Wow Your Guests!

Learn how to do Wow Your Guests! for your friends and family. this revenue from Wow Your Guests! it is delicious

Make Wow Your Guests!

If you are looking for a standout hors d' oeuvre recipe - then this is the dish for you.  Strips of onion to enrobe wild garlic (use spinach if you are not able to find wild garlic) and snail filling. This hors d' oeuvre may require a little dexterity to put together but it is well worth the effort.

Onion and Wild Garlic with Snails

Makes 5
Total time: 30 minutes.

5 baby onions
3 1/2 oz of wild garlic (or spinach)
1 3/4 oz of cooked snail
3/4 oz of onion, crispy(you can use French's Original Fried Onions)

Peel and cut the tops and bottoms off the onions. Cut to desired height and size, season and place into a hot non-stick pan over a medium-low heat until golden brown. Be careful not to move the  pan around as the onion needs to stay in one piece. If the color is correct but onion is not yet cooked, quickly bake them in a hot oven. Allow to cool.

Wilt the garlic (or spinach) down in a pan over a medium heat and then drain. Chop the snails and mix through the garlic

Use your finger to push the center of the onion up gently - as far as it will go with out falling apart, fill the space inside with the garlic/snails mixture and level off the base. Sprinkle with the crispy onion. Repeat for each canapé

Reheat the canapés in the oven. Check seasoning and then serve.
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