Talk About Layers of Flavor!

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Make Talk About Layers of Flavor!

What a wonderful warm weathered dish!  Rustic chicken and ham hock terrine recipe makes a wonderful weekend treat even more so when served with some homemade brioche and an chipotle mayonnaise.

Ham Hock and Chicken Terrine with Chipotle Mayonnaise and Toasted Brioche

Serves 6
Total time:  3 hours, plus 2 days soaking and setting


Ham Hock and Chicken Terrine 
2 ham hocks
3 chicken breasts
10 slices of Parma ham
3 savoy cabbage leaves
1 carrot
1/2 onion, skinned
1 celery stalk
1 bay leaf
2 garlic cloves
micro fennel
vegetable oil
1 packet of Knox gelatin

Parma Ham Crisps
6 slices of Parma ham

Chipotle Mayonnaise (purchase already made at grocer)

1 loaf of Brioche (purchase at your local bakery or grocer)

Equipment Needed
Rolling pin
Terrine mold
Fine strainer
Large loaf tin


Ham Hocks
Place the ham hocks in a tub of fresh cold water and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Remove from the fridge and wash under cold water.

Add the ham hocks to a large stock pot with the carrot, onion, celery, bay leaf and garlic and enough cold water to cover. Place the pot on the stove and bring to the boil.

Reduce the heat until it is simmering and let cook for approximately 2 hours, or until the meat begins to fall off the bone. Top up the water if you need to and skim any impurities that rise to the surface. Once cooked, leave the hocks to cool down in the cooking liquid

Once cool, remove the hocks from the cooking liquid, and the packet of gelatin and heat the stock until warm (so any fat melts back into the stock). Pass through a fine strainer, return the stock to the stove and reduce by half (this process is very important.  The reduction will be used to help hold the terrine together). Pass through a muslin cloth into a container and set aside.

Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a pan. Season the chicken breasts all over and sear in the pan until golden. Transfer to the oven and cook until a meat thermometer reaches 167°F when inserted into the center of the breast. Set aside.
vegetable oil

Pick all of the meat off the ham hocks. Set aside until needed.

Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes, then remove and refresh in iced cold water. Once cool, lay on a cloth and pat dry. Then, using a rolling pin, roll out the cabbage leaves until the veins are all flat.k

Lay out some plastic, 3 layers thick, onto a work surface approximately 2 1/2 ft long and about 4 in wider than the width of the terrine mold. Lay out the Parma ham on top of the cling film and spread out, overlapping the pieces so there is enough to cover the whole terrine.

Grease the terrine mold with a little oil and carefully drape the plastic wrap and Parma ham on top. Push the plastic wrap into the corners, taking care not to tear the ham. Shape the cabbage leaves into the mold on top of the Parma ham.

Slice the chicken breasts lengthways into strips that are 1/4" thick and 2 inches long. Place 1 layer of chicken into the bottom of the mold, then add a thin layer of ham hock meat. Pour over a little of the ham hock stock, then repeat these layers until all of the meat is used up. The ham stocks fat/gelatin when chilled after assembly will help hold the terrine together.

Lay the remaining cabbage leaf over the top of the filling, tucking it between the other leaves and the filling. Carefully peal the parma ham hanging over the edges from the plastic wrap folding the ends over the top of the cabbage. Do this to all sides of the terrine. You are beginning to make a package.

Fold the excess plastic wrap over the terrine helping it keep its shape.

Pierce all the way through with a tooth pick and place a tray on top with something heavy to weigh down the terrine (try an everyday house brick wrapped in plastic as the weight). Place the mold  on a lipped  tray to catch the excess stock and leave in the fridge to set for a minimum of 6 hours, ideally overnight.

Preheat the oven to 350°F

On a non-stick tray or one lined with parchment paper, lay the 6 slices of Parma ham, cover with a sheet of parchemtn paper and lay another tray on top. Cook in the oven until crispy, then remove and leave to cool.

To serve, cut a slice of the terrine for each serving. Add some dots of the mayonnaise onto each plate. Dress the micro fennel and add to the plates along with the Parma ham crisps. Slice and toast some brioche and serve alongside the terrine.

Brioche is a highly enriched bread whose high egg and butter content give it a rich and tender texture with a dark, golden flaky crust...Delicious!  If you can't locate Brioche, use
Kings Hawaiian Sweet Dinner Rolls  slightly toasted.

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