It Doesn't Get any more Delicious than this, and Certainly NOT any Easier!

Learn how to do It Doesn't Get any more Delicious than this, and Certainly NOT any Easier! for your friends and family. this revenue from It Doesn't Get any more Delicious than this, and Certainly NOT any Easier! it is delicious

Make It Doesn't Get any more Delicious than this, and Certainly NOT any Easier!

The perfect, spur of the moment, unexpected guests just have arrived or anytime appetizer. The best of all worlds.  Savory, sweet, herbaceous, floral, creamy, salty and accompanied by crisp rye thins.  I forgot to mention, beautiful!

Honey Baked Feta with Lavender, Thyme and Rye Crisps

Serves 4
Total time:  30 minutes plus time to pull off excess moisture


8 oz of feta
1/2 loaf of rye bread or pre-sliced party rye
4 tbsp of olive oil
1 garlic clove, halved
4 tbsp of  honey
4 sprigs of thyme
2 lavender sprigs, or half a teaspoon of dried lavender
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper


Cover the feta with layers of  paper towels and leave at room temperature for 1 hour to absorb excess moisture.

Preheat the oven to 400°F

Cut the rye bread into very thin slices, or use the sliced party rye. Place them in a single layer on 2 baking trays. Drizzle with the olive oil and rub each slice with a halved garlic clove.

Bake the rye slices in the oven for 7–10 minutes until lightly golden and crisp. Remove the rye crisps and then turn the ovens broiler on.

Remove the paper towels from the cheese and place the feta in an ovenproof dish just large enough for it to fit snugly(bread pan), but at the same time, room enough to be able to remove easily to plate later. Drizzle the honey on top, then add the thyme and lavender. Season well with salt and pepper and grill for 5–10 minutes until lightly golden.

Remove the cheese from the grill. Serve the feta immediately with the rye crisps.
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