Keep it Traditional but More Rustic

Learn how to do Keep it Traditional but More Rustic for your friends and family. this revenue from Keep it Traditional but More Rustic it is delicious

Make Keep it Traditional but More Rustic

Instead of bringing out the best china, glass and silverware this year, opt for something much more rustic.  Crockery type dishes, mix and match flatware, heavier bubbled colored glassware, wood, raffia and a lots of greenery in the form of magnolia and citrus leaves, ivy, green mosses and barks.  Within all of that place pastel colored Eater eggs and ivory colored tapers creating a beautiful table scape. Find colorful bowls to serve in to add to the festive feeling.  Now with all this rustic charm there must be a dish just as beautiful, simple and delicious and here it is....

Grilled Leg of Lamb

Roasted but not yet sliced

Serves 6
Total time:  1 hour, 30 minutes plus 12 hours marinating time


Leg of Lamb
1 leg of lamb, 3-4 lbs. De-boned, trimmed 

Lamb Marinade/Curing Mix
2 oz of black peppercorns
1/3 oz of juniper berries
1/2 fresh rosemary, bunch
1 garlic clove, crushed
2  oz of pink salt, or table salt
9 oz of sea salt
5 oz of dark brown sugar
5 bay leaves
1/3 oz of nutmeg, freshly grated


Lamb Marinade/Curing Mix
Start by making the cure. Use a spice grinder or mortar and pestle to grind together the peppercorns and juniper berries. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stems, roughly chop, and combine in large bowl with the remaining ingredients.

Leg of Lamb
Using a very sharp knife, de-bone the lamb leg and break down into the 3 main muscles. Trim off any sinew and connective tissue. If you are not confident with this step, your butcher can also do this for you I am sure he would be more than happy too! Don't be afraid...ask!

Place the prepared lamb into the curing mix, coat well and transfer everything into a large resealable bag or vacuum bag. Seal tightly and leave to cure for 12 hours.

After 12 hours, remove the lamb from the bag and rinse off all excess marinade under cold running water for 5 minutes. Pat dry and set aside at room temperature for half an hour.

Light the coals in a barbecue, allow to flame to die down slightly to a medium-high heat(ashen coals that burn red). Start to cook the lamb at the edge of the barbecue and slowly brown until evenly colored all over, turning frequently. Or with your gas grill set at 325°-350° degrees with only 1 side lit, (indirect cooking), place the leg of lamb near to the edge of where one side is on and the other off.

Cook for 45-60 minutes, until a meat thermometer or probe reaches 125°F when inserted into the middle of the meat. At this point, remove from the barbecue and allow to rest for 10-15 minutes until it reaches an internal temperature 130°F for rosey rare, 145°F for medium rare. Carve the meat and serve with garlic roasted potatoes and spring vegetables.
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