Creamy and Delicious! A Christmas Favorite

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Make Creamy and Delicious! A Christmas Favorite

This timeless crème caramel recipe is simplicity at its best, albeit with some fine touches to bring the dish to life. The dessert is paired with some candied orange zest and raisins infused in a sugar syrup until plump and sweet. An altogether classic dessert.

Crème Caramel

Serves 4
Total time:  2 hours plus cooking


Creme Caramel
8 oz of caster sugar
2 cups of full-fat milk
1 vanilla pod
4 eggs
1 egg yolk

Candied Orange Zest
2 large oranges
8 oz of caster sugar
1 cup pint of water

Raisins Moelleux
8 oz of raisins
2 tbsp of caster sugar
2 tbsp of water

The Caramel
Add 3 1/2 oz of the caster sugar to a heavy-based pan and place over a medium-high heat. The sugar will melt and start to caramelize, going from clear to blonde, then golden, then finally dark brown when it reaches 190-392°F

While the sugar is caramelizing, line the base of a high-sided oven tray with a damp cloth followed by 4 ramekin dishes. As soon as the caramel beings to turn dark brown, immediately remove the pan from the heat and pour the caramel into the base of each ramekin, creating a thin layer 2 1/8 in in thickness. Set aside and allow the caramel to set in a cool part of the kitchen.

The Custard
Pour the milk into a saucepan, split the vanilla pod and scrape the seeds into the milk. Bring to the boil, then immediately remove from the heat and set aside.

Whisk together the eggs, yolk and remaining 4 1/4 oz of sugar in a bowl then pour over the hot milk, stirring continuously. Pass through a fine chinois and pour into the ramekins.

Preheat the oven to 275°F

Pour some boiling hot water into the baking tray around the ramekins and place in the oven for 45 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tray for 20 minutes. Once cool, remove from the water and place in the refrigerator until chilled.

Candied Orange Zest
Use a peeler to remove the zest from the orange, making sure there is not too much white pith on the underside of the skin. Cut the zest into fine strips using a sharp knife.

Add the zest to a pan of water, bring to the boil and strain. Plunge the zest directly into iced water to cool, then repeat this process twice more (this will remove excess bitterness from the zest). Combine the sugar and water in a clean saucepan and bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar and create a syrup.

Add the zest to the syrup, reduce the heat and cook on a very gentle simmer until the zest is transparent and soft - this will take 10-15 minutes. Strain, allow to cool and store in an airtight container until ready to serve.

For the raisins, combine the water and sugar in a pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, pour over the raisins and allow to cool until the raisins reach room temperature. Store in the refrigerator until required.

To plate the dish, remove the crème caramels from the fridge. Run a small knife around the sides of the ramekins and gently turn out onto a plate or bowl. Garnish with the raisins and candied zest before serving.
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