Take Advantage of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables!

Learn how to do Take Advantage of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables! for your friends and family. this revenue from Take Advantage of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables! it is delicious

Make Take Advantage of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables!

In this case....Figs!   It may be the case where most of us have only tasted figs in that simplest of all time honored cookies....the Fig Newton, created in 1891.  I am sure there are recipes using figs that go way back before 1891, but my point is that many people haven't tasted a fig in their life!  Now is the time and what a delicious way to be introduced into the world of Figs.  Like many fruits, figs are very seasonal so check out your produce section at your grocer or local farmer markets and fruit stands and try the few varieties of figs that are available.

Roasted Potatoes with Goat's Cheese, Pine Nuts and Fresh Figs

Serves 4
Total time:  50 minutes


2 lb of small Yukon potatoes(fingerlings, baby, creamers, new, all work well)
2 oz of clarified butter
8 garlic cloves, skin on
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
2 oz of pine nuts
5 oz of goat's cheese
4 figs
black pepper


Preheat the oven to 400°F

Place the potatoes in a big saucepan filled with cold salted water.  Bring to a boil, simmer and cook until the potatoes can be pierced easily and are tender and just cooked.

Drain the potatoes and put them back in the pan where they were cooked, cover, and allow to steam for 5 minutes before adding the clarified butter. Add the garlic cloves and thyme and season with salt and pepper and place in the oven to roast for 20 minutes, until golden.

Remove from the oven, add the pine nuts and return for an additional 5 minutes

Goat Cheese and Figs
While the potatoes are cooking, crumble the goats cheese into bite-sized portions and slice the figs into fourths. Place both ingredients in the refrigerator until required.

When your potatoes are ready, remove from the oven and place in a serving dish along with the figs. Toss gently. Lightly crumble the goats cheese over the warm potatoes and figs.  Serve warm.
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