Don't You Dare turn Up Your Nose!

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Make Don't You Dare turn Up Your Nose!

Raw trout and avocado sorbet may seem like a strange combination but this ceviche recipe is one of those little adventures in the kitchen that reaps huge rewards. A fresh and clean dish for a hot summer's day. You can certainly substitute a mild flavored firm flesh fish like grouper, dolphin, salmon or another of your favorite fish!

Trout Ceviche with Avocado Sorbet

Serves 6
Total time:  45 minutes


Trout Ceviche
2 trout fillets (or fish of your choice)
2 red chillies, seeded and finely chopped
1 large shallot, peeled and finely chopped
1 bunch of coriander, finely chopped
2 limes, both juiced but only 1 zested
3 oz of olive oil
1 pinch of sugar
sea salt
ground white pepper

Avocado Sorbet
2 avocados, seeded and removed from its skin
3 oz of sugar
3 oz of water
1 lemon, juiced
2 limes, juiced and zested

Helpful Equipment
Ice cream maker


The Sorbet
Place the sugar and water into a saucepan and allow the sugar to dissolve over a low heat. Turn up the heat and simmer gently for five minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Slice the avocados roughly and place into a bowl with the lemon juice and lime juice, mix well. Place the chopped avocados along with the cooled sugar syrup and the zest of 2 limes into a blender or processor and blend until smooth.

Churn in an ice cream machine per instructions and then store in a suitable container in the freezer.

The Ceviche Marinade
Place the chopped chillies, shallot and coriander into a bowl and mix well. Add the lime juice and zest, the olive oil and season well with the sea salt, white pepper and sugar. Taste and add more seasoning if desired. Set aside.

Skin the trout fillets (if not already skinned) and make sure that all bones are removed. Dice into 1/2 inch cubes (much nicer) or chop roughly. Set aside.

Add the trout to the dressing and mix well.  Let marinate for at least 1 hour, and up to 4 in the refrigerate to macerate and chill.

Keep it simple. Plate on a dessert sized dish with a quenelle (check out our Helpful Hints) of the avocado sorbet. Place just a few micro lettuce leave around for garnish. the ceviche in a bowl surrounded by water crackers and let your friends and family dig in!
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