Of the Sea and of the Land!

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Make Of the Sea and of the Land!

This recipe is a take on a classic mussels mouclade recipe originating from the old trading links that the French port towns enjoyed with the Orient. Pairing lightly spiced mussels with a rich spinach mouse creates a delicious dish that is light in texture but certainly not a light weight in flavor!

Mussels Mouclade with Spinach Mousse

Serves 4
Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes plus chill time


Mussels Mouclade
7 lbs of mussels, cleaned
5 shallots
2 garlic cloves
4 oz of butter
1 1/3 tbsp of mild curry powder
6 fl oz of dry sherry
4 tbsp oz of butter, softened
2 tbsp of flour
1 pinch of ground turmeric
7 fl oz of milk
12 oz of whipping cream
8 plum tomatoes
lemon juice

Spinach Mousse
4 oz of spinach
2 large eggs
8 fl oz of double cream
nutmeg, finely grated
butter for greasing


Peel and slice the shallots and the cloves of garlic. Melt the butter in a deep pan with a tight-fitting lid. Add the shallots and the garlic and allow to soften, but not color.

Add the curry powder and sherry to the pan, bring to the boil and add the cleaned mussels. Cover and cook until the majority of the mussels are open.

Allow the mussels to drain in a colander for 5 minutes, but keep the liquid. Strain this liquid through a fine sieve and keep to one side.

Sort through the mussels and discard any that haven't opened. Remove the meat from the shells and set aside, discarding the shells.

Bring the strained stock from the mussels to a simmer. In a small bowl, mix together the softened butter and the flour and gradually whisk this into the stock. It should thicken almost instantly.

Add the turmeric, milk and cream. Cook for about 5 minutes before adding lemon juice to taste and salt, if needed. Then leave to cool until you're ready to serve.

Spinach Mousse
Cook the spinach until tender and squeeze out any excess water. Puree the eggs and spinach together with a hand blender or in a blender or processor.

Once you have a purée, add the cream and blitz again for 30 seconds before passing through a sieve and seasoning to taste with nutmeg, salt and pepper.

Butter 4 x 1 in molds and refrigerate until the butter is hard. Then repeat and chill again.

While waiting for the molds, preheat the oven to 275°F.  Once the butter has hardened, pour in the spinach mix till three-quarters full. Place the molds on a tray and into the oven.

Check after 10 minutes. You want the mix to set, but not to rise too much (just above the top of the molds). When they're set, let rest for 5 minutes.

While the spinach mousse is resting, bring the mussel stock up to a simmer. Dice the tomatoes and add to the stock, then add the mussel meat. Leave on the heat for about a minute before removing.

Unmold the spinach mousses by running a knife around the edge of each one and gently shaking the mousse directly onto the center of each plate. Spread the mussel curry around the edge and serve.  Garnish with a few micro greens.
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