Another "Not So Traditional" Christmas Dinner!

Learn how to do Another "Not So Traditional" Christmas Dinner! for your friends and family. this revenue from Another "Not So Traditional" Christmas Dinner! it is delicious

Make Another "Not So Traditional" Christmas Dinner!

This venison recipe is laced with some sophisticated touches – from crispy shallot rings to an indulgent truffle mash. The dish is finished with diced and puréed butternut squash and the Parmesan crust adds interest and texture. This is a hearty and impressive main to serve on a chilly day.

Venison with Butternut Squash, Parmesan and Truffle

Serves 4
Total time:  2 hours.

4 venison loins, each 4 oz. in weight
8 juniper berries, crushed
4 pinches of rosemary, chopped
olive oil

Parmesan Crust
1/2 cup of Parmesan, finely grated
1/2 cup of Panko breadcrumbs
1 tbs. of butter

Butternut Purée
1 butternut squash
1 tbs. of butter
1 sprig of thyme
2 oz of Parmesan, grated
2 fl oz of heavy cream

Roasted Butternut Squash
1 butternut squash
2 tbs. of butter

Shallot Rings
1 shallot

5 oz of curly kale
1 tbs. oz of butter

Truffle Mash
2 larges Yukon potatoes
truffle, grated
2 tbs. of butter

To Serve
6 fl oz of red wine jus

Preheat a water bath to 135°F

Trim any excess fat and sinew from the venison loins and vac pac individually with olive oil, a pinch of rosemary and 2 crushed juniper berries. Cook in the water bath for 45 minutes, then drain, pat dry, season and set aside until ready to finish.

Butternut Purée
Peel and dice the butternut squash and sweat down in foaming butter with a sprig of thyme, salt and pepper. Once soft, add 2 oz of grated fresh Parmesan and allow to melt, then add the cream and reduce by half. Blend until smooth, using a little more cream if necessary, then pass through fine chinois.

For the diced and roasted butternut squash, peel the vegetable and dice into 2/3 in. chunks. Vac pac with butter, thyme and rosemary and cook at 189°F for approximately 30 minutes. Drain and leave to dry, then season and sauté until golden.

Preheat broiler  to a medium-high setting.

Parmesan Crust
Scatter the grated Parmesan evenly onto a lined baking tray. Place under the grill until the cheese melts and turns slightly golden. Remove, allow to cool, then chop and crumble into a coarse, crumb-like texture.

Place a saucepan over a medium-high heat and add the butter. Once it begins to foam, add the breadcrumbs and stir to coat in the butter. Continue to cook and toast off the breadcrumbs until golden brown and crispy. Remove from the pan, allow to cool and combine witthe chopped crispy Parmesan. Set aside until required.

Remove the stalks and wash the leaves thoroughly. Blanch in seasoned water until cooked, then refresh in iced water. When ready to serve, add kale to a pan with a little butter, salt and pepper and heat through.

Shallot Rings
Peel the shallots and slice into fine rings. Dredge each ring in flour and fry at 300°F until golden.

Truffle Mash
Peel and dice the potato into evenly-sized chunks. Add to a pan with enough seasoned cold water to cover and bring to the boil. Once boiling, turn down to a simmer and cook until soft. Drain, return to the pan and mash until smooth.

Add 2 tsb. butter and a splash of milk or cream if necessary. Add the grated truffle (a small amount will do.  Just enough to barely cover the potatoes), adjust the seasoning.

Before serving, place a pan over a medium-high heat and add a small dash of oil. Once the oil is hot, sear the venison on all sides, then remove and roll in the Parmesan crumb until evenly coated. Slice each portion in half and keep warm.

In the middle of each plate, arrange a neat mound of the truffle mash. Alternate the diced butternut and butternut purée around the mash, then top the mash with some kale.

Place the loin slices on top of the kale and finish with the shallot rings and red wine jus. Serve immediately.
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