You Can Almost Hear the Ocean!

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Make You Can Almost Hear the Ocean!

With just a few prime ingredients, you can make and eat a delicious dish! And to let you in on a can buy one of the ingredients at your grocers seafood counter already made saving time in the kitchen.....Perfect for warm weather eating!

Roasted Halibut with Buttered Leeks and Langoustine Bisque Sauce

Serves 4
Total time:  1 hour 20 minutes


4 halibut fillets,  4 oz. each, skinned
12 langoustine* tails, blanched with shell removed and reserved
1 bay leaf
1 leek, large, washed and finely julienned 
14 oz of lobster bisque**
4 oz of double cream
1 tbsp of chives, finely chopped
4 oz of unsalted butter
4 oz of olive oil
flaky sea salt
ground white pepper


Place a shallow saucepan over a medium heat and add half of the olive oil and the left over shells from the langoustines.

Sauté the langoustine shells for 4 to 5 minutes until they turn a light pink color. Add the bay leaf and lobster bisque soup. Bring the bisque to the boil then reduce the heat to a very gentle simmer.

In a separate saucepan, add half of the unsalted butter and heat gently so that the butter starts to foam. Add the julienned leeks and a tablespoon of water.

Cook the leeks for 2 to 3 minutes so they are soft and just cooked, then set aside. Pour the remaining oil into a non-stick, ovenproof frying pan and place over a medium heat.

While the pan is heating up, preheat the oven to 350°F  

Season the halibut fillets on both sides with the salt and pepper then add to the frying pan. Pan fry for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. 

Place the frying pan into the oven and cook for 4 minutes, or until the fish is just cooked through.

Back to the Sauce/Bisque
Remove the bisque from the heat and pass through a fine sieve into another saucepan. Return to the heat and bring back to the boil. Slowly whisk in the double cream, then the remaining unsalted butter to form a bisque sauce. Check the seasoning.

Add the langoustine tails to the bisque sauce and let cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat.

Combine the chopped chives and the cooked, shredded leek, then spoon onto plates to form neat piles. Place the halibut fillets on top

Arrange the langoustine tails around the halibut and spoon over a little of the bisque sauce. Serve immediately

*Langoustines can be substituted with large fresh shrimp or lobster pieces.

**Lobster Bisque is available at most upscale grocers seafood department and always check with your local fish market (fish monger)
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