A Very Adult Version of Chicken Nuggets!

Learn how to do A Very Adult Version of Chicken Nuggets! for your friends and family. this revenue from A Very Adult Version of Chicken Nuggets! it is delicious

Make A Very Adult Version of Chicken Nuggets!

In this recipe, duck breast is in the form of nuggets, as opposed to being sliced, with dainty sour griottine cherries and a honey vanilla sauce to contrast it beautifully with the honey roasted duck meat.  This dish take quite a few hours to prepare(making the duck stock from scratch) so plan ahead.

Honey Roasted Breast of Duck with Griottine Cherries

Serves 4
Total time:  7 hours


Duck Breasts
2 duck breasts

Baby Vegetables
2 handfuls of baby carrots
2 handfuls of baby leeks
2 handfuls of baby beetroot
2 handfuls of baby turnip

1 white cabbage
1  lb of smoked bacon
2 tsp caraway seeds
3 garlic cloves
vegetable oil
2 Spanish onions, sliced
1 sprig of fresh thyme
2 pints of chicken stock
9 oz of butter

Fondant Potato
2 large potatoes
vegetable oil
2  quarts of chicken stock
2 garlic cloves
1 handful of thyme, sprig
1 knob of butter

Duck Jus
4 1/2 lb of duck bones
1 onion
1 carrot
1 leek
1 garlic clove
1 sprig of thyme
1 pint of veal jus
3 1/2 cups of port
1 vanilla pod
1 star anise
12 Griottine cherries (cherries macerated in Kirsch)

To Plate
1 handful of cress
honey, to taste


Baby Vegetables
Peel and trim the baby vegetables and blanch in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes.  Make sure the vegetables still have a crunch, then place them into iced water to stop the cooking process.  Remove the vegetables from the water and place in the refrigerator until needed.

Fondant Potato
Cut two large potatoes in half across ways, and using a 1 1/4 in diameter cutter, cut out two cylinder shaped potatoes out of each potato.

Heat up a sauté pan and add a little vegetable oil, place the potato into the pan standing them on end and sauté until golden brown. Add the chicken stock to the pan and bring it up to the boil.

At this stage add the garlic, thyme and butter and place into the oven until cooked, for around 8 minutes.  Remove potatoes.

Bring the stock to the boil skimming off any impurities that are on the top. Simmer the stock for around 4 hours then pass through a fine cloth.

Finely slice the cabbage and set to one side. Slice the bacon and place into a bowl with the caraway seeds. Peel and chop the garlic and add to the bacon. Heat up a heavy fry pan and add a few drops of oil then add the cabbage and bacon mix and fry for a couple of minutes.

Add Chicken stock.

Once the cabbage has cooked and the chicken stock has reduced, add the butter and adjust the seasoning. 

In another large heavy fry pan, add the onions along with the thyme and fry for 5 minutes. Pour in the chicken stock and cabbage and leave to cook for around 1 to 2 hours.

Duck Jus
Preheat oven to 400° degrees.  Place the duck bones and vegetables onto  a tray and place in the oven until they are golden brown. Remove from the oven and place into a large deep saucepan. Pour over the veal jus, add the thyme and star anise and top up with water if needed.

Place the port and vanilla pod into a saucepan and reduce to a thick syrup. Add the duck stock and reduce down to a gravy-like consistency. At this point you can add the honey to taste and any extra flavors such as cherries or more vanilla.

Duck Breasts
Preheat the oven to 350°F

Trim the excess fat off the breasts and place skin-side down into a  pan heated to low-medium heat, slowly rendering the fat down and starting to cook the breasts, turning them until they're golden brown. This will take around 5 minutes. Remove from the pan and place skin-side up into the oven for 4 minutes for medium rare.

To Serve
Remove the duck breasts from the oven and allow to rest for around 4 to 5 minutes. 

Heat up the duck jus in a small pan.

Heat up the caraway cabbage and place a small amount in the center of each plate. Then on top place one fondant potato.

In a sauté pan add a small knob of butter and sauté the baby vegetables – this will only take a minute or so – season with salt and then arrange them around and on the duck nuggets.

Before serving allow the duck to rest in a warm place for 10 minutes. Using a sharp knife cut the duck breast in half length ways then cut each half into three across the fillet to form duck nuggets. Arrange the duck around the fondant potato.

Finally drop the griottine cherries into the hot duck jus and spoon around the dish. Garnish the dish with some cress and serve right away.
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