Beautiful, Earthy and of Course...Delicious!

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Make Beautiful, Earthy and of Course...Delicious!

Beautifully tender filet of beef cooked to perfection, teamed up with the sweet earthiness of butternut squash, the elegance of Chanterelle mushrooms and the bite of Radicchio....Perfection

Pan-Roasted Filet of Beef with Butternut Squash, Chanterelles and Radicchio

Serves 4
Total time:  60 minutes


2 lb of filet of beef
1 butternut squash, peeled, halved and seeded
8 oz of Chanterelles, washed
2 fl oz of chicken stock
1 radicchio lettuce, broken down into 12 leaves
1 lemon
1 tbsp of parsley, chopped
1 pinch of rock salt
olive oil


Slice the butternut squash into 12 thick, even sized chunks and set to one side. Use the trimmings from the butternut squash to make the purée; place them in a pan with a little butter and cook gently over a low heat until the trimmings are soft but not colored. Transfer the butternut squash and butter to a blender, blitzing until a silky purée is formed. Keep warm until ready to serve.

Add a dash of oil and a little butter to a large pan and place over a medium heat. Season the beef and add to the hot pan, turning continuously until it is deeply colored on all sides but retains a pink finish in the middle. Take care not to overcook the beef, 4 to 5 minutes on each side should be enough. Remove the beef from the pan and let it to rest in a warm place, covered, until ready to serve.
olive oil

In the same pan, add the chunks of butternut squash along with a dash of oil and cook until colored. Reduce the heat a little, then add the chicken stock and simmer until the butternut squash chunks are beginning to soften. Add the mushrooms to the pan and increase the heat.

Cook for another minute or so on the increased heat, tossing the pan a couple of times to prevent the contents from sticking. Add the radicchio to the pan, maintaining the heat until the lettuce leaves have wilted. Turn off the heat and the chopped parsley along with a 3 tbsp of butter, squeeze of lemon and salt and pepper to taste.

To serve, gently warm the butternut squash purée and use a teaspoon to place dots of it around the plate. Arrange the butternut squash, radicchio, chanterelles and slices of the beef rump in the center of the plate and drizzle over a small amount of the cooking juices. Finish with a pinch of rock salt and serve immediately.
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