Who Says Savory and Summer Don't Mix!

Learn how to do Who Says Savory and Summer Don't Mix! for your friends and family. this revenue from Who Says Savory and Summer Don't Mix! it is delicious

Make Who Says Savory and Summer Don't Mix!

I know we all tend to shift a little bit in our thinking about what to cook for friends and family as the seasons change.  In most cases, a tart featuring butternut squash and Gorgonzola  would be served at a fall/winter repast....WHY? Great flavors are great flavors and the casualness of presentation certainly lends itself to a relaxed meal inside or a picnic outside!

Butternut Squash, Pear and Gorgonzola Flatbread Tart

Serves 6
Total time:  4 hours, plus proving time


Bread Base *
9 oz of all purpose flour
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 oz of dried yeast
5 oz of water, cold
1 dash of olive oil

1/2 butternut squash;
peeled and finely sliced into circular slices and then those cut in half forming half moon shaped pieces.
3 pears;
peeled and finely sliced into circular slices and then those cut in half forming half moon shaped pieces.
6 oz of Gorgonzola, crumbled
1 tsp plain flour
3 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves only
4 oz of rocket or other small leafed lettuce
2 dashes of olive oil


Add the flour to a large bowl with the sugar, salt and yeast (make sure the yeast is active, check the use by date). Using your hands, mix to incorporate the ingredients and warm up the flour a little.

Make a well in the flour and gradually add the water and a dash of olive oil, mixing as you go. Turn out onto a work surface and knead until a smooth dough forms.

Line a large impeccably clean bowl with plastic wrap and place the dough in the bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place to rise until doubled in size, for up to 2 hours. (This is where you can start  using the thawed frozen bread dough)

Preheat the oven to 475°F

Turn the risen dough onto a floured work surface and gently knock it down, kneading the dough for 5 minutes or so until all of the air has been kneaded out.

Roll the dough out into a 1/2 in thick circle - this may take some time.

Crumble small pieces of the cheese all around the outside of the dough, then fold in the edges so that you have a crust with the cheese inside.

Transfer to a large baking sheet and arrange the butternut squash and pear on the base.  Start with the sliced butternut squash by laying them in a fan shape around the outer edges, then in the middle with the sliced pears, again creating a circular fan shape.  Refer to the image of the tart above.

Dust with flour, drizzle with a little olive oil and scatter the thyme over the tart.

Let the pan sit for another 20 minutes giving it a little more time to proof (rise).

Bake in the oven for 35 minutes until cooked through completely - the base should lift easily away from the middle of the pan.

Allow to cool slightly then drizzle the rocket with olive oil and scatter over the top of the tart. Slice and serve immediately.

* You certainly could use frozen pre-made dough. 

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