Keep It Simple for Dinner

Learn how to do Keep It Simple for Dinner for your friends and family. this revenue from Keep It Simple for Dinner it is delicious

Make Keep It Simple for Dinner


The frittata can trace its origins to Italy and some say even to Persia. With the prevalence of eggs on a typical farm, they played a part in many meals that were filling, easy to make and just as important, inexpensive.  Over the years the frittata has undergone few changes with the exception of the myriad of choices of what to fill it with.  If you start with a good basic base, and you can add almost anything that you want, bake and eat!  Place a slice on a piece toast for a quick breakfast/snack or set a table and serve with a crisp tossed salad, glass of wine and enjoy a delicious meal!


Serves 6
Total time:  1 hour  plus prep time


6 items seem to be optimum, but "go for it"
(items in red are some of my favorite combinations)
1 medium onion, diced
1 medium potato, diced
1 medium bell pepper, diced (half red, half green)
1 roasted red pepper, diced
1 to 2 cups broccoli florets
1 to 2 cups cauliflower florets
1 to 2 leeks, diced
6 ounces mushrooms, diced or thinly sliced***
1 cup cooked pasta
1 cup cooked rice
4-8 ounces of sausages, diced (chorizo)
1 cup shredded cooked chicken, pork, or beef
1 cup tofu, diced
1 medium size tomato, diced
8 ounces of shredded or finely diced cheese (your choice, combined favorites if you like!)

For cooking and the seasoning
3 tbs. butter to coat the baking dish or pan
1 to 3 teaspoons spices or herbs, like oregano, basil, thyme, tarragon, dill.  Again, pick your favorite herbs and spices that will compliments the filling.
1 to 2 cloves garlic, minced
1 to 2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided

For the eggs
8 jumbo eggs, enough to cover the ingredients
3/4 cup of half and half (or whole milk)
10 to 12-inch cast iron skillet or oven proof pan, deep dish pie pan

Mise en place.  Have everything ready to go and in place. Dice, chop, slice, shred and or sautee all of your ingredients and have them neatly set to the side so when you start assembling your frittata it will go quickly, smoothly and cleanly!

Heat the oven to 400°F.  Arrange a rack in the middle of the oven 

Beat eggs and half and half until well mixed. Add salt, pepper and any herbs and spices you have chosen.

If you are using any uncooked meats, sautee them till they are about half way done before adding to the frittata.
***If using mushrooms, I suggest that you sautee them slightly until the moisture comes out before adding them to the frittata, otherwise you may find a slightly watery base when you slice your frittata.

Butter your baking pan, skillet or deep dish pie plate. 

In layers, add your vegetables and meat making sure to cover the entire interior surface.  I would add any meat as the second or third layer. Layer on your cheeses.  

Pour the egg mixture of the entire surface making sure that all the ingredients are covered.  If needed, you can always add an additional beaten egg or two to accomplish this.

Lightly sprinkle some of your cheese mixture over the top of the frittata.

Bake for about an hour. To test for doneness, insert a knife.  If raw eggs run into the cut, bake for another few minutes; if the eggs are set, pull the frittata from the oven.

Cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then slice into wedges and serve.
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