamente picado)
1 c. sopa de azeite virgem extra
1 c. chá sal marinho

Começar por aquecer o forno para 220º C e forrar duas formas com papel vegetal.
Cortar então as batatas doce em tiras de 1 cm (com casca), colocar nas formas numa só camada e cobrir com as lascas de alho, espalhar o alecrim, o tomilho, o colorau-dice, o sal e azeite. 
Levar ao forno por 30 minutos, virando a meio até ficarem bem douradas.
Enquanto as batatas doce estiverem no forno, preparar o molho, misturando numa taça todos os ingredientes - queijo quark, alho, sumo limão, cúrcuma, tomilho, azeite e sal até estar cremoso.

Servir as batatas com o molho ao lado.


Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce
serves 2/3

A healthy snack with a also healthy sauce on the side. To enjoy the best that sweet potato has to offer.

ingredients Baked Sweet Potato Fries:

3 medium sweet potatoes (600 g, w/ skin)
2 garlic cloves (thinly sliced)
2 tbsp. fresh rosemary (finely chopped)
2 tbsp. fresh thyme (finely chopped)
1 tsp. paprika
2 tsp. sea salt
3 tbsp.extra virgin olive oil

ingredients Quark Cheese and Turmeric Sauce:

250 g quark cheese
1 garlic clove (finely chopped)
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. fresh thyme (finely chopped)
1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. sea salt

Start by preheating the oven to 220º C and line two baking sheets with baking paper.
Cut the sweet potatoes lengthwise into 1 cm wedges (with skin on), place them in the baking sheets, spread them into a single layer and top them with garlic, rosemary, thyme, paprika, salt and olive oil.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, flipping them halfway through till they are golden.
In the meantime prepare the sauce mixing all the ingredients in the oven - quark cheese, garlic, lemon juice, turmeric, thyme, olive oil and salt until creamy.

Serve the potatoes with some sauce on the side.


Baked Sweet Potato Fries w/ Turmeric Sauce | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com

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Next Up: Something to Ensure Prosperity and Progress in the New Year!

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Make Next Up: Something to Ensure Prosperity and Progress in the New Year!

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Oops! And, Happy Holidays!

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Make Oops! And, Happy Holidays!

Better late than never! Yes, this post was supposed to be done on Monday, letting you all know I was off this week for Christmas break; but apparently with all the drinking, eating, shopping, and drinking, it never got done.

So, just to make it official, I was off this week, and technically next week, since Allrecipes.com is on break until the New Year. However, I will be posting one last video for 2016, after the holiday, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday, and, as always, enjoy! 

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Deviled Lobster Tails – There's Something in the Details

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Make Deviled Lobster Tails – There's Something in the Details

I never blame people for not wanting to work with fresh lobsters, but when it comes to lobster tails, there is no excuse. Well, I guess the enormous price tag is also an excuse, but other than that, no excuse. 

Speaking of price tags, since the recipe is so straightforward, I’ll spend the rest of the post ranting about pre-thawed lobster at the market. When buying your tails, ask the person working the fish department to go into the freezer, and get you ones that are still frozen. Lobster tails are always flash frozen shortly after being caught, and sent to the grocery store in this state, which is how they should be sold, except they’re not. 

What the grocery store does is thaw them, and pile them in the fish case, so you think a big batch of fresh lobster tails have just arrived from Cape Cod. They sit there for a day, or two, or three, getting less fresh and sweet by the minute. So, bypass the “fresh,” for the frozen, which are fresher. I really hope that all made sense, but regardless, with fancy dinner party season in full swing, I really do hope you give these deviled lobster tails a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:
Please note: I never measure when I use this technique, and so these are just guesses. Everything in this is “to taste,” so work accordingly.
4 frozen lobster tails, thawed and split as shown
1/4 cup mayonnaise
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon sriracha hot sauce
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped tarragon, chervil, or dill
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Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake

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Make Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake

Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com

Sabores, texturas, cores e cheiros desta época festiva. Combinações que aprecio de um alecrim que veio de Portugal enfiado numa mala de cabine. De um alecrim que nasce bravo e que tem um sabor mais intenso. Intensidade no cheiro e sabor com que infunde este bolo, também festivo. Para celebrar esta época. Uma época que não costumo fazer bolos. Pelo menos não deste género de bolos. Mas que é um bolo de Natal porque as especarias da época estão lá todas. Com a Clementina a anunciar a chegada do Inverno. Um bolo para celebrar esta época.

Flavours, textures, colours and smells of this festive season. Combinations that I appreciate from a rosemary that came all the way from Portugal stuffed in the bottom of a hand luggage. Of a rosemary that born wild and has a stronger flavour. Strong smell and flavour infusing this cake, also festive. To celebrate this season. A season in which I do not bake cakes. At least not this kind of cakes. But which is a Christmas cake because all the seasonal spices are there. As is also the Clementine to announce the arrival of Winter. A cake to celebrate this season.

Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Bolo de Alecrim, Clementina e Gingerbread às camadas com Cobertura de Cardamomo e Iogurte Grego e Arandos Açucarados

faz 1 bolo

Esta receita de bolo de alecrim, clementina e gingerbread surge de uma combinação de vários sabores que aprecio (biscoitos de alecrim e laranja, do ano passado!), como alecrim e citrinos (ao invés, de chocolate e laranja!) e de especiarias. Com uma cobertura de cardamomo e iogurte grego (ao invés de manteiga), para ficar mais cremoso e ao qual adicionei mais açúcar em pó para ficar mais espesso, pois o bolo é mais para o alto.
Esta receita é feita a pensar em formas de 18-20 cm.
Para fazer o bolo têm duas opções. Primeira, preparar a massa do bolo, cozinhar um só bolo de uma vez e depois dividir em 3 camadas iguais. Ou, uma Segunda opção, preparar a massa do bolo e dividir por igual por 3 formas para levar ao forno.
Eu optei pela segunda opção e fiz as 3 camadas em separado.

ingredientes para o bolo:

150 g manteiga s/ sal (temperatura ambiente)
150 g açúcar branco
150 g açúcar castanho
3 ovos L
sumo de 1 clementina
2 c. chá alecrim fresco (finamente picado)
2 c. chá gengibre em pó
2 c. chá canela em pó
2 c. chá cardamomo (cerca de 20 vagens)
300 g farinha s/ fermento
2 c. chá fermento em pó

Começar por aquecer o forno para 200ºC e forrar três formas de 20cm com manteiga e farinha.
Então numa taça misturar a manteiga e o açúcar e bater bem até ficar bastante uniforme (cerca de 5/10 minutos). Ir adicionando então os ovos, um de cada vez e bater bem entre cada nova adição. Depois adicionar à mistura o sumo da clementina e as especiarias - alecrim, gengibre, canela e cardamomo. Por fim envolver a farinha e o fermento em pó na mistura.
Verter a mistura para as formas previamente forradas e levar ao forno durante 20/30 minutos, até estar cozinhado (teste do palito) e assim bem dourado.

Deixar a arrefecer o bolo numa rede por completo antes de o montar.

ingredientes para os arandos açucarados:

50 g arandos
100 ml água
50 g açúcar

A melhor forma é preparar no dia anterior ao bolo. Num jarro adicionar a água e o açúcar e ir mexendo constantemente até se dissolver. Adicionar então os arandos e deixar a marinar durante a noite.
No dia seguinte, escorrer a água e colocar os arandos num prato. Cobrir então com mais açúcar e mexer para ficarem todos bem envolvidos em açúcar.

ingredientes para a cobertura de queijo, iogurte grego e cardamomo

400 g queijo creme
400 g iogurte grego natural
150 g açúcar em pó
1 c. chá cardamomo (cerca de 10 vagens)

Numa taça misturar os ingredientes todos - esmagar as vagens na hora para um sabor mais intenso. Misturar com uma colher até estar uma mistura homogénea.

montar o bolo:

As camadas de bolo deverão ter cerca de 2 cm de altura. Não precisam de ser perfeitas mas relativamente uniformes - quer se coza o bolo todo numa forma de uma só vez ou as 3 camadas em separado.
Colocar então a primeira camada num cake stand, barrar com 1/3 da mistura de queijo e iogurte grego de forma uniforme e relativamente plana. Colocar a segunda camada de bolo e repetir o processo. Colocar a terceira camada de bolo e repetir o processo com a restante cobertura de queijo creme e iogurte grego.
Decorar então o bolo com nozes, arandos açucarados e raspa de clementina.
Colocar no frigorífico até hora de servir.


Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake with Cardamom Greek Yoghurt Frosting and Sugared Cranberries
make 1 cake

This recipe for a rosemary, clementine and gingerbread cake comes from a combination of flavours that I love (see rosemary and orange biscuits from last Christmas!), like rosemary and citrus fruit (instead of chocolate and orange!) and spices. Adding a cardamom greek yoghurt frosting (instead of butter), to make it creamier and to which I added more powdered sugar than I usually would to make it thicker as is rather a tall cake.
This recipe is made for 18-20 cm cake tins.
To make the cake there is two options. First, prepare the cake batter, cook as just one cake and then slice it into 3 even layers. Or, second option, prepare the cake batter and divide equally among 3 cake tin and bake them in the oven.
I choose the second option and cooked 3 layers separately. 

ingredients for the Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Cake

150 g unsalted butter (room temperature)
150 g white sugar
150 g soft brown light sugar
3 large eggs
juice of 1 clementine
2 tsp. fresh rosemary (finely chopped)
2 tsp. ground ginger
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 tsp. cardamom (20 pods - freshly grounded)
300 g plain flour
2 tsp. baking powder

Start by preheating the oven to 200ºC degrees and grease a 20cm round cake tin with butter and flour.
In a bowl mix the sugar and butter with a hand mixer until creamy (around 5/10 minutes). Then add the eggs, one at the time, white continuing to mix it. Then add the clementine juice and spices - rosemary, ginger, cinnamon and cardamom - and mix it well. Now fold the flour and baking powder.
Pour the mixture to the previously greased cake tin and bake in the oven for around 20/30 minutes (depending on the method you choose - and do the toothpick to check!) until well cooked and lightly brownish.

Leave it to cool down completely in a cooling rack before assembling the cake.

ingredients for the sugared cranberries:

50 g cranberries
100 ml water
50 g sugar

The best way is to prepare it on the day before. In a jar mix the water and sugar and stir constantly until the sugar dissolves. Add the cranberries and leave it to 'marinate' overnight.
Next day, drain the water and spread the cranberries on a flat plate. Spread some white sugar on top and stir so all cranberries are well coated in sugar.

ingredients for the cardamom greek yoghurt frosting:

400 g cream cheese
400 g plain greek yoghurt
150 g powdered sugar
1 tsp. cardamom (freshly grounded - around 10 pods)

In a bowl mix all the ingredients - the cardamom should be freshly grounded for a stronger flavour. Mix with a spoon until a very creamy and consistent mixture.

assembling the cake:

The cake layers must be around 2 cm. They do not need to be perfect but relatively uniform - should you choose the method of cooking just one cake and then slice it into layers or cook 3 separate layers.
Place the first layer on a cake stand, spread 1/3 of the cream cheese and greek yoghurt mixture in a uniform and relatively flat way. Place the second cake layer and repeat the process. Place the third (and last layer!) on top and repeat the process by spreading the remaining cream cheese and greek yoghurt mixture.
Decorate the cake with some walnuts, sugared cranberries and clementine zest.
Place in the fridge till it's time to serve.


Rosemary Clementine Gingerbread Layer Cake | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com

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Béarnaise Sauce – Maybe My Favorite ‘Aise

Learn how to do Béarnaise Sauce – Maybe My Favorite ‘Aise for your friends and family. this revenue from Béarnaise Sauce – Maybe My Favorite ‘Aise it is delicious

Make Béarnaise Sauce – Maybe My Favorite ‘Aise

I adore a good hollandaise, and couldn’t survive without mayonnaise, but if I had to pick an all-time favorite ’aise, it might just be béarnaise. This tarragon-spiked, shallot-infused hollandaise is absolutely perfect with any and all steaks or roasts; especially lean ones, like our recent salt-crust beef tenderloin.

A sauce made from 75% butter has some advantages, and elevating lean meat is just one of them. This is also excellent on potatoes, vegetables, as well as just about any seafood I can imagine. And as I mentioned in the video, this can be used to make quite the memorable eggs Benedict.

We’re using the same revolutionary technique here that we featured in our last hollandaise sauce video, with one small tweak. If you’re feeling lucky, try to create your hollandaise over medium heat, instead of low. That’s what I usually use, but I played it safe, and went with low heat in that recipe, even though using medium is much faster.

You’ll have to keep an eye on things, but you should get results similar to what you see in this video. By the way, just like when making regular hollandaise you can adjust the thickness by adding in a little hot water if necessary. So, whether you’re going to enjoy this with salt-crusted beef tenderloin, or something else just as special, I hope you give this béarnaise sauce a try soon. Enjoy!

For the reduction:
1 cup fresh tarragon leaves, roughly chopped
1/2 cup thinly sliced shallots
1 rounded teaspoon whole black peppercorns
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup white wine
1/3 cup water

For the compound butter:
1/4 cup chopped tarragon
1 teaspoon drained capers
1 tablespoon cold butter

For the béarnaise:
2 large egg yolks
3 tablespoons tarragon vinegar reduction
8 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cubed
1 tablespoon caper tarragon compound butter
salt and cayenne pepper to taste
freshly ground black pepper, optional
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Billionaire's Shortbread

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Make Billionaire's Shortbread

Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Eu adoro Doces de Natal Portugueses. Não é só sobre os sabores. É também as memórias. As memórias de infância. É bom ter estas recordações. É engraçado como um sabor ou um prato nos consegue levar lá. Eu gosto desta sensação. Eu gosto de que a comida e sabores tenham este poder sobre mim. Assim como gosto das recordações que Billionaire's Shortbread me traz de um café que eu costumava ir. Eram muito bons. E eu gosto dessas memórias. Sentado num café quando estava tanto frio lá fora. Passar bons tempos com amigos e a comer Billionaire's Shortbread. Eu gosto dessa sensação. Talvez comece a fazer todos os anos só pelas memórias. Não só porque são realmente bons mas também pelo quão feliz me deixam.

I love Portuguese Christmas sweets. It isn't just about the flavours. It's also about all the memories. All those childhood memories. It's good to have these memories. It's funny how the flavour of a dish can take you there. I like that feeling. I like that food and flavours have that power in me. As I like that Billionaire's Shortbread remind me of a café that I used to go. They were really good. I am very found of those memories. Seated on that café, while I was really cold outside. Spending quality time with friends and having Billionaire's Shortbread as a treat. I like that feeling. I might just start baking these one every Christmas just for those memories. Not only because they are really good but also because how happy they make me.

Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Receita de Billionaire's Shortbread do Jamie Oliver
faz 1 forma (24 pedaços)

Esta receita de Billionaire's Shortbread é do Jamie Oliver e está no seu novo livro - Jamie Oliver's Christmas Cookbook. Alterei apenas algumas quantidades, sobretudo porque a minha forma era uma bocado mais pequena que a dele, também porque a quantidade de manteiga usada nesta receita é substancial e retirei a Guinness (100 ml) que é usada na receita original para o caramelo.
A receita é boa, muito boa, mas dá uma quantidade enorme. Para servir um grupo de 10 pessoas, e ainda dá mais de 2 shorbreads por pessoa. Para menos pessoas é melhor reduzir a quantidade e fazer talvez metade.

ingredientes para o shortbread:

150 g manteiga sem sal (fria)
250 g farinha
50 g açúcar

Começar por aquecer o forno para 180ºC e forrar uma forma de 28cm x 18cm com papel vegetal. Então misturar a farinha, o açúcar e a manteiga numa taça e misturar com as mãos até a mistura ficar com uma textura areada. Adicionar 1 ou 2 c. sopa de água, para ajudar a mistura a ficar firme. Colocar na forma, espalhar com as mãos até ter uma camada nivelada e furar com um garfo. Levar ao forno por 20 minutos, até o shortbread estar cozinhado e ligeiramente dourado. Deixar arrefecer e começar a preparar o caramelo.

ingredientes para o caramelo:

250 g açúcar amarelo 'light'
200 g manteiga s/ sal
150 ml água
300 ml crème fraîche

Para preparar o caramelo, começar por misturar o açúcar, manteiga e água numa panela sobre lume médio-alto. Deixar fervendo até reduzir a metade da quantidade (cerca de 15 minutos) e ir mexendo de vez em quando. Adicionar então o crème fraîche, reduzir o lume para fraco e deixar a borbulhar gentilmente por 20 minutos, mexendo constantemente. Quando começar a engrossar, verter sobre o shortbread e espalhar para ficar numa camada nivelada. Deixar a arrefecer no frigorífico por 2 horas (eu deixou durante a noite!).

ingredientes para a cobertura chocolate:

250 g chocolate negro (70% cacao)
1 c. sopa de manteiga s/ sal

Colocar então o chocolate e a manteiga numa taça à prova de calor em banho maria e deixar derreter o chocolate enquanto se vai mexendo. Deixar arrefecer por um minuto e espalhar sobre 1 minuto (para o caramelo não derreter). Quando o chocolate tiver arrefecido uns minutos, espalhar uns flocos de sal por cima. 

Servir cortados em pequenos pedaços.


Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com
Jamie Oliver's Billionaire's Shortbread Recipe
makes 1 tray (24 bites)

This recipe for Billionaire's Shortbread is from Jamie Oliver is new cookbook - Jamie Oliver's Christmas Cookbook. I made a few changes in the recipe, mainly because my tray is smaller than the one on the book, also because it uses so much butter and I did not add Guinness (100 ml) to make the caramel as in the original recipe.
The recipe is good, really good but makes quite a big quantity. Good for a group of 10 people and still more than 2 shortbreads for person. To make for fewer people I would say it's ideal to only make half of the quantities.

ingredients for the shortbread:

150 g unsalted butter (cold)
250 g flour
50 sugar

Start by preheating the oven to 180ºC and grease a 28cm x 18cm baking tray with baking paper. Then mix the flour, sugar and butter in a bow and rub it with your hands until the mixture is crumbly. Add 1 or 2 tbsp. of water, to help bring the mixture together into a dough. Place it in the baking tray, spread with the hands until it's an even layer and prick it with a fork. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, until the shortbread is cooked through and slightly golden. Allow it to cool down and start preparing the caramel.

ingredients for the caramel:

250 g soft light brown sugar
200 g unsalted butter
150 ml water
300 ml crème fraîche

To prepare the caramel, place the sugar, butter and water in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring it to boil and allow it to reduce by half, stirring occasionally (around 15 minutes). Whisk the crème fraîche in, then reduce the heat to low and allow it to gently bubble for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. When thick pour it over the shortbread and spread it to become an even layer. Allow it to cool down and chill in the fridge for 2 hours (I left it overnight!).

ingredients for the chocolate top:

250 g dark chocolate (70% cacao)
1 tbsp. unsalted butter

Place the chocolate and butter into a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and leave it to melt, stirring constantly. Allow it to cool down for a minute (so the caramel does not melt). When the chocolate has cold down, spring some sea salt flakes on top.

Serve in bite-size chunks.

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Salt-Crusted Beef Tenderloin – No Lomo

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Make Salt-Crusted Beef Tenderloin – No Lomo

I received a food wish for lomo al trapo a while back, which I learned is a Colombian method for cooking beef tenderloin. The meat is encased in salt, wrapped in a kitchen towel, and then set on top of hot coals. 

Crediting the intense heat, and salt crust, aficionados of this Colombian technique say it produces the juiciest, most flavorful beef tenderloin you’ve ever had.

It really sounded amazing, and I wanted to try it, but realized many of you would have trouble explaining why you were destroying a perfectly good kitchen towel in the process. So, I decided to try a towel-free salt crust technique I’d used successfully on prime rib before, and despite some minor aesthetic issues, it worked amazingly well.

Beef tenderloin is a lean cut of meat, which can make for a fairly boring roast, but that was not the case here. The tenderloin took on an intensely beefy flavor, and was so juicy that I thought something was wrong.  There was so much on the cutting board, I was afraid there wouldn’t be any left in the meat, but I’m happy to report every single bite was dripping with moisture.

Maybe this summer, when the grill is fired up, and I have one too many kitchen towels around, I’ll try the real lomo al trapo technique, but in the meantime I was thrilled with how this came out, and really hope you give it a try soon. Stay tuned for the béarnaise sauce video, and as always, enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:
2 pound center-cut beef tenderloin roast
1 garlic clove crushed
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
1 egg white
about 3 cups coarse-ground sea salt
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Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote

Learn how to do Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote for your friends and family. this revenue from Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote it is delicious

Make Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote

Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Pequeno-almoço na cama. Um pequeno-almoço relaxado. Um pequeno-almoço de conforto. O conforto da simplicidade das papas de aveia pela manhã. Do conforto de uma taça recheada de sabores natalícios e quente ao acordar. É um dos meus favoritos. Da simplicidade que quando polvilhado com canela me faz lembrar outros sabores. Se calhar é por isso que gosto tanto. Papas de aveia quando polvilhadas com canela sabe-me a arroz doce. Sabe-me a arroz doce alentejano de Estremoz. E eu que gosto tanto do Alentejo. Mas faz-me lembrar também outras aventuras. Que quando há pouco mais de quatro anos, numa outra casa, resolvi cozinhar 'porridge'. A Adriana dizia que era tão bom. Dizia que sabia fazer no micro-ondas. Mas eu é que era o cozinheiro e sem instruções nenhumas e sem saber o que estava a cozinhar, resolvi misturar tudo no tacho. Ficou no registo dos cozinhados não comestíveis. Porque o meu primeiro 'porridge' foi um tiro ao lado. Mas este que vêem aqui é cremoso, saboroso e é acompanhado por arandos. Arandos porque é Natal.

Breakfast in bed. A relaxed breakfast in bed. A comforting one. The simplicity and comfort of porridge in the morning. The comfort of a bowl filled with Christmas flavours. Warm upon waking. Is one of my favourites. That when sprinkled with cinnamon reminds me of other flavours. Maybe that's why I love it so much. Porridge when sprinkled with cinnamon tastes like portuguese rice pudding. Tastes like Alentejo's rice pudding from Estremoz. And I love Alentejo so much. But it also reminds me of other adventures. That when just over four years ago, in another house, I decided to cook porridge. Adriana said was so good. She said that she knew how to cook it in the microwave. But I was the one cooking in the house and without any instructions and without knowing what I was cooking, I decided to mix everything in the pan. It made its way to the book of inedible foods.. Because my first porridge was really bad. But this one here it's creamy, tasty and flavoured with cranberries. Cranberries because it's Christmas.

Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Receita de Papas de Aveia Cremosas com 'Compota' Arandos
para 2

Uma receita simples de papas de aveia. Uns minutos ao lume e está pronto. Uma receita básica que é acompanhada por uma 'compota' de arandos. Não é bem uma compota, é só uma mistura, que permite preservar os frutos e é óptimo para juntar ao pequeno-almoço. Seja umas papas de aveia, granola com iogurte ou panquecas.

'Compota' de Arandos
para 1 frasco

ingredientes :

150 g arandos
2 c. sopa água
1 c. sopa de mel
25 g açúcar

Colocar os arandos, água, o mel e o açúcar num tacho sobre lume médio. Deixar o açúcar dissolver e reduzir um pouco o lume. Deixar então a cozinhar por mais 5-6 minutos. Remover do lume, permitir que arrefeça, conservar num frasco hermético por cerca de uma semana no frigorífico. 

Papas de Aveia Cremosas ('básico')
para 2


120 g flocos de aveia
450 ml de leite
200 ml de água
2 c. chá de açúcar

Começar por colocar os flocos de aveia, leite, água e açúcar numa panela a lume médio-forte.
Deixar levantar fervura, reduzir para lume brando e deixar cozinhar por mais 4 minutos, mexendo com frequência para obter um porridge cremoso.
Retirar do lume e colocar numa taça.

Servir então com a 'compota' de arandos, banana, maçã, sementes de girassol e de linhaça e uma colher de chá de mel.


Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Creamy Porridge w/ Cranberry Compote | https://oandrajos.blogspot.com/
Creamy Porridge with Cranberry Compote Recipe
serves 2

Cranberry Compote
makes 1 jar

A very simple porridge recipe. Just a few minutes on the hob and it's ready. A basic recipe with a cranberry compote. It's not like a jam but just a mixture that allows to preserve the fruits and it's so good for breakfast. With porridge, yoghurt and granola or pancakes. 


150 g cranberries
2 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. honey
25 g sugar

Place the cranberries, water, honey and sugar into a saucepan over a medium heat. Let the sugar dissolve and reduce the heat a bit. Simmer for 5-6 more minutes. Remove from heat, allow it to cool, pour into a air tight container and store it up to 1 week in the fridge.

Creamy Porridge (basic recipe)
serves 2


120 g porridge oats
450 ml milk
200 ml water
2 tsp. sugar

Start by placing the oats, milk, water and sugar in a large pan over a medium-high heat.
Bring it to boil and reduce the heat to low. Let it simmer for 4 minutes, stirring it frequently to get a creamy porridge.
Then remove from heat and transfer to a bowl.

Serve with cranberry compote, banana, apple, sunflower and golden seeds and a teaspoon of honey.

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