Leftover Turkey's Last Stand

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Make Leftover Turkey's Last Stand

You had some on Friday, and maybe Saturday; but by today, leftover turkey is the last thing you're craving. Well, we may have just the thing(s). The following recipes are perfect for using up the last of that holiday bird, while at no time reminding anybody of that holiday bird. If you're interested in seeing the full post, just click on the recipe title, and away you go. Enjoy!

Turkey Manicotti

The moist filling will bring the driest turkey back from the dead, and you can literally add anything that can be chopped up. Leftover green beans? Throw it in. Peas and Onions? You bet’cha. Cranberry Sauce? Don’t be ridiculous.

Turkey Matzo Ball Soup

If chicken soup is called, "Jewish penicillin," then we're going to have to refer to this as "American amoxicillin." Really doesn't have the same ring to it. Regardless, this is a great soup.

Turkey Noodle Casserole

Come for the great way to use up leftover turkey, stay for the crispy potato chip topping.
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The Best Lasagne with Mature Cheddar & Gruyere Cheese Sauce

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Make The Best Lasagne with Mature Cheddar & Gruyere Cheese Sauce

The Best Lasagne with Mature Cheddar & Gruyere Cheese Sauce

The ultimate homemade lasagne!

Serves 6
Prep time: 45 minutes
Cooking time:  50-60 minutes

For the tomato sauce
2 tbsp olive oil
1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
1 garlic clove, peeled & crushed
Pinch of caster sugar
1 sprig fresh thyme, leaves only, chopped
1 bay leaf
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper

For the meat sauce
2 tbsp olive oil
4 shallots, peeled & finely chopped
1 carrot, peeled & finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
500g lean minced beef
1 sprig fresh thyme, stalks removed
2 bay leaves
5 basil leaves, torn
375ml red wine, Chianti or merlot
Pinch of caster sugar
2 tsp tomato puree

For the cheese sauce:
600ml milk
1 bay leaf
6 black peppercorns
Slice of onion
60g butter
60g plain flour
2 tsp Dijon Mustard
100g mature cheddar cheese, grated
100g Gruyere cheese, grated
Salt & pepper

12 pre-cooked lasagne sheets
100g Parmesan Cheese

Preparation method

1.  To make the tomato sauce, heat the oil in a pan and add the tomatoes and garlic for 3-4 minutes.  Now add the sugar, thyme, bay leaf and seasoning. Cook over a gentle heat for 10 minutes, or until the tomatoes have reduced.

2.  For the meat sauce, heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the shallots, carrots and celery for 5 minutes until softened but not coloured.  Add the mince and cook for 5-8 minutes until the meat is browned.  Add the thyme, bay leaves, basil and red wine.  Reduce slowly over a gentle heat until thick.  Season to taste, and add the sugar to taste, now stir in the tomato puree and take out the bay leaves.

3.  To make the cheese sauce, pour the milk into a saucepan and add the bay leaf peppercorns and onion.  Heat gently to just below boiling point, then remove from the heat, cover and allow to infuse for 10 minutes.  Strain the milk into a jug.  In a separate pan melt the butter and sprinkle in the flour and cook over a low heat, stirring constantly for 1 minute.  Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the warm milk.  Return to the heat and bring to the boil, stirring.  Cook, stirring until thickened and smooth.  Stir in the mustard and both cheeses, then season to taste with salt and pepper.

4.  Remove the bay leaf from the tomato sauce and combine this with the meat sauce.  Combine the meat sauce with a quarter of the cheese sauce.

5.  Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas mark 3.

6.  To assemble the lasagne, grease a oven proof dish, spread a spoonful of meat sauce over the base of the dish. Add a layer of lasagne sheets and top with one third of the meat sauce, then drizzle over some cheese sauce.  Repeat this and top with a final layer of lasagne sheets and cover with the cheese sauce.  Sprinkle over the parmesan cheese and place in the oven for 35-45 minutes until golden brown.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Make Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! We’re taking a couple days off, but I’ll be back with a new video before you can say, “Man, I can’t believe I ate that much turkey.” Enjoy your holiday!

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frittata de maçã // apple frittata

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Make frittata de maçã // apple frittata

brunch. brunch à nova york//NYC. são assim que os imagino. depois de ter lido a Cereal Magazine. de ter lido que vivem para o brunch. como os portugueses para o bacalhau. e eu estou muito inclinado para o brunch. eu gosto de me levantar tarde. de por tudo na mesa. misturar o café da manhã e os petiscos. estou mais para o brunch do que para um assado de domingo. e este brunch foi de maçã!

brunch. NYC style brunch. this is the way that I imagine them. after reading Cereal Magazine. after reading that they live for brunch. just like portuguese people for cod. and I'm so into brunch. I like to wake up late. setting the table. mixing my morning coffee with some appetizers. I'm so much more into brunch than a sunday roast. and this was an apple brunch!

frittata de maçã
serve 3


2 maçãs, cortadas às rodelas
1 cebola, cortada às rodelas
3 c. sopa azeite
6 ovos
1 c. chá sal
pimenta preta
2 c. chá orégãos

Descascar a cebola, cortar às rodelas finas e por numa frigideira larga a lume médio com o azeite. Deixar cozinhar por 3 minutos até começarem a amolecer e depois juntar a maçã (reservar algumas rodelas) e 1 colher de chá orégãos. Cozinhar por mais 5 minutos. 
Numa tigela à parte, bater os ovos com os temperos, sal e pimenta e deitar na frigideira. Por o resto das rodelas de maçã por cima e os restantes orégãos. Continuar a cozinhar em lume médio, durante 10 minutos até ficar com alguma consistência.
Por fim levar ao grelhador, bem quente, por mais uns minutos, até o topo ficar firme e dourado.

apple frittata
serves 3


2 apples, sliced
1 onion, sliced
3 tbsp. olive oil
6 eggs
1 tsp. sea salt
freshly ground pepper
2 tsp. dried oregano

Peel the onions, cut in fine slices and put on a large non-stick frying pan and add the olive oil. Cook for around 3 minutes at medium heat, until it start softening, add the apple (reserve some slices) and 1 tsp. dried oregano. Cook for 5 minutes more.
On a bowl on a side, beat the eggs and the seasoning, sea salt and pepper and pour into the pan. Place the remaining apples on top and sprinkle with the remaining oregano. Let it cook at medium heat for around 5-10 minutes, until a bit consistent.
Then put under the hot grill for a few more minutes, until the top is golden.


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Thanksgiving Leftover Special: Tom Turkey Kha Gai

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Make Thanksgiving Leftover Special: Tom Turkey Kha Gai

One of the great blessings, and curses, of Thanksgiving is leftover turkey. The next day it’s great reheated, or made into sandwiches, but by Day 3 you want something that tastes like not turkey. That’s where this spicy Thai coconut soup recipe comes in.

This is my take on Tom Kha Gai, and as usual I make no claim as to its authenticity. I do know it tastes amazing to me, and will make you forget you even roasted a turkey. There’s lots of everything going on here, so be prepared to adjust radically to your tastes. It should be fairly spicy, sweet, sour, and salty, all at the same time. 

If you can, see if you find galangal, or galanga root, as it's sometimes called. It looks like a thin-skinned ginger, with a sort of similar flavor, although people that make this soup for a living will say it's much different and far superior. I decided to use ginger, since that's what the majority of my audience will use, but I thought it was worth mentioning, in case you live in an area where this rhizome is available.      

As far as the chili oil goes, all I did was mash together a couple tablespoons of sambal with twice as much vegetable oil with a mortar and pestle. Once it settles, the gorgeous, red oil rises to the top, and you’re ready to drip. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and that some of your leftover turkey finds its way into this delicious soup. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 serving:
 6 cups turkey or chicken broth
3” piece ginger, sliced thin
2 stalks fresh lemongrass, bruised and sliced
kefir lime or lemon leaves, sliced
2 tbsp cilantro stems
1/2 tsp chili flakes, or to taste
Simmer for 15 minutes

1 pound cubed turkey or chicken
1 cup little mushrooms
2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 (13-oz) can coconut milk
1/4 cup lime juice
1/4 cup green onion
2 tbsp chopped cilantro leaves
Chili oil, cilantro leaves, and lime wedges to garnish
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piso de coentros // coriander "piso"

Learn how to do piso de coentros // coriander "piso" for your friends and family. this revenue from piso de coentros // coriander "piso" it is delicious

Make piso de coentros // coriander "piso"

algo tão simples. nada de excêntrico. algo que andava para experimentar. para experimentar desde a visita da minha mãe. no passado setembro. depois de ver o master chef portugal. eu que não vejo televisão há uns 7 anos. mas fiquei curioso. de uma receita portuguesa. que me era tão desconhecida. depois de tantas temporadas passadas no interior alentejano. naquela imensidão. no ervedal. tão longe de ponte de sôr, ou de estremoz ou de évora. tão longe de tudo. com os seus meros 500 habitantes. tão típico. mas onde a D. Diamantina fazia as melhores iguarias alentejanas. mesmo no pico do calor do alto alentejo. que tinha as paredes da casa cobertas de tapeçarias. Ervedal era a sua casa. onde se apanhavam os melhores lagostins. e se comiam as melhores empadas. 

this a typical portuguese recipe. that I just found out about. from a southern part of portugal, alentejo. alentejo is one of those magical places on earth. beautiful it's not enough to describe it. their wine is amazing. their landscapes are breathtaking. their coastline is a dream. their olive oil is wonderful. but the food is truly delicious. I spent so many holidays in Ervedal. a place with only 500 inhabittans. so typical. where Diamantina made the best food ever. even when was to warm to cook. and this is a typical recipe from alentejo, portugal.

piso de coentros
para 1 frasco


um punhado de coentros (cerca de 100 g)
9 c. sopa azeite
2 dentes de alho
1 c. chá sal

Primeiro por as folhas de coentros num processador de cozinha com 8 colheres de sopa de azeite e triturar bem mas sem ficar a parecer uma pasta, uns 30 segundos é suficiente.
Então esmagar os dentes de alho, com o sal e 1 colher de sopa de azeite num almofariz (ou usar a varinha mágica) e esmagar bem.
Por fim envolver a mistura de alho nos coentros, deitar num frasco hermético e cobrir com azeite para selar.

linguine e piso
para 2


200 g massa linguine
4 c. sopa piso coentros
1/2 caneca água (da cozedura da massa)
1 c. sopa sementes abóbora 
1 c. sopa sementes girassol 

Por a massa a cozer conforme as instruções do pacote  (reservar 1/2 caneca da água cozedura)e enquanto isso, torrar as sementes de girassol e abóbora numa frigideira e reservar.
Quando a massa estiver quase cozida, por as 4 colheres de piso na frigideira ao lume por 30 segundos sobre lume médio-alto, juntar a água e depois a massa escorrida.
Envolver tudo muito bem e adicionar as sementes na hora de servir.

coriander piso
for 1 jar


a bunch of coriander (100 g)
9 tbsp. olive oil
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp. salt

First place the coriander leaves and 8 tablespoons of olive oil in a food processor and process but not until smooth, just 30 seconds should be enough.
Smash the garlic cloves, salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a mortar (or use a hand blender) until smooth.
Then involve the garlic mixture into the coriander, place it on a jar and cover with olive oil to seal it.

piso and linguine
serves 2


200 g linguine pasta
4 tbsp. coriander piso
1/2 cup water (from the cooking pasta)
1 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp. sunflower seeds

Cook the pasta accordingly to the package instructions and at the same time toast the seeds for a couple of minutes on a frying pan.
When the pasta is almost cooked, place 4 tablespoons of piso in the frying pan over medium-high heat for 30 seconds, add the water and then the drained pasta.
Involve all well and add the toasted seeds before serving.


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Chicken, Mushroom & Tarragon Pie

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Make Chicken, Mushroom & Tarragon Pie

Chicken, Mushroom & Tarragon Pie
This comforting creamy chicken pie is full of flavour and will have your guests wanting more.

Serves 4-6
Prep time: 15 minutes (plus cooling time)
Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes

For the filling
50g butter
1 onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
250g chestnut mushrooms, quartered
6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 bay leaf
50g plain flour
200ml chicken stock
150ml white wine
150ml double cream
4 sprigs of fresh tarragon, leaves only, chopped
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper

375g ready-rolled short crust pastry
375g ready-rolled all-butter puff pastry
1 egg beaten

To serve:
New potatoes
Green beans

Preparation method

1.  To make the filling, melt the butter in a large frying pan on a medium heat.  Add the onion, garlic and mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes, stir often until lightly browned.

2.  Season the chicken with pepper and add to the pan with the bay leaf.  Cook everything for 5 minutes, turning the chicken often. 

3.  Stir the flour into the chicken mixture and cook for a few seconds.  Gradually add the stock and bring to a gentle simmer.  Cook for 2 minutes until the sauce is smooth and thick.  Pour in the wine and cream, then bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.  Season generously then sprinkle with tarragon.  Remove the pan from the heat, cover and set aside to allow to cool.

4.  Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas mark 5. 

5.  Roll out the short crust pastry to about 4mm and line a 1.2 litre pie dish.  Leave the excess pastry overhanging the edge.  Spoon the cooled chicken filling into the dish and brush the pastry edge with a little of the beaten egg.

6.  Roll out the puff pastry to 4mm thick and large enough to cover the pie.  Place the pastry over the pie and press the edges firmly together to seal and trim neatly.  Brush the top of the pastry with the beaten egg.  Decorate with pastry trimmings and brush with more egg to glaze.  Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the crust is puffed up and golden brown and the filling is piping hot.  Serve with new potatoes and green beans.

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Cranberry Sauce Like a Boss

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Make Cranberry Sauce Like a Boss

Just in case you’re still deciding on which of the roughly one million different cranberry sauces you’ll be going with this Thanksgiving, here are a few ideas. Technically, the Cumberland isn’t a cranberry sauce, but it’s close enough, and serves the same delicious purpose. If you're tempted, just click on the bold titles, and away you go. I hope you give one of these great sauce a try, and as always, enjoy!

Tangerine Cherry Cranberry Sauce

Could you just use orange, and call it "tangerine?" Sure, why not, it's only your family you'd be misleading.

Ginger Pear Cranberry Sauce

This one just sounds like it will be great with roast turkey. In fact, when you tell people what it is, they'll say, "Oh, that sounds great." Try it, and see.

Cumberland Sauce

Do you think they just name any old sauce after the Duke of Cumberland? Well, they don't 

Maple Walnut Cranberry Sauce

As you'll read, there was a time when I didn't think putting nuts in a cranberry sauce was a good idea. I've evolved on the issue.
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Lentil and Caramelised Onion Soup

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Make Lentil and Caramelised Onion Soup

Lentil and Caramelised Onion
The caramelised onion and fresh herbs and spice give this lentil soup another dimension.

Serves 4
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time:  25 minutes

400g red lentils
100g brown rice
1 litre vegetable stock
1 litre water
1 tbsp ground cumin
40g butter
2 large onions, peeled & finely sliced
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
A good pinch of cayenne pepper
Small handful of fresh coriander, roughly chopped
Small handful of fresh parsley, roughly chopped
250ml vegetable stock (extra)
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper

To serve:
Crusty Bread

Preparation method

1.  Rinse the lentils and rice under cold water and drain, place into a large pan and cover with the vegetable stock and water.  Add the cumin and bring to the boil.  Now reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 15-20 minutes.

2.  Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large frying pan, add the onions and fry until softened.  Add the sugar and balsamic vinegar, stir until caramelised.

4.  Stir through the cayenne pepper, coriander and parsley into the lentils and bring to the boil.  Stir in the caramelised onions and extra stock, stir until heated through, season to taste.

5.  Divide into soup bowls and serve with crusty bread.

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Whole Boneless Thanksgiving Turkey – As Close to Turducken as I’ll Ever Get

Learn how to do Whole Boneless Thanksgiving Turkey – As Close to Turducken as I’ll Ever Get for your friends and family. this revenue from Whole Boneless Thanksgiving Turkey – As Close to Turducken as I’ll Ever Get it is delicious

Make Whole Boneless Thanksgiving Turkey – As Close to Turducken as I’ll Ever Get

If you’re a turkey, and you’re getting boned-out, there’s a good chance you’re about to become Turducken, which in this chef’s opinion, is one of the most overrated recipes of all time. When was the last time you sat down in a restaurant and thought, “I hope the chef’s doing a turkey, duck, chicken trio.”

However, the idea of removing those pesky bones before your bird makes its grand entrance may be worth considering. Not only do you get an impressive looking roast to wow the table, but carving is significantly easier. I didn't have time to show here, but of course you are making a killer turkey stock with all those bones, so that's another advantage. Also, if you're worried about losing flavor, don't. This tastes virtually identical. 

If you’ve ever found yourself hacking up a perfectly good turkey in front of the family, while flop-sweat drips onto the mangled meat, then this approach may be for you. Sure, it takes a good hour to prep, but that’s pretty much where the hard work ends.  

These types of videos are near impossible to edit into any reasonable length, but the good news is this is a lot easier to do than I make it look. Just go slow, and keep that knife against the bone, and you’ll be fine. By the way, chickens make an affordable and delicious thing to practice on.

I’ve included my “prop” stuffing below, which was great. It’s more the style you’d see in a stuffed pork chop, but as I said in the video, your favorite stuffing will work beautifully.

I’ve also posted a bonus video below that goes into more detail on the tying technique. So, if you’re looking for a new and exciting challenge for Thanksgiving, I hope you give this a try. Enjoy!

  • My turkey was about 15 pounds, but this will work on any sized bird.
  • I wanted to try salt only on the outside, without butter or oil, like in our salt chicken recipe, just to see what would happen, but nothing did. So, feel free to slather on the butter.
  • You’ll need about 3-4 cups of prepared stuffing depending on the turkey.
  • My pan sauce was nothing more than the drippings with a big splash of cream, reduced until slightly thickened, and strained.  
Start in a 450 F.  oven for 15 minutes
Reduce to 325 F. until you get an internal temperature of 150 F. (mine took about 1 1/2 hours more)

For the stuffing I used:
1 1/2 cup plain breadcrumbs
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup finely minced onions, sautéed golden
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup turkey or chicken broth, or enough to moisten
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp chopped fresh sage
1 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
2 tsp fresh thyme leaves
2 tsp fresh chopped rosemary leaves

Bonus Knot Tying Video

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receitas outono // autumn recipes

Learn how to do receitas outono // autumn recipes for your friends and family. this revenue from receitas outono // autumn recipes it is delicious

Make receitas outono // autumn recipes

inspiração // inspiration

receitas de outono

a um mês do fim. as folhas já caíram (quase) todas. a árvore de natal já tem iluminação, no centro. o frio já se instalou. o gorro já saiu do armário. e o cachecol ao pescoço. mas ainda há a beleza de algumas resistentes nas árvores. as cores ainda dão vida. assim como os crumbles. a época deles. o forno ligado. o cheiro da canela. as castanhas a assarem. e ainda há tempo de experimentar outras receitas de outono antes do inverno chegar e trazer o natal.

- pequeno-almoço: doce de abóbora e muffins de pêra;

autumn recipes

one month to end. (almost) all the leaves have fallen. the christmas tree has lights, downtown. cold it is here. the beanie it is out of the closet. and scarf in the neck. but there is still a few leaves in the trees. the colours of life. like crumbles. their season. oven is on. the smell of cinnamon. roasting chestnuts. and still enough time to try some autumn recipes before winter bring the christmas season.

- breakfast: pear muffins and pumpkin jam;

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There Will be NO Upturned Noses!